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iShuffle came in today

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Mia, Feb 1, 2005.

  1. #1
    My iShuffle showed up from FedEx this morning. I ordered it the day it was announced and had been told that it would not ship till Feburary 7th, but I got an email the other day saying it shipped and would be in Feb 1st!

    Anyway, it is incredible. I do not know what else to say. Find an MS or PC hardware or software device that "out of the box" is so easy to use. You won't. No software to install (though it came with it). No instructions to read (though they came with it). I just took it out of the box, plugged it into my USB port on my iBook and in about 5-10 minutes iTunes had a random set of my music installed on the iShuffle. I put it around my neck and put on the ear pieces and have had it on since 11AM central this morning until about 9PM tonight. Still had plenty of juice, but my ears hurt.

    This is by far the best 99 bucks I have ever spent! It is truely amazing. Tiny, light weight, and simple. The sound is incredible!

    Great job Apple!!!
    Mia, Feb 1, 2005 IP
  2. TwisterMc

    TwisterMc Mac Guru

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    Glad to hear it!! I'd buy one, only I need my gigs of space. ;)
    TwisterMc, Feb 2, 2005 IP
  3. Mia


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    I really don't need that much space. I could not justify spending near 400 bucks to play music. Sure I could do a million other things with it, but I likely wouldn't. The nice thing about the iShuffle is 12 hours of battery life and 120 songs for under a hundred bucks. I mean there are more songs than battery life on it. I bought it cause I work out at the Y and wanted a cool, cheap way to listen to music on the machines.

    Today I plugged my FM Transmitter (iRock) into it in my car to listen to music. I used to have to lug my iBook with me and then struggle while driving to select music to play. I just hung my iShuffle from the rear view and tuned to FM 88.5 and rocked out to a good mix of Queen, D12, No doubt, the Beatles, ABBA, Skid Row, etc., and on and on. It's like having XM without the high recurring costs. No more commercials for me.
    Mia, Feb 2, 2005 IP
  4. ResaleBroker

    ResaleBroker Active Member

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    I might have to get one of those. :)
    ResaleBroker, Feb 2, 2005 IP
  5. TwisterMc

    TwisterMc Mac Guru

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    mia you sound so much cooler now. :D I want an iPod shuffle to be cool but I want a newer iPod more. Oh and I use iTrip to rock/country out to my tunes in the car! No commercials or djs are priceless.
    TwisterMc, Feb 2, 2005 IP
  6. Mia


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    Yeah, if I could justify it I would have the iPod, actually, iPhoto.. To me that would be the ultimate! People always want to see pics of my kid. I don't carry a wallet so I do not have any pics with me. I have the iBook, and I have the web site they can go to, but with iPhoto I could just whip it out and play some tunes while they watch my little man! My wife gave me a t-shirt with my son on it for my B-day the other day and I wore it out today. Everywhere I went and everyone I saw got a glimpse of the little nut case :)

    This is the pic on my t-shirt. My son has this nutty thing he does when he hugs his kitty.. You would have to see it live to really get the full effect. In any event here it is: http://jeremyandkelly.com/morepics/baby/taylor-misc/taylor-showin-kitty-love.jpg

    My wife also made a nice Mouse pad for me with my boy and myself sitting working on our iBooks. Well his is actually some cheapy learning laptop from Wal-Mart meant for kids twice his age, but hell, it works: http://jeremyandkelly.com/morepics/baby/taylor-misc/taylor-dad.jpg

    If you look closely you can barely see that his says "My First Laptop". Too bad they do not make a iBook for iKids :) If you look even closer you can see that da da is looking at the DP forums. When he gets a bit older I'll have to pass my old iBook onto him and see if we cannot find a DP for kids.
    Mia, Feb 2, 2005 IP