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Is Wordpress best program for making websites these days?

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by Captainkirk91, May 1, 2017.

  1. Flint NIger

    Flint NIger Active Member

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    i would prefer joomla, which is quiet better then WP.
    Flint NIger, Jul 30, 2017 IP
  2. Spartan14

    Spartan14 Well-Known Member

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    Well majority of people use wordpress to create theyr sites if it was not good not all people will use it
    Spartan14, Jul 31, 2017 IP
    locals likes this.
  3. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    so... your suggestion is to create something in HTML??

    How are you going to store user information and process payments, utilizing ONLY html??

    And why would you try to reinvent the wheel when the one made already spins smoother and faster than the one you are TRYING to create? That will be more like a square and will not roll or be able to keep up with trends.

    How many people will you have that are constantly working on security vulnerabilities, there are so many things wrong with your post that I am not even going to apply anymore time... I am actually going to go create a fully operational and functional site in 10 minutes or less, using wordpress. That you can not create anything near, let alone for the price. All of you developers are mad because wordpress put you out of a job BOO WHOOO!
    locals, Jul 31, 2017 IP
  4. MrKing01

    MrKing01 Active Member

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    I won't get into a discussion with a troll. You claim that there are so many things wrong with the post but yet you fail to identify what is wrong.
    MrKing01, Jul 31, 2017 IP
  5. PoPSiCLe

    PoPSiCLe Illustrious Member

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    While the statement "create something in HTML" is a bit misleading, as @locals stated (you will need a server-side backend to do anything useful, and not spend all your time updating static pages), Wordpress have major faults, which more often than not makes it the wrong choice, regardless of how fast one can put up a "functioning" site with it. And I've worked with WP, created plugins, themes, admin-controls for themes, and other more or less involved projects. It can be beaten into most what you want to do, that is true. Some things, it actually does fairly well, especially compared to specialized software to do the same, like a web-store. Yes, you can run Magento, for quite a bit more money, a lot more headache, and much bigger server-costs, or you can set up WooCommerce in a day, for peanuts, and run it even on shared hosting (although it's not recommended).

    The problem with Wordpress, however, is that it is so full of holes a sieve seems solid in comparison. Especially if you have no knowledge of what you're doing. The basic methods for db-connections are insecure, and when you start installing plugins (which most people do), you get even more potential holes to cover.

    I've run "secure" Wordpress installs, but it takes effort, and time. First of all, you basically need to either create your own functionality, or at least go through and check every plugin manually - what takes longer depends on the functionality / plugins, of course. And, unless you go with a basic theme, and modify it yourself, the same goes for themes. Yes, you can add a bunch of plugins promising to secure the installation, but again, you're no stronger than the weakest link (and in most cases, that is the user installing the software).

    Wordpress has its place, unfortunately it's become the go-to solution for problems it was never meant to solve.
    PoPSiCLe, Jul 31, 2017 IP
    locals likes this.
  6. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    Don't worry, I've seen that jokers sites now. @locals wouldn't know a good, useful, fast loading site from the hole in his backside... given the FIRST thing he linked me to was as 1.6 megabyte monstrousity with over 800k of static CSS and scripttardery IN THE MARKUP!... and they only went downhill from there.

    Adding linefeeds for clarity, this is an example of the type of rubbish he's ok with deploying:

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Blog" prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#" 
    class="html_stretched responsive av-preloader-disabled av-default-lightbox html_header_top html_logo_left html_main_nav_header
     html_menu_right html_slim html_header_sticky html_header_shrinking html_header_transparency html_mobile_menu_phone
    html_disabled html_header_searchicon_disabled html_content_align_center html_header_unstick_top_disabled
    html_header_stretch_disabled html_minimal_header html_minimal_header_shadow html_entry_id_1160 av-no-preview">
    Code (markup):
    Aka if you don't know what's wrong with that, you have ZERO damned business telling ANYONE if something like wordpress is worth using, since it means one also has ZERO damned clue about HTML, CSS, or even just common sense. That's freaking clown shoes!!!

    The same way turdpress idiotic halfwit out of the box template tells users with accessibility needs to go **** themselves, and is so BLATANTLY ignorant of even the simplest of HTML's structural rules that it is inevitable that EVERYTHING built with it is utter and complete incompetent halfwit GARBAGE.

    I have NEVER seen a site built with Wordpress, that if it fell under the jurisdiction of things like the UK's 2010 EQA wouldn't end up facting huge fines, or things like 'public service' qualifications in Canada wouldn't end up being sued for failing to meet even the most basic of accessibility norms.

    I've NEVER seen it. NEVER seen a site built with turdpress that wasn't an monument to the stupidity of mankind!
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2017
    deathshadow, Jul 31, 2017 IP
    mmerlinn and malky66 like this.
  7. malky66

    malky66 Acclaimed Member

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    Jeezus H Christ!! All that static CSS, no wonder that pile of crap took forever to load, I pity anyone that has a site built by this clown.
    malky66, Jul 31, 2017 IP
  8. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    And I suppose there was only 1000 BYTES of content delivered?

    Dang, the bear died!
    mmerlinn, Jul 31, 2017 IP
  9. Sahcee Tee

    Sahcee Tee Peon

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    Wordpress in my opinion is the best. You can customize your website in ways that wont be so confusing compared to other websites. Plus it seems more "official" compared to Wix, Weebly or Go Daddy.
    Sahcee Tee, Aug 1, 2017 IP
  10. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    Unless you have tested EVERY CMS out there, your opinion of what is best is WORTHLESS. If you want to know how bad something is all you need to do is look how many people are crying for help to fix the disasters that they have. Turdpress has tons of help sites for a reason - Turdpress is crap and people need help to fix their crap. Most DPers seem to think that a turd can be picked by the clean end. Well, I have news for everyone. Turds are dirty on BOTH ends!
    mmerlinn, Aug 1, 2017 IP
  11. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    All I know is that it gets a 90+ page speed from google. I choose the wordpress theme I did for different reasons. the amount of CSS was not a concern to me as much as it does for the way it looks and feels.

    At least my site does not look like it was built in 1989 LOL which one of you can say the same... PS I do not build sites for others, that is a waste of time.

    Also @deathshadow couldnt reach any of the security vulnerabilities that he claims wordpress is full of. He is a joke and his site looks like ass too

    LOL also take a look at @mmerlinn site, he definitely knows how to build a good, fast site LMAO
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2017
    locals, Aug 1, 2017 IP
  12. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    Have you ever heard of Google Materials Design? Flat 2.0? Of course not. You probably think Google and Facebook look like 1989 too.

    Of course considering the first "web server" and "web client" (aka browser) didn't even EXIST until 1990, and since there was no way in that early HTML to set colors, font faces, borders, padding, spacing... there weren't even tables yet; you're talking out your ARSE, AGAIN! Seems to be a specialty of yours.

    Naturally the way you talk about things looking like the past, I wouldn't be surprised if you never even SAW a website prior to around 2005.

    Though if you'd LIKE to see what a website from 1990 might look like:


    At least if you bothered using HTML correctly, and a WELL WRITTEN site should still be able to do that today for non-visual and/or non screen media clients!

    Of course that probably means nothing to someone willing to tell large swaths of users to go *** themselves by jumping to a H5 after the H1, and a bunch of H3 with no H2. AGAIN meaning you AND the people making those shitty templates give a flying purple fish about VISITORS to these bloated slow loading inaccessible broken TRAIN WRECKS you call websites.
    deathshadow, Aug 1, 2017 IP
  13. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    Yep, that's just about what your site looks like... but really I think that is a replica of your friend @mmerlinn site, which you probably built for him too

    By the way, try using less emotion next time... this does not even make sense

    "At least if you bothered using HTML correctly, and a WELL WRITTEN site should still be able to do that today for non-visual and/or non screen media clients!"
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2017
    locals, Aug 1, 2017 IP
  14. alfieindesigns

    alfieindesigns Well-Known Member

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    Q: Is Wordpress best program for making websites these days?

    My answer is NO! It making us lazy.
    We should think and learn a better way to build an error free website.

    I had experiences working on Wordpress, and the fact is that, it's not easy as anyone else thinking that Wordpress is easy to use.
    Yes, it's like a 1-3 Steps. But...
    You will notice that after you build your site using Wordpress, later on you'll have to fix the "default" errors you will encounter.
    If you are a kind of developer that is very concerns of an error-free site, you will have the same thought as mine.

    Way back many years ago, the idea of some company to offer Wordpress development is to cut the costing of the client i.e. hiring developers (which gonna build site from scratch and its expensive). So I think this idea turns many web services company to patronize Wordpress even it has many errors, suffering the beauty of coding :D

    Just my thoughts!
    alfieindesigns, Aug 1, 2017 IP
  15. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    No matter how much lipstick you plaster on a pig, it is still a pig!
    mmerlinn, Aug 1, 2017 IP
    MrKing01 likes this.
  16. PoPSiCLe

    PoPSiCLe Illustrious Member

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    @locals I haven't seen your site, but even you, with your lack of understanding, should get that it doesn't matter if it "looks cool" or "see, I get fast Google-marks" - if the underlying code is SHIT (which the short snippet @deathshadow posted was) - then you're not doing a good job of anything, really. And, not everyone is on superfast Internet, which means that badly coded sites doesn't really work that well for them - nor is everyone on a full-HD screen with perfect vision - there are many users that surf on old phones, or use screen-readers and similar usability assistance. Again, bloated garbage doesn't do jack for these people.
    PoPSiCLe, Aug 2, 2017 IP
  17. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    Not all users GET the visual appearance... CSS doesn't apply to users using a screen readers (software that reads the page aloud to you), or braille readers, or puffer sticks, or even search engines! -- Again, search engines don't have eyeballs. Apart from a few checks for scam artist SEO hoodoo like content cloaking and checking for mobile compatibility, a search engine could give a flying purple fish about your layout, colours, or any other such window dressing.

    Some users on bandwidth restricted connections even force things like CSS off... and block images. Ask our Kiwi friends, or those living down in Oz, or even a Canadian about 'bandwidth caps' - hell many people don't have unlimited bandwidth on their mobile plans; when you're only allowed half a gig of download a month, every byte counts so you start blocking scripting, style, images....

    That is why the concepts of progressive enhancement exist, so you can build your website in a way that gracefully degrades in a useful manner.

    Which is why THIS site (which is a badly outdated codebase at this point -- pushing close to a decade now)

    Can deliver ALL of these appearances depending on device capabilities, and what's enabled and what's disabled:

    Desktop VGA / 96dpi / 16px / XP/earlier Normal / Win7+ Small / 100% / pickANameNotYourNose

    Desktop 8514 / 120dpi / 20px / XP/earlier Large / Win7+ Medium / 120% / etc,etc,etc
    Notice the font sizes and layout increase accessibly but images are left alone. This is NOT zoom, it's an accessibility function that's the natural result of using %/em instead of px.

    Layout change at 800 width and 'normal' fonts

    800 width normal with images blocked

    Layout change at 640 width, heading logo removed (a better approach would be to replace it)

    Ultra tiny mobile:

    No style, basically what people on screen readers, braille readers, and of course search engines ACTUALLY care about:

    ... and the logical heading orders providing navigable structure to screen readers, braille readers, and search:

    Semi-fluid elastic responsive gracefully degrading layout... and it delivers all that in 44k of code in 4 files. If I wrote that today using modern techniques there would be one less code file and probably 4k less code overall. All the same site, all the same codebase.

    The REAL laugh being I wrote 90%+ of the code for that site before responsive layout was even a 'thing'... yet with adding only TWO DIV and one stylesheet I was able to take it responsive because I bothered future-proofing and paying attention to things like the RULES of using HTML, the RULES of using CSS, and accessibility norms like the WCAG, reducing the overall longterm investment... meaning in ~20 minutes I was able to take the existing site responsive whilst everyone else was running around like chickens with their heads cut off "what do we do! Mobile is here!?!?!"

    ... and why using 2.16 MEGABYTES of code spanning 46 files to deliver 4.52k of plaintext and ZERO content images or content media is such a colossal epic /FAIL/ at web development you are utterly unqualified to even be pushing your opinion here. Flat out you have no clue what you are talking about, no clue what we're talking about, and if you were any more obtuse on the subject I would suspect you were doing nothing more than intentionally trolling these forums.

    EVEN WITH all your bells and whistles and artsy crap, there is NO reason for that first site you linked to in your PM -- that I'm being EXTREMELY well behaved by not sharing with the group -- to be using more than 72k of code spanning 4 files if you just axed the pointless slide-in garbage and the endless pointless idioitic JavaScript for nothing and massive bloated ignorant frameworks.

    Hence the 21 second pageload here on a 45mbps connect -- do you REALLY think someone on a 3g tether is going to wait the two and a half minutes for that steaming pile?

    Overall said site is such a giant "**** YOU" to visitors I would be shocked if it even HAS traffic numbers worth mention! It is ALSO entirely within the expectations and norms of what happens when some dipshit nube slops together off the shelf answers like turdpress, bootcrap, jquery, etc any-old-way willy-nilly and blindly hopes it works out of a complete IGNORANCE of what HTML is, what CSS is, what the WCAG is, or how to implement ANY of them.

    But what can one expect from a domain name scammer and site squatter.
    deathshadow, Aug 2, 2017 IP
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  18. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    You know what? SCREW IT! DONE playing nice.

    This is one of that joker's (@locals) sites:

    PROOF he has zero business even putting forth an opinion about what does and does not make a good website. The ineptitude, ignorance, and just plain stupidity found in that sites design, construction, and accessibility should be ALL you need to know about this assclown's "qualifications" to talk about websites.

    I particularly chuckle at the ineptitude that can't even put <script> or <style> where they belong... since the only thing valid after </body> is </html>, and <style> is invalid inside <body>.... just to heap it on top of the ridiculously absurd shit-ton of CSS FOR NOTHING in the markup -- a hallmark of the mental enfeeblement that are most turdpress skins and the mouth-breathing halfwits DUMB ENOUGH to sing its praises.

    AT BEST, he's an ignorant nube or just plain rube. AT WORST he's a dirtbag scam artist running dirtbag scam artist websites; SUCH AS THAT ONE!
    deathshadow, Aug 2, 2017 IP
    malky66 likes this.
  19. randall1022

    randall1022 Member

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    I just contacted a company to build me a new website. All he talked about was WordPress. He actually told me the site I have is outdated. I get 100 to 120 clicks a day organically. I t9ld him that results were really the bottom line. You can have the nicest site there is. If you are not getting traffic, it does not matter what format you are using. I think whatever format you use should have good content and be very relevant to what your brand is based on.
    randall1022, Aug 2, 2017 IP
    mmerlinn, PoPSiCLe and locals like this.
  20. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    Why does that site look 1 million times better than yours?
    locals, Aug 2, 2017 IP