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Is Google Workspace The Best Option ?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by lazslo van havre, Aug 23, 2023.

  1. #1
    Hey guys,

    I want to set up my business email, but I'm not sure if Google Workspace is really the best option or if there are any cheaper/better alternatives. So I was hoping you guys could help me out.

    Thanks in advance;)
    lazslo van havre, Aug 23, 2023 IP
  2. tobysurf

    tobysurf Active Member

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    Zoho Mail.
    Webex App.
    Webex Meetings.
    Microsoft Teams.
    Constant Contact.
    tobysurf, Aug 24, 2023 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  3. Anonymous-Proxies.net

    Anonymous-Proxies.net Greenhorn

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    Hello lazslo!

    There are plenty of other options you might want to consider.

    Microsoft 365: If you're already in the Windows ecosystem, give Microsoft 365 a look. Outlook is pretty solid and you get Office apps bundled in. It's like a one-stop-shop for productivity.

    Zoho Mail: Zoho's got a free tier and their paid plans won't break the bank either. You get email plus some decent office apps.

    Fastmail: If you're the private type, Fastmail might be up your alley. They're not scanning your emails to serve ads or anything. It’s email, plain and simple.

    ProtonMail: All about that encryption life? ProtonMail's got you covered with end-to-end encryption. They even have a free plan, but for business stuff, you'll probably want to go paid. I personally find the proton mail being the best choice.

    Anonymous-Proxies.net, Aug 26, 2023 IP
  4. Edge88

    Edge88 Active Member

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    If you're looking to scale and you're looking to use these email addresses for cold outbound email, I'd stay away from Zoho (google Zoho Apocalypse).

    Google will give you the most flexibility for sending volume too.

    If you have a team, look for something with calendar features. Most would have them, google cal works great! I'm sure Microsoft 365 is a great provider also.
    Edge88, Sep 10, 2023 IP
    Wyla likes this.
  5. BarbaraRogers

    BarbaraRogers Member

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    Google Workspace provides a full suite of productivity and collaboration tools capable of many business needs. Its apps like Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Meet, and Chat integrate seamlessly, allowing effective teamwork. The pricing is also affordable for most small and medium-sized businesses. However, there may be better options than Google Workspace in some situations. Other competitors like Microsoft 365 and Slack also offer quality alternatives that could be a better fit depending on a company's specific workflow and industry. Evaluating features, pricing, and integrating existing systems would help determine the most suitable option for each unique organization. While Google Workspace is a strong contender, the "best" choice depends on individual business requirements.
    BarbaraRogers, Sep 13, 2023 IP
  6. CASBrad

    CASBrad Peon

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    I vote Google Workspace mainly due to its ease of use and I am now a huge fan of Google Meet. It has come a long way since the days of Hangouts. It's very easy to manage and integrates with any tool imaginable. And using with a team makes the day flow so easy with chat and shared docs etc. One thing you will notice is the cost, especially once you start adding team members. Hopefully your revenue is growing at the same time and you don't mind :)

    On the note of using it for cold emails, I have been running a campaign now for a couple of months and have not had an issue with Gmail. My tool connects directly into Gmail and sends via Gmail. It works really well.
    CASBrad, Sep 13, 2023 IP
  7. Sumit_Singh

    Sumit_Singh Well-Known Member

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    We have been using Google Workspace in our organization for years and it's all we need.
    Sumit_Singh, Sep 14, 2023 IP