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Ideas welcome. New to blogging.

Discussion in 'General Business' started by ContentbyMary, Sep 1, 2019.

  1. #1
    So! I've unexpectedly found the nitch that I am genuinely passionate about after nearly four months of reading blogs, taking classes and gathering all of the blogging ins and outs that I can find. Now here's the problem. What I'm writing about it a bit of a touchy subject but something that needs to be brought to attention. Bikers, truck drivers, Roadworkers, and more that need people to take a new outlook on who they are, what they do, and the kinds of things they deal with every day. Problem is, I can't come up with a name that would encompass the awareness and the more intimate look at the things that most people take for granted. Any suggestions would be appreciated on names or ideas to add to my list of things to write about. Thank you in advance!
    ContentbyMary, Sep 1, 2019 IP
  2. kfmaggie1995

    kfmaggie1995 Greenhorn

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    This is very interesting. I never thought of writing something like this. What I always do is, I write what I want to write and then I let what I'm writing tell me what the title is going to be. But as a starting point- "In the Life of Hard Workers on the Road". Just play around with it until you feel like you have the right title for what you are writing.
    kfmaggie1995, Sep 20, 2019 IP
  3. JoeSpirit

    JoeSpirit Well-Known Member

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    Your request is difficult. Seems you're mixing three different subjects (road workers, drivers, bike riders) and that makes titling your site complicated in my mind.

    You might try playing around with "Trials And Tribulations Of Working And Driving Over The Road."

    I'm not sure that exactly works for your topic. Maybe you can shed some more light?
    JoeSpirit, Sep 21, 2019 IP
  4. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    The commonality is road.... Mary's Road.. Road to Mary's Thoughts... Road Mary... Ride With Mary.... Mary Go Round... Proud Mary... I'm just spitting out things...
    NetStar, Sep 22, 2019 IP
  5. JoeSpirit

    JoeSpirit Well-Known Member

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    Big wheels keep on turnin...
    JoeSpirit, Sep 22, 2019 IP
  6. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    As Joe said they don't have much in common except... danger. It's counter-intuitive but you could try something like: Addicted to danger, dangerous pursuit, life on the line.
    qwikad.com, Sep 22, 2019 IP
    JoeSpirit likes this.