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Internet start-up offers two $50,000 prizes for Beta Testers:

Discussion in 'General Business' started by maue, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. #1
    You are receiving this offer due to your rankings at Top-Ranked-Blog

    We are offering you a free one year premium membership at Ideapals.org, the worlds first ever social network built around ideas:

    Your HONEST review, good bad or otherwise, will earn you a one year Premium group sponsorship (a $90 value) fopr free: simply post the review than send us a link, and we will send a coupon code.

    You can use a free group to write the review and try out the site. Here is the press release:
    Internet start-up offers two $50,000 prizes for Beta Testers:
    It was an Idea who's time had come. I was so impressed with our first Bloblive we attended in Los Angeles.

    But let me back up: I should start by giving you a little back round on myself: My name is Israel Rothman: I am a serial Entrepreneur, who has made, then lost over $8000,000.00 in the last ten years; but this is not about me, it is about the birth of the Internet, the development of a good idea, and about the beginning of a new era in human history:
    It has been my honor to be part of this story, to lose everything twice in that time, and to be able to start all over again so soon.
    This story is about cyberspace, and the Internet, and the future of the human race: it is about the technological changes that are changing the world completely, and so quickly that almost nobody sees where it is going, yet we all must try to jump in before it passes us by.
    But more than anything else, this is ta story about change: the story of the evolution of an inspiration into a thought, then an idea into a reality, and then a website, and then a business, and then a convention. It is about users, and content, and websites, and humans, and machines. It is about collaboration, in person, remotely, and from across the world. This is the true story of Ideapals.org, and Moviepals.org, and many companies with many names. This is our story, and your story, and the story of what is to come: and, only because I am alive during this time too with you, parts of it are also my story.
    I hope you enjoy this story, that you are inspired by the possibilities that have never existed before: I hope you participate, and innovate, and grow with us as you read it. But most of all I hope that it makes you think: because that is where everything begins, with a thought (what we call a spark), then an idea, then action, then collaboration....
    This is the story of how Goerge Orwell's vision of a future with the technology that we already have was exactly backwards: of how it is the least among us who have been empowered the most, of how there is no Big Brother, only us users, and playing on a more and more level playing field every day: where everyone, regardless of race, religion, or even location will have an equal chance to participate, and to communicate, and to learn, and to grow, and to build.
    Living in what seemed to me like a frat house after the end of my 28 year marriage was very uncomfortable for me: so I wanted to use every opportunity possible to get out and to meet some new clients: having had mostly Realtor and Real Estate as clients had backfired terribly: I had made the most common mistake ever: under-capitalization: with no office, no employees, and almost no overhead at all I had thought I could do it without investors this time: then this bad economy hit, and all my Real estate clients stopped buying, and stopped paying: my son and I went from first year revenues of $779 in 2007 to almost nothing at all. The ex could not take it again, so here I was in Ventura, where I had no contacts, no clients, and almost no money, in the worst economy since the 1980's.
    So I looked online and found the 'open mic' meeting at Bloblive.com on Meetup.com (a social networking website), was taking place in Santa Monica that evening.
    I convinced my son, Solomon to come with me, and we hopped in the $800 'beater' car I had bought on Ebay when I had to give my Hemmy back, and off we went to Santa Monica for free food and an opportunity to get up in front of a small audience and speak about our business.
    Interesting venue: while we were waiting for the show, we were given some blue silly putty and were told the best figurines would win a t-shirt.
    We also had a drink, and met Brian Bentow, a young, very entrepreneurial software engineer form a good Jewish family in Ventura, of all places, who by some miracle had also showed up to promote his book about computer related injuries. We did not know it at the time, but Brian would become a client, then a partner.
    Back to Bloblive, interesting: apparently the company had stated as ideablob.com, a rudimentary (by current standards) social networking site, basically a blog for business ideas. Apparently the founders had found a sponsor in the form of a bank back east that wanted to issue credit cards to entrepreneurs and small businesses, so Bloblive was born, with cameras, live feeds, local media representatives, and apparently an uncanny ability to get on the front page of Twitter every time. The idea was that the press and other online and media exposure would cause ideas to get funded.
    Unfortunately, the bank ended up failing but not before we went to several Bloblive open-mic events, and developed quite an affinity for the venue.
    When the backer went into bankruptcy, the very popular Bloblive could not adjust to a user-paid revenue model quickly enough, and it failed.
    Like Bloblive, our company, Socialmediasystems.com was barely alive at this time. We knew that our window (Search Engine Optimization) would soon be outdated, had known it for months, due to advances in Internet software: we knew that eventually, with WordPress and now it's offspring : Drupal, and other modern content managements systems would be so sophisticated, and that Google's algorithms would eventually evolve sufficiently that our core business would be outdated, and were well on our way to preparing a complete shift into higher end website development; I wanted to be a new kind of advertising agency without the inherent conflict of interest built into the pre-Internet models. Solomon had during this time all but invented an open-source type model for film-making, utilizing advances in band width and storage technology, and the complete shift to digital media to make it possible for novices and professional all over the world to collaborate and make films.
    I moved into an apartment in Ventura, and Solomon (an amateur filmmaker who had already made movies on almost no budget that have been seen millions of times from viral marketing) and Brian founded Moviepals Entertainment - based on the press and notoriety Solomon had gained with his low-cost film-making ventures and the extensive press and buzz created for that aspect of the business by Bloblive, including write-ups in the Los Angeles times, and a host of others including National Public Radio (NPR), and with a very small investment form Brian; he moved into an industrial loft with all his green screens, cameras, boom mics, and other film-making paraphernalia, with is new wife, Honey. MOVIEPALS.ORG NOW HAS A SUBSTANTIAL INCOME OF IT'S OWN FROM GOOGLE ADSENSE REVENUE ALONE, AND GETS OVER 1,000 UNIQUE VISITORS PER DAY: AND THEY ARE JUST WRITING THE SCREENPLAYS NOW:

    They have been able t0 continue all year in 2009 with revenues from freelance Drupal web design, and I have continued to do website design work in order to survive.
    I should stop here to tell you that none of this up-to now is unusual for Internet entrepreneurs: the market changes too quickly, the technology changes too quickly, nobody can keep up. In order to survive, we have been in a constant state of research and development since 2001, when I invented a way to create organic search engine placement by giving away free ads,which evolved into our current methods, with RSS feeds and blogs, and that is constantly changing too: it is like a race, with trade secrets outliving their usefulness so quickly as to have the value of milk stored at room temperature on an open shelf.
    So with them moving forward with Moviepals.org without me, and my business (what was left of it) struggling, I needed to do something, and the idea of creating a marketplace evolved: like e-lance or Renta-coder without getting in the way of the transactions with a more free user opt-up revenue model like meetup.com, with over 1,000,000 Meetup groups, with the organizers paying $20 per month for this very robust facilitation and RSVP system with revenue model built in.
    If you are wondering about where this is all going, consider that most of these events took place in under 6 months in 2009 in the worst economy since the great depression!
    Think about how quickly things change, how volatile it all is, but also how quickly modern technology adapts, and how much less expensive this stuff all is than it used to be, and you will start to understand the big big idea that we came up with while we were all three collaborating and studying e-lance, Rent-a-Coder, linked-in and several other sites while we prepared the build the new software with all the new, modern options in one place: ideapals.org is the big big idea: and it has just gone live in Beta: built in only three weeks in spare time by the collective efforts basically of two programmers: what would have cost millions a few months ago!
    Whew! If this is making you head spin, you are not alone! Now get used to it! Welcome to my world, and yours now!
    Enter: Ideapals.org, social networking and free project management, with the moviepals.org collaborative video platform on steroids!
    Imagine only needing one profile with one database, where all your functions, HR, Buying, selling, groups, meet-ups..AND ALL FREE, BUT WAIT: NOW ADD THAT YOU CAN MAKE MONEY DOING WHATEVER YOU LOVE, LIKE US: INTERESTED? YOU SHOULD BE!

    The best features of Linked-in.com, Meetup.com, Basecamp.com, Ning.com, Facebook.com, digg.com, Associatedcontent.com, Activerain.com, E-Lance, Rent-a-Coder:
    And now some stuff you have never seen before: enter the first social network where everything including the data-flow is built around ideas instead of posts, pages, and/or profiles: and it is ALL FREE: project management, matchmaking, HR, buying and selling, collaboration, market testing...but that is not all: you can work doing whatever you are passionate about, and get paid!
    We have invented the currency of NOD's:

    Bringing passionate people together to collaborate, innovate, and make money doing what they love! ENTER: IDEAPALS.ORG!
    Everything you do around here earns NODs (Natural Overtures Of Distinction) and we have placed a value on the currency of NODs: Whenever you have an idea, an opinion, a comment, a friend, or what we call a 'spark', and you share it: you get paid in NODs!
    Not only can yo make real money, even a full time income for sharing what you know about what you love with like-minded people, and collaborating on projects together for free: we are going to give away over $100,000.00 in cash and prizes:
    You could win a $50,000 marketing campaign and Modern Social Website for your business for just for signing up here for free!
    Here is what we will give away in less than one year: (you can see the clock ticking down at the left of every page at Ideapals.org!)
    There two ways to win this $50,000 Website and Marketing Campaign:
    • Absolutely FREE Acquia Drupal elaborate, custom website:
    • Comes Complete with Branding, Graphics, Custom Functions,
    • A Viral, Guerilla Marketing Public Relations Campaign
    • A Video in HD and Web-ready formats to promote the project, distributed to the world on multiple video sharing sites
    • SEO (search engine optimization) SEM (search engine marketing)
    • Premium, Dedicated, Unlimited Usage Hosting for one year on our server
    • Link building and other advertising including:
    • A premium video advertisement added at the end of every episode the 56 week Crowd Driven Series we are about to Release (Mob-Mentality Logo) in it’s second calendar year, to bring traffic to the site forever!
    • A banner and add showing your progress as the first year winner on Ideapals.org for the next year!
    1st WAY TO WIN: BE one of the FIRST 5000 people to sign up here: ideapals.org :
    2ND WAY TO WIN: PARTICIPATION: (Merit) Whoever has the most *NODs wins an additional $50,000 Campaign identical to the one above!
    You will ALSO have chances to win the Grand Prize and other prizes by signing up for FREE: For everything you do at IdeaPals, you will also be compensated in NODs:
    *What is a NOD? It is our currency of participation and innovation: Everything you do at Ideapals.org or Moviepals.org earns Natural Overtures of Distinction: NODs for short:
    Actions you get NODs for:
    1. Authoring the best reply - 5 NODs
    2. Commenting on Sparks (ideas), IdeaPals groups, - 5 NODs
    3. Invite other people - 5 NODs each
    4. When invited user registers - 50 NODs each
    5. When you register if you were invited - 50 NODs
    6. Moderation - Approve - 1 NOD
    7. Moderation - Delete - 1 NOD
    8. Moderation Response -5 NODs
    9. Viewing IdeaPals Group, Spark - 1 NOD 1
    10. Registering - 25 NODs
    11. Posting an IdeaPals Free Group - 50 NODs
    12. Posting a Spark (idea) - 10 NODs
    13. Moderating a comment - 1 NOD
    14. Posting a picture - 10 NODs
    15. Voting up or down - 1 NOD
    16. Flagging - 1 NOD
    Please rate the following features of Ideapals.org 1-10 (10 is best) for 25 pre-nods and a chance to win the prizes above:
    1. Graphics
    2. Concept
    3. Copy
    4. Anything else that you would like to add
    5. Role, if any, that you would play in our launch (IE: Beta Tester, Partner, Vendor, Reseller, User, Buyer, Seller)
    You will also have the chance to win may other prizes and upgrades that we will give away weekly and monthly to winners of our NODs contests including:
    • Free websites
    • Free hosting
    • Free upgrades
    • Free advertising
    • Free video production
    • Free project management
    • Free CRM
    • Free mass email campaign And many other incentives just for participating, collaborating, even soliciting:
    Visit now!

    Israel Rothman Marketing Director
    Moviepals.org Entertainment LLC
    Socialmediasystems.com, I am CEO
    Cell 805-827-2450
    Skype: Israel.Rothman
    Yahoo IM: izzyreal51

    Israel Rothman Marketing Director
    Moviepals.org Entertainment LLC
    Socialmediasystems.com, I am CEO
    Cell 805-827-2450
    Skype: Israel.Rothman
    Yahoo IM: izzyreal51
    maue, Jan 31, 2010 IP
  2. swarg

    swarg Peon

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    Do you seriously think that somebody can read the whole message?
    swarg, Jan 31, 2010 IP
  3. FavouritesBlog

    FavouritesBlog Peon

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    What a big load of rubbish...... By the time i finished reading it i had forgotten what the start of the article was telling me.
    FavouritesBlog, Jan 31, 2010 IP
  4. manofwar

    manofwar Active Member

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    You'd think they'd use ',' better lol $8000,000.00 maybe $8,000,000.00 :eek::p
    manofwar, Feb 1, 2010 IP