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Is this allowed on social media / rules

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by EssEss, Nov 3, 2021.

  1. #1
    I have written a Christian book and I want it to be free in a pdf form on social media

    I talk about some things that im not sure if they are against social media rules
    (facebook,twitter,google +,stumbleupon,buffer,linkedln,pinterest,tumblr and others).

    it would be ideal if I could put the book in pdf form directly on those social medias but if its
    somehow an issue i could put it on another webpage and point to that page from the social
    media. And just put a list of subjects talked about/chapter names

    the things i am concerned about are including but not limited to: demons, lust, suicide,
    gangsters, and school shootings, how to have faith and get results from God, and how to
    either overcome these things or why its happening and a better way kind of thing.

    also my book name is Dying to self, which is a Christian term referring to less of me and more of God. as in getting rid of the things in your personal life that get in the way of getting closer to God.

    question 1, is there an issue with this name they may mis think it and think its self harm
    the following are the topic titles right out of my book that are the most questionable ones, this is a small fraction of all the topics the others in my opinion are more benign(like love one
    another, speak positive, overcoming fear, prayer, relationship skills, pride and so on.)

    Dying to self
    Foolish Spending
    Faith(how to get your desired result)
    Spiritual Suffocation(the devil harassing you)
    Physical Ailment of a demonic nature(demonic applied ailments and how to overcome it)
    Sticky Emotions and Demonic Pressure(emotions pushed on by demons)
    Dominion and Good and Evil(why bad things happen in life)
    The Devil’s on the Outside(demonic harassment)
    Devil's last stand and strong demon submission(how to overcome demonic harassment)
    Know your spiritual boundaries what you have authority over(describing in detail the spiritual
    world of demons)
    Hidden Demons / Familiar spirit
    Overcoming Lust
    Suicide(how to overcome this)
    Depression(how to overcome this)
    The Impressionable mind looking for acceptance/rejection(why kids go with bad influences
    this topic talks about school shootings and gangsters also)

    2nd question: can i put that file(full book pdf)on my social account for people to download

    my 3rd question is what happens if these social media sites find something they don't like, will they ban me forever or can i fix the problem.

    4th question do they review the entirety of it all or do they just go off of just one tid bit of it.

    5th question can i put topic/chapter list if they do have issues with this, but just not talk about it there and refer them to my webpage or other website that hosts my book for free.
    EssEss, Nov 3, 2021 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I haven't had to deal with content like that but I'd be fascinated to know why you think god lets school shootings happen.
    sarahk, Nov 4, 2021 IP
  3. EssEss

    EssEss Peon

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    ok since your a staff and you asked, im no saying i agree with school shootings but i was saying why the kids feel they have to hurt others, because they get so picked on by others and the pain get multiplied in them and they feel the only way out is to hurt those who hurt them, again im not saying i agree with it, just what is happening in their minds

    now as to why God allows this is because God gave all of the earth to all humans and that means all authority. so what we the authority on the earth allow to happen is what happens, God will not work around this authority He has given us, he requires us to ask him to invervien by prayer and useing our authority on this earth and give it back to him to use. so if no one does this then God cant do anything to intervien. because he gave all authorty to mankind, and he will not work around that. so why bad things happen in this life is because man allows it. this is it in a nut shell and im probably not really doing it justice at the moment because i took more time formulating the topic than just a few minutes right now.

    please dont be mad at this im just trying to explain why it happens even if it seems unfair. and im sure no doubt this is a painful topic for many. and one of the most hardest topics to talk about. with so many bad things that happen in this life. im just trying to explain it the best i can.

    but does anyone know about my questions above im hopeing that i can put my book on a social media
    EssEss, Nov 4, 2021 IP
  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I love your confidence that God doesn't look down on us, think "these idiots can't handle shit" and take back that authority until we've proven we're capable of not fucking up. I look at climate change, wars, racism and if I was a God I'd be tempted to start over Noah style.
    sarahk, Nov 5, 2021 IP
  5. EssEss

    EssEss Peon

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    I appreciate your comment, thank you.
    EssEss, Nov 5, 2021 IP