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    y u no do it?

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Is myspace advertising dead? YES

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by suprastan, Aug 31, 2007.

  1. TonyCap

    TonyCap Peon

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    I agree it is harder, but it is not dead. I get a decent amount of traffic from them. To me it is like word of mouth advertising. It is slower, but eventually you build a good set of return visitors.
    TonyCap, Sep 11, 2007 IP
  2. webcosmo

    webcosmo Notable Member

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    MySpace is a great site. Doesn't work much as per getting traffic or so. If you look at myspace, spam is everywhere. Blog comments, classifieds, forums, groups. Its just full of spams. If you wanna find gold out of it, you got to be real expert.
    webcosmo, Sep 11, 2007 IP
  3. Judd

    Judd Active Member

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    People don't understand that you gotta change when technology changes. When myspace (or any other site) patches the site, you gotta stick with it and find a new way around the patch. People are still making good money. Also, if you're sure a method will work, don't be afraid to spend some money up front to get the ball rolling. If you're sure it's gonna work, it will be returned to you shortly. You gotta spend money to make money. Don't be afraid. Making money is all about taking the risk.
    Judd, Sep 11, 2007 IP
  4. ShadowMarketer

    ShadowMarketer Peon

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    No, Myspace advertising is not dead. However, I can say with 100% certainty that the old methods of Myspace advertising ARE dead. Look at it this way:

    How do you think Myspace marketing got started? You think Myspace opened it's site with a "How-To Guide for Using my Site in Ways That Were Not Intended and Profiting"? No, somebody saw the potential, and came up with their own ways to use the site to their advantage. Well, Myspace has thwarted those techniques (after an unnaturally long time), and now you're in the same position as the guy who started the whole Myspace Marketing trend (and likely got very, very rich off of it, mind you).

    So go to Myspace, and find a way to profit. You'd be surprised at how much potential there still is with Myspace to make money. Of course, you are likely not going to suddenly come up with an idea and then make 10 trillion dollars... but rather, you are going to see a little profit coming in, and you are going to tweak it until it does make you a great income.

    I can tell you this; there is a ton of people who would be rich right now, if only they had persevered with their ideas, instead of giving up when it didn't work the first time.
    ShadowMarketer, Sep 11, 2007 IP
    Judd likes this.
  5. Dollar

    Dollar Active Member

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    I think the most lucrative someone came up with was to hi-jack other people's accounts. By using a spam myspace resource site. People come in and put in there "log in" details to auto install layouts etc..becuase there lazy I guess... but unknowling ..the site will use your log in details to advertise on your friends comments
    Dollar, Sep 11, 2007 IP
  6. Judd

    Judd Active Member

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    Right but legal action can and is being taken on people who are and have phished accounts. Just stick to creating accounts and adding friends the old fashioned way ;) Keeps it legal (ethics is another story) and works just as well.
    Judd, Sep 11, 2007 IP
  7. Dollar

    Dollar Active Member

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    Yes that deffinalty not legal. But i'm sure we have all seen it. one of your real life friends spamming your comments
    "...Hey buddy why are you spamming my comments??!"
    ...Oh sorry bro. I didn't post that? wtf I dont konw how that happened?!"
    Dollar, Sep 11, 2007 IP
  8. ShadowMarketer

    ShadowMarketer Peon

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    Seems to me like more and more illegal activity is going on in Internet Marketing every day. Seems to be those people that enter the world of internet marketing hoping to get rich with a simple step-by-step formula. As soon as they realize that it takes a lot of work to make money online, they start doing the 'blackhat' stuff, and eventually get into full-throttle illegal activity. Tisk, tisk, tisk.
    ShadowMarketer, Sep 11, 2007 IP
  9. surfaddict

    surfaddict Active Member

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    i already left myspace nearly one year because my profile been spamming too much. Since i really hate been spammed like that, so i will not do the same to others. More bad think when most of the profile are from the same person who create 100 profiles there. Myspace method need to be done as creative as you can. :)
    surfaddict, Sep 11, 2007 IP