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Inventory and sales management between Grocery Store and same Ecommerce site

Discussion in 'General Business' started by zaaylo, Aug 7, 2018.

  1. #1
    I am looking for solution...
    For a running local grocery store (since 2 yrs) i want to startup an e-commerce web for the same grocery products and inventory.

    it possible with WOOCOMMERCE ? is it possible ? is there any link for the same..
    Or any other Opensource resources

    I want a to develop it, a development company or freelancer who can give me solution to manage with live stock Inventory management for local store and upcoming ecommerce store with one stop solution. (i wish to automize entire structure of my business step by step.


    expecting best suggestions/guideline from my DigitalPoint community friends.

    Thanks in advance.
    zaaylo, Aug 7, 2018 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Are you selling supermarket type items - so people can do their weekly shopping online?
    sarahk, Aug 15, 2018 IP
    zaaylo likes this.
  3. zaaylo

    zaaylo Well-Known Member

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    Yes it's suprmasuper type, people buying daily from and going to start online
    zaaylo, Aug 15, 2018 IP