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Is Wordpress best program for making websites these days?

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by Captainkirk91, May 1, 2017.

  1. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    I own and operate my own (300) websites and domain names. I have no clients other than the individuals that I sell or lease my domain names to. I have nothing to do with how their site looks.

    To answer your question "Is it possible to cater to these people, when one creates a Wordpress site?"
    Yes you can, I am sure...

    To answer your original question in regards to if I do or care, "When you create your "Wordpress" sites do you take accessibility into account?"

    No, I do not, and I do not care... I can not make everyone happy. I am also only targeting individuals with certain budgets, so if you can not afford a decent internet connection... I can not help you.

    Also the most I personally do for impaired individuals is about the most I do for Google and that is alt tags and title tags if I can get them to easily adapt by editing code... but at the end of the day, no. I do not focus on that either, as I am not creating sites for the visually impaired, aka braille sites or whatever other changes may be needed.

    I only setup sites, add content and drive traffic.
    locals, Aug 11, 2017 IP
  2. MrKing01

    MrKing01 Active Member

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    I don't understand the part where you write that you only target individuals with certain budgets. People who live in the outskirts of a town/city or in a rural area can be rich but regardless of their economy their internet connection is slow. I don't know if you have lived in a rural area during your lifetime and experienced this.

    Moreover many people do their browsing with their mobiles nowadays. And the trend is that it will increase. There is no reason why it shouldn't. When it comes to mobile browsing, many people use mobile internet which is mainly limited. It's rare to find unlimited mobile internet. So I wonder if you build your sites in a way that they are friendly for mobile users when it comes to not eating up all their internet allowances?
    MrKing01, Aug 11, 2017 IP
    locals likes this.
  3. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    These are great topics you bring up.

    I understand living in isolated areas, as I have "Buy Land" domains, however, if there is no high speed internet where ever an individual has a desktop setup... I can not help them.

    In regards to your mobile device question. I have taken my phones off of wifi and I have viewed the sites, I am content with the speed.

    if you are talking about individuals on plans such as T mobile where they restrict the amount of data usage, or an individual has to pay an abundant amount ... that is not my problem, they need a better service plan as most come with "unlimited everything" now a days... so no, I do not care how much bandwidth I am taking up with my large images and huge javascript entry files

    The main site of this off topic discussion which has had a link posted in the earlier thread is a one page site that has the entire "main part" of the site laid out in the front on the home page. The "entire site" is on the home page, it is a "one page" theme... so, with that being said, the 7 seconds that it takes to load my home page (and then become completely visible all at once), I feel that that is fine. As my listings pages do not have all of the javascript and everything else that these "developers" are complaining about. That is why each of these individuals have only talked about my home page and not the 250+ other pages on the site LOL

    You see, I am fully aware of everything that I have built. And I have set it up in a way that I feel works best for the environment that I am targeting.

    Will I keep that layout that is up there for ever?? Probably not, but the theme I am using has 10+ other ideas that I can install at the click of a button and keep the same home page content, so it will be a rather "seamless" integration as all I have to do is click the new layout I like, that I can view in the backend of wordpress. You see, none of these other people that claim they can create something better than wordpress can really do that.

    They all talk, and great they can build a slider, but they can not out build wordpress.
    locals, Aug 11, 2017 IP
  4. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    THEORETICALLY, even I would say yes... I've just never seen it done which is why I have severe doubts; and for the types of clients I keep coming out of retirement for, putting on my Winston Wolfe mustache and going that 30 minute drive in 9 minutes and 52 seconds the 'one size fits all' nature of wordpress -- and of the shelf templates -- runs in direct conflict with having to meet accessibility needs, SEO needs, hosting costs, and all the other woes that go hand in hand with just blindly slopping together off the shelf code without knowing enough ABOUT code to know if you're screwing yourself over or not.

    That's why I consider people who use wordpress to typically be illiterate about building websites. Why I get paid what most people would consider a third of a years salary just as a three week consultant on projects where sites EXACTLY like @locals have gotten a company in trouble legally.

    This cookie cutter rubber stamp approach to site building is EXACTLY why so many websites fail spectacularly, at BEST ending up clearly in the "also ran' category. They're a giant middle finger on accessibility and usability, to the point one has to question if they even have legitimate traffic, much less conversions. If they do make actual revenue, it's from the simple notion of quantity making up for a lack of quality. When you can rubber stamp out a few thousand pointless content-lean (bordering on contentless) sites that 0.0001% conversion might actually see a sucker or two fall for it. It's the same as all these obvious spam e-mails about some deposed prince sending you money. They blanked e-mails endlessly in the blind hope of finding a nube or rube dumb enough to fall for it. If there weren't at least SOME takers, they wouldn't be wasting time and resources doing it.

    Doesn't make it legitimate, good practice, or moral... hence why sites like that end up on my "hey look at the obvious scam artist and their bullshit claims" list... and it's that type of sleazy fly-by-night know-nothing rube that seems to be turdpress' core audience. The MOMENT it gets used for business it screws over the owner -- sadly and far too often with the owner blissfully unaware of just how badly in thier utter and complete ignorance.

    ... an ignorance @locals has shown in spades here.

    He reminds me a lot of the middle-managers and IT guys I butt heads with when I'm brought in to bail out a company in crisis. They'll piss and moan "wah wah, I don't wanna learn" and "wah wah, that stuff doesn't matter" or even worse "wah wah, we need the artsy stuff to draw attention" -- all to justify the bullshit that landed them in legal trouble in the first damned place! They don't want to listen, don't want to change, don't want to admit wrongdoing, don't even want to admit there's even a problem DESPITE the courts being involved, and want to coast by on as little effort as possible -- which is when you as the consultant have to tell the owner, "you need to get rid of this clown" -- THEN it's all magically your fault they got fired.

    .. or if it's the owner, you shake their hand firmly, and politely tell them "Get it straight buster - I'm not here to say please, I'm here to tell you what to do and if self-preservation is an instinct you possess you'd better ****ing do it and do it quick. I'm here to help - if my help's not appreciated then lotsa luck, gentlemen."

    Particularly in the case where these places are being fined thousands or even tens of thousands a DAY!

    Since as a fixer, you can never be afraid to walk away; clients like that will ALWAYS cost you more in the long run than they could ever pay you. ESPECIALLY if you're contracting to get them out from under court ordered repairs.

    " If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the ****ing car."

    Again why in my experience turdpress is about as well suited for business as slug is for working at a salt factory! The AMAZING part being most people using it are completely oblivious to how badly they're acting like morons just waving their gun around any old way -- right up until they hit a bump and accidentally shoot Marvin in the face like some sort of heroin junkie.
    deathshadow, Aug 11, 2017 IP
  5. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    Except by building the site properly with minimalist semantic markup, separation of presentation from content, backing away from the bandwidth wasting garbage that adds NOTHING of value to your site...

    NEVER trust your own speeds; do the freaking MATH. I your combined code for HTML+CSS+SCRIPTS is more than 96k in 3 files not counting content text or social plugins (FB like, G+ +, disqus and so forth) then you have failed to build a website properly in such a spectacular fashion, you have ZERO damned business even working on websites. PERIOD!

    EVEN WITH all the fancy crap you have, there's no excuse for that! That's not a joke either. Retaining 95% or so of what you have on that domain site -- ignoring the MASSIVE giant middle finger you're shoving up visitors rectum -- you aren't doing a damned thing that warrants the presence of more than 32k of markup, 32k of CSS, and 32k of JavaScript in THREE FILES -- and that's me Mr. Scott-ing the numbers. (figure out how much you "need" and then double it)

    ... and that's how badly slopping together a crappy shoddily written off the shelf template has ***ed you... only thing I can figure is that you were pumped so full of lidocaine you can't feel it.

    Except that is EXACTLY your problem if you are building a WEBSITE. You don't blame the visitor for your site being inaccessible bloated trash! That just means you are NOT doing your job as a site developer or not doing your due diligence as owner!

    Most where you live MAYBE. Lah-dee-daa for you!

    ... and you said it, you just don't care about visitors to your site. That's what you REALLY mean. You give a flying purple fish if any of this garbage you're squeezing out is useful to visttors -- at which point why the **** are you even making websites? (much less seeing viable profit for the effort -- oh wait, you're not actually PUTTING effort into these, my bad!

    Spread out over 7 to 8 screen-heights when you don't even have enough CONTENT to warrant two. The initial load being for all intents and purposes a splash screen -- something that was on EVERY "Don't do this you're just pissing off users" list back when people were using idiocy like flash and redirects to do the same "where's the beef" site generation. Changing the technique doesn't make it any less idiotic!

    You must be sitting on the backbone of your hosting then or something, since that's 5 to 10 times faster than what it averages here, and in THEORY I have (unlike most of my neighbors) a 45mbps connection.

    But again, NEVER trust how fast it is for YOU! Do the freaking math... naturally the math of handshakes and sizes being something you are utterly ignorant of; again making you unqualified to even flap your yap on the topic!

    Other pages on the site? Are we talking the same site or is it so horribly crippled and inaccessible we're not even aware you have links going anywhere else?

    ... and that you can justify it that way is absolutely horrifying. AGAIN the same type of bullshit I deal with when consulting that usually results in my getting someone fired, or walking away and letting them just keep screwing themselves. It's even a line in my standard contract that if they fail to follow my advice in regards to norms, I walk and they can deal with the legal fallout.

    Except that by using separation of presentation from content, flexible layout techniques, and so forth any decent system -- even the rudimentary poor man's -- can reskin in a fraction the time with a fraction the need for page testing.

    Hence again your claims being nothing more than you flapping your arse-cheeks in ignorance.
    deathshadow, Aug 11, 2017 IP
  6. kk5st

    kk5st Prominent Member

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    How odd that I watched "Pulp Fiction" for the first time in ye---ars just yesterday.

    kk5st, Aug 11, 2017 IP
  7. MrKing01

    MrKing01 Active Member

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    I'm curious to know more about websites that can be fined by courts. How do they get fined?
    MrKing01, Aug 12, 2017 IP
  8. malky66

    malky66 Acclaimed Member

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    In the UK you can be sued for discrimination if your sites aren't accessible to everyone, i:e people with sight or hearing impairments etc..

    malky66, Aug 12, 2017 IP
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  9. MrKing01

    MrKing01 Active Member

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    Do you know any guides or websites where one can get more information about what one has to think about when creating a website for people with disabilities?
    MrKing01, Aug 12, 2017 IP
  10. malky66

    malky66 Acclaimed Member

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    The one I linked to in my previous post is a good place to start: https://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/wcag

    This is the discussion forum, not the place to be offering your services.
    malky66, Aug 12, 2017 IP
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  11. MrKing01

    MrKing01 Active Member

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    @malky66 Great that you could share the links and information.
    MrKing01, Aug 12, 2017 IP
  12. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    That's a joke to be sued for that... and we (people in the united states) thought others in the US were sue happy

    What an individual or organization chooses to do with their domain should be up to them.

    Can either of you link to the exact law that is backing these judicial cases?

    After I submit this post I will do some googling myself to see what I can find too

    Thank God for 'Merica and our "freedoms"... i guess. I guess I should be grateful we can build out a site however we feel is necessary

    I'm sure someone can attempt that same law suit here, but they'd just get laughed at
    locals, Aug 12, 2017 IP
  13. kk5st

    kk5st Prominent Member

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    You might start your education here. The Americans with Disabilities Act has been around for twenty-seven years, and you never noticed?

    Specific to web sites.
    kk5st, Aug 12, 2017 IP
  14. malky66

    malky66 Acclaimed Member

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    Once again showing your utter stupid blind ignorance.
    malky66, Aug 12, 2017 IP
    mmerlinn and kk5st like this.
  15. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    No, that just shows my opinion and my reasoning. If I was building a site that catered to the disabled I would care. I do not care
    locals, Aug 12, 2017 IP
  16. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    I bet you're one of these dirtbags that parks in handicapped spaces pissing and moaning that there are four spaces near the door and the access ramp that "aren't for you" when the entire rest of the parking lot is.

    Or the type who if you owned a brick and mortar would piss and moan about having been told by the building code to be considered commercial space you have to add a wheelchair ramp.

    But sure, these lazy quadriplegics need to get up off their asses and contribute to society instead of leeching off social security, medicare, medicaid, and food stamps -- 'cuase 'Murica is enabling them --right?

    Seriously, that's what you sound like... one of these tea-bagger "me me me **** everyone else" boneheads; and again proving you don't even know what websites are for or why HTML was even created in the first damned place!

    Quote for truthiness:

    Given the number of times I mentioned the WCAG and so forth in this thread... or the HTML specification itself and why it even EXISTS, that this is even still something someone would question? THAT'S what's truly the pathetic joke.

    WEB CONTENT ACCESSIBILITY GUIDELINES -- if you cannot meet the most BASIC of its concepts, you have ZERO business claiming to know the first Joe-damned thing about websites much less running them. PERIOD! You are just telling large swaths of potential customers to go *** themselves!
    deathshadow, Aug 12, 2017 IP
  17. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    This does not show why "I NEED" to design my site a special/certain way

    There are no laws saying that in the ADA

    The Americans with Disabilities Act LOL

    I think you guys are collecting checks

    LIKE I SAID, I am back to my original thought process of thinking you guys are bat shit crazy and this just supports why Wordpress is the better framework known to man
    locals, Aug 12, 2017 IP
  18. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    Except where it does, and you're just too stupid and self centered to recognize it.

    Except where it does, and you're just too stupid and illiterate to comprehend it.

    Proving you're pretty much just a sleazy dirtbag without compassion. Why don't you go join those rallies in Virginia, I'm sure you'd fit right in.

    Proving that you too support the current war not on poverty, but upon the poor themselves. Lording your self-centered opinion of yourself, your sites, and your alleged accomplishments when to be frank what we see here is utter and complete epic failure across the board.

    Which is why you are dumb enough, ignorant enough, and deluded enough to make bullshit claims like:
    Since simply put, you appear to completely give a flying **** about visitors to your sites -- ANY of them; and just come up with lame excuses crying "wah wah, I don't wanna learn" and "wah wah, I don't wanna change" like some petulant child flinging cow dung into the sandbox.

    AGAIN making you about as qualified to flap your yap on the subject of web development and what wordpress vomits up for websites, as I would be at instructing a professional soccer team.
    deathshadow, Aug 12, 2017 IP
  19. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    LOL this topic on getting sued for inaccessibility, which you preach so greatly upon, has nothing to do with the majority of users on this forums, let alone 99.8% of the individuals that live in the United States.

    Your claims are only good for England, Scotland, and Wales

    Go preach your hog wash somewhere else
    locals, Aug 12, 2017 IP
  20. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    Also my comment, "The Americans with Disabilities Act LOL"

    was laughing at the fact that you (@deathshadow) have been silently using this for the backbone to all of your BS

    but it has finally come to light
    locals, Aug 12, 2017 IP