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LF: Graphic Designer

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by sadhakim, Feb 19, 2007.

  1. #1
    Hi, I'm looking for a graphic designer, I'm trying to redesign a charity's web page and I need a designer to do most of the front end work for me. I really need somoene who will design it, I am fairly good at HTML/PHP/MySQL (more of a programmer then a web designer)

    just to give you an idea of what kinda charity it is, here is a similar one:


    I'm not 100% sure if i need the coded template or a photoshop PSD. I want someone who designs clean neat web pages. You might have to take a cut on this project (its a charity, so if yer willing to do it for a reasonable price it would be greatly appreciated) but I have about 3 other projects within the next 4 months that i'd like to complette that would be higher paying.

    I'm looking for someone who is versitile, because the other projects are very different. Send me a PM with your portfolio, salary expectations and availablity for future projects. The last one is the most important to me because I want to develop a relationship with a designer.
    sadhakim, Feb 19, 2007 IP