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Improve your Travel experience of Hajj/Umrah

Discussion in 'General Business' started by flyhajj, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. #1
    The biggest obstacle to performing pilgrimage is finding the right tour operators in your country/city. Sometimes there are genuine problems where you do not get what you are promised and being on your own is not so comforting in Saudi Arabia. Knowing Arabic helps but you are at the mercy of others. Above all, your experience is ruined if you have other problems such as transportation or accommodation.

    We are the team that created FlyHajj.com & FlyUmrah.com, global platform for connecting pilgrims to Hajj & Umrah tour operators. The project was started as we ourselves had lots of issues finding the right travel agent offering the best quote/prices.

    So we thought of creating a platform where we could connect certified travel agents (approved by Ministry of Hajj, KSA) with prospective pilgrims. But since we wanted to make sure that pilgrims get the best price and none of the travel agents get preferential treatment, we made it FREE. We get enquiries from travel agents as to why it is free? Whats in there for FlyHajj.com? Our humble reply is that its “Fi-sabeelillah”. And thats true. MashAllah we have already connected hundreds of pilgrims with travel agents globally.

    We have also initiated a program where we allow Muslims who are well-off and can sponsor others for Hajj & Umrah. What could be a bigger reward than helping others perform pilgrimage! You could also let us know if you would like to sponsor somebody by emailing us at .

    We also allow locals to offer hotels, apartments or car rentals etc. in Saudia Arabia to create their postings so we have an open marketplace which is naturally more competitive. There are new posts everyday which are useful for travel agents as well as pilgrims.

    Please share your Umrah or Hajj experiences and let us know your thoughts on FlyHajj.com.

    FlyHajj Team
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2011
    flyhajj, Aug 10, 2011 IP
  2. Elliott_AU

    Elliott_AU Peon

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    Should use some paragraphs bro.
    Elliott_AU, Aug 10, 2011 IP
  3. chicagohajj21

    chicagohajj21 Peon

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    Assalam O Aleikum
    Hajj Services such that you can perform your religious duties with Faith, Comfort and convince at reasonable price even for Low-Middle Income people. National and International Ticketing, Visa processing, guidance through out the world, and also arranging, Hotels, Motels, Buildings for the tourists.Following are the some exclusive packages we have :-

    1. 3M ECONOMY
    $50 off per person from Chicago Hajj Umrah at the time of booking.

    2. Express Hajj
    Those who are on a limited budget. Additional $50 off per person from Airline.

    3. 3M Silver
    Those who wish to perform Hajj for the first time and want to do extra Ibaada. Additional $50 off per person from Airline. FREE HAJJ KIT (Valued $125)

    4. Super Fast Hajj
    Those who have previously performed Hajj and would like to perform another one in a short duration of time.
    For Further Details visit our website:
    chicagohajj dot com
    chicagohajj21, Oct 10, 2011 IP
  4. Sumaiya78

    Sumaiya78 Peon

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    Embarking on the expedition from Makkah to Madinah is a revered voyage, rich in religion and significance. At Umrah Taxi service, we’re devoted to elevating this spiritual journey with our remarkable taxi services, ensuring a seamless and meaningful experience for energy pilgrimage.
    Sumaiya78, Jan 6, 2024 IP
  5. Sumaiya78

    Sumaiya78 Peon

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    Taxi service in Makkah and Madinah is not a substantial taxi service; it’s an acquaintance that synthesizes the panicked pilgrimage with comfortable and predictable transportation. If Your one termination objective for all your spiritualistic shipping in Makkah and Madinah. We provide comfortable and predictable transportation services at aggressive prices, making us the accomplished choice for both singles and groups.
    Sumaiya78, Jan 6, 2024 IP