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Jerry Springer - The Opera

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Weirfire, Jan 7, 2005.

  1. Lever

    Lever Deep Thought

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    Yeah, I saw that - not sure if I agree with this gay marriage stuff, but that's what the laws of nature and instinct bring out in me, not some religion.

    I think there are some great aspects of religion, such as "thou shalt no kill", "though shalt not covet thy neighbour's goat", fidelity etc etc but why do I need religion to make me aware of those things? If religion is a guide book for a better life then I've read it and digested it. Don't need no reminders ;) I may be judged one day, but until then...

    All religions teach similar things in different ways and ultimately it's all down to how they're interpretted by humans. Let's hope there's a happy ending to this one :)
    Lever, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  2. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    Well even nature will tell you that you were not born from a same sex relationship, so all the "rights" to have families and the government granting this to these couples in my opinion is a waste of time.

    When kids go to parties with their parents how are the kids to feel if they point to their parents and say this guy is my dad and this guy is my mom.

    How would that make you feel growing up, is that by nature a great thing for a kid :confused:
    anthonycea, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  3. Blogmaster

    Blogmaster Blood Type Dating Affiliate Manager

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    I am a Christian, but not a very good one - well, that's what the judgement thru the eye of man would be. Coming from both, a jewish AND a southern babtist background, I need to say that ppl are full of shit by nature. That includes leaders of the congregations, rabbis, you name it.
    Everyone seems to have his own agenda and likes to win the battles he stands behind.
    The question is this: What does GOD want you to do?
    People seem to forget that because it is easier to go with the flow of the rest of the Christian community.
    Jesus was a man of action. His calling was to kick ass. he went all the way when it comes to protesting peacefully ... and they killed him for it.

    How far are you willing to go for your believe, raising awareness about this is good, but what sucks is when this becomes an argument between both extremes.

    I am definitely against supporting anything purposely misrepresenting the bible.

    But when you have done your part, it's time to step back and let God deal with those who are behind the show, right ... ?

    Blogmaster, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  4. john_loch

    john_loch Rodent Slayer

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    For once AC I agree with you. However you might also ask - with whom would their parents party, and would same sex parents seem so odd in those circles ?

    Same sex marriage is bullshit. Same sex parents are bullshit.

    The real tragedy is how unadjusted kids are portrayed by their same sex parents and the ignorant excuses that follow from same.

    How the hell does little boy, with mum and dad (lesbians), cope with his real feelings when he spends his adolescence defending the very bullshit that is his family, rather than growing as he should.

    I reckon the f*ckers should be shot. It's probably the most evil and incidious practice ever. If two people of the same sex want to shag, who cares. If they assume through partnership they are fit to parent, then perhaps they are. Thats what pets are for.

    But never in history has a child been capable of digesting this while trying to deal with their own emotions and their own sexual growth (I mean if they can actually recognize it).

    Just my 2 pence worth :)


    john_loch, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  5. Blogmaster

    Blogmaster Blood Type Dating Affiliate Manager

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    it is one of the most selfish moves when people allow kids to be adopted into gay couples to simply please that community. but since those kids are normally orphans or come from a very bad backgound, they are the powerless who will just HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT.

    Very sad.
    Blogmaster, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  6. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    Well even kids with a real mom and dad come out of a dysfunctional family confused and mixed up as far as sexuality is concerned.

    Maybe their father abused them as a child, maybe they were never given a proper role model growing up, maybe they were and fell in with the wrong crowd growing up.

    It is not always the same circumstances that cause a choice or force a choice of sexuality in a person.

    Some kids that are abused or never taught properly are victims and we must remember to be tolerant as some are raised in terror from the time they are babies and are not responsible for their predicament in life.

    So we all must show understanding and not condemn others regardless of their beliefs or sexual history.

    Love and trying to understand why folks do what they do is the most important part of it all.

    This is not to disagree with anyone's viewpoint, but to just shed some light on those who may have been victims growing up and never had a chance or proper example, in this day and age there are many of those/us out there.
    anthonycea, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  7. Blogmaster

    Blogmaster Blood Type Dating Affiliate Manager

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    I still can't believe you are watching Springer in the U.K. ;)
    Blogmaster, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  8. debunked

    debunked Prominent Member

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    Anthony I don't think I ever agreed with you more. The children suffer in so many homes. I just hope we are doing our best to raise our kids the way God would have us. That God's love would be shown through us and our children.
    debunked, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  9. Blogmaster

    Blogmaster Blood Type Dating Affiliate Manager

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    This is thread is turning out to be very, very good !
    Blogmaster, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  10. Lever

    Lever Deep Thought

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    Well, after all this, the show may still be a load of old crap ;) LOL
    Lever, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  11. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    You mean the David Leverman show or the one on BBC :confused: :p :p

    Leverman is becoming quite the star on the forum circuit, I guess DP is lucky you hang around Leverman :p

    Keep the ego in check though or you will ruin yourself, stay grounded man and don't forget from whence you came my son.
    anthonycea, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  12. Blogmaster

    Blogmaster Blood Type Dating Affiliate Manager

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    you see .. this is what sucks ... now ever I am curious on watching it :rolleyes:
    Blogmaster, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  13. Trance-formation

    Trance-formation Peon

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    So you would shoot my sister and her partner? What would you do then with their 2 year old daughter (biological to my sister)?
    Considerably less than that IMO
    Trance-formation, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  14. Lever

    Lever Deep Thought

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    LOL Sure thing, Anthony :) You're right, there's lots of really cool people 'round DP. Talking of maintaining the balance, must switch the avatar back...

    Sitetutor dude, I'll report on the show either later or tomorrow from as neutral a viewpoint as I can, OK? That is if the BBC don't pull the plug or get seiged by crusaders :)

    Trance, john_loch's OK really, he's just a pussy cat. Oh, OK, a Jackdaw then ;)
    Lever, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  15. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    Yeah it is an emotional subject and folks tend to get carried away without thinking things out.

    But John is a good man Trance, he just was a bit upset, he would never do anything like that I hope. :confused:

    In many ancient societies that is the way the dealt with much of it, but if we lived by the letter of the law we would all have been gone and done away with.

    Mercy and understanding is also part of "the way", hope we do not forget that, but at the same time Digital Point is not a church so we will have to keep some of our personal views to ourselves on the forum.
    anthonycea, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  16. Blogmaster

    Blogmaster Blood Type Dating Affiliate Manager

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    an old friend from my home state is a pastor. He admitted to me that when he started as a youth pastor he didn't know what he was talking about and simply passing on what others told him to. He has since changed his mind on many subjects and for the better.

    However for years he was passing on his wrong opinions to young people confusing many.

    I believe you need to ask yourself what God wants you to do and not just follow.

    About homosexuality: I believe it is wrong but who am I to judge ... I have enough BS in my own life.

    However: having a child growing up in an "unstable environment" is not a good idea.

    Family values ... I believe in them, they make you strong, now who you are and give you the balance to deal with everyday life!
    Blogmaster, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  17. Lever

    Lever Deep Thought

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    That's true dude; things change and we have to adapt and adjust, so there's a core of good stuff in the good books that act as a basis for everything else. Seems like your friend realised that, though a little late. You'd think that with 2000 years of religious history there'd at least be an upgraded Bible v999.0.0.1 by now LOL :)

    I too don't *agree* with homosexuality but I also don't think it should be promoted or condemned either. If that's the way people are, then that's fine. Protecting kids from any *unusual* behaviour is important but not in a way that we should be demonising people that are different.

    Anyway, there's more important things to protect kids from, like poor diet, political BS, crack, heroine, greed, pointless consumerism, everyday life etc.

    Oh, and there's less than 2 hours until Jerry Springer Night ... ;)
    Lever, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  18. Blogmaster

    Blogmaster Blood Type Dating Affiliate Manager

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    Is Jerry gonna be there?
    Blogmaster, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  19. Trance-formation

    Trance-formation Peon

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    Bullshit AC. With more than 10 years in psychiatry, 7 in forensics, I've yet to come across a good man who can express an opinion like that. Hey, let's lynch a few (insert group of choice) while we are at it.

    In those 10 years, I have seen more individuals damaged by the heterosexual parents than absolutely anything else.

    I just have no time for half baked, f**kwit ignorant opinions that have no basis in experience, evidence or research and would actively marginalise a large group of people the majority of whom are effective, decent caring human beings.
    Trance-formation, Jan 8, 2005 IP
  20. Blogmaster

    Blogmaster Blood Type Dating Affiliate Manager

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    Attention everyone: think before posting, we don't want another ugly thread!
    Blogmaster, Jan 8, 2005 IP