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Logo Design Winner Receives Chance to get a Free Cookie!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by scu8a, Jan 10, 2020.

  1. #1
    I want my entire branding strategy to be established by Monday. I want my demographics analyzed comprehensively, I want a 10 page report of the findings in a document compliant to APA standards sent to me in triplicate. I want you to develop 12 logos that facilitate my company's marketing strategy based on focus group feedback of 30 people or more. The logo must be compliant to all forms of media, it needs to be trademarked, at least one color of the logo must be designated as exact to Pantone Flame Scarlet 18-1662 and a proof must be sent before applications are considered. Master's degree required.

    OK, honestly... who on earth expects to receive a quality logo to represent their organization on a budget of $25.00 USD? And it's for contests? Anyone qualified enough to do the proper job would think you're joking around.

    If you're a designer, you're hurting yourself, in addition to diminishing the market value of the very "work" you do. If you do this type of "work" here, it's a given that you're a talentless hack who is only capable of drawing stick figures with a crayon. If you go flip burgers, at least the income is steady.

    For those who want logos, and branding, just know that there is a reason companies hire agencies that charge tens of thousands of dollars for doing what works.

    Designer, or contest holder, you're just hurting yourselves... You really need to know that.

    Get it done correctly the first time, by a qualified professional, and your company will actually profit from the work you get done, vs. hinder it. It's your choice. I'm simply conveying the right knowledge.
    scu8a, Jan 10, 2020 IP
    Saputnik likes this.
  2. Goku99821

    Goku99821 Member

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    Yo what flavour cookie are you offering?
    Goku99821, Jan 10, 2020 IP
  3. Goku99821

    Goku99821 Member

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    On a more serious note this thread is for hobbyists (people who have a hobby, I just assumed a person like you wouldn't understand). Yes, you have really talented people here some of which could potentially produce a logo better than so called professionals. Quick question, how easy do you think it is to find a job related to creating logos?
    But that's not the only catch, many people here are doing this as a side or part time work so what's not to like from a few extra quid. Half way through your random tantrum you started talking about companies are at a loss, how? You yourself argued that the logos provided are dirt cheap so how can you lose? Especially when considering many contests are from those who have a start up business and want a logo.

    How educated are you on logos anyway? With that design as your profile pic I guess you should have also held a contest on here
    Goku99821, Jan 10, 2020 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  4. Goku99821

    Goku99821 Member

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    "it's a given that"
    I guess you do find some "talentless hacks" here.
    If you weren't so ironical maybe someone would agree with your moronic claims.
    Goku99821, Jan 10, 2020 IP
  5. scu8a

    scu8a Greenhorn

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    How educated am I on logos? Interesting question. Is it worth the time and effort to provide you with the education and experience that I worked decades to earn and pay for. It's way over your head, and that's obvious from your post.

    You think you somehow insulted me? You need to learn to differentiate your imagination from what you do not know. Quick question, do you ever assume things irrationally?

    How easy do I think it is to find a job "doing logos"? No, I'm not going to spell it out for you. Acquire the knowledge as I have, and do your time educating yourself. I haven't time to waste on someone who doesn't want to understand, more-or-less the time to educate someone who isn't capable of understanding.

    Figure it out on your own. Afterall, you're showing us all who the genius is, here.

    Ironical... ha ha... ...if that isn't ironic, then what is?

    Lol, "ironical"...
    scu8a, Jan 10, 2020 IP
  6. scu8a

    scu8a Greenhorn

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    Oh, I didn't yet consider that... I like chocolate chip, but I'm sure I could find something else.
    scu8a, Jan 10, 2020 IP
  7. Goku99821

    Goku99821 Member

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    Are you actually just going to bark utter nonsense this entire time? Your entire argument is basically no u and you're always talking about how I have not offended you. Your rant makes me assume that you got offended but don't worry maybe you could use 'stick men' for your profile pic.

    Your grasp of the English language is clearly not that great, I mean, who actually says 'do you ever think irrationally'? Most would ask if you spoke rationally. But I'll just assume you can't DIFFERENTIATE the difference between the two. Can I just mention that if you spent 'decades' trying to become a logo designer and only end up with that excuse of a profile picture then it was just a waste of money (potentially worse than buying an iPhone).

    I'm going to be honest, I feel empathy towards you. Seeking attention, getting afraid when someone replies, been told they weren't good enough. I really do feel sorry for you.

    You won't waste your time explaining it to me yet felt the need to post that message on here. Almost as hypocritical as you calling me ironical.

    SPEND your time you don't DO your time | no wonder you're not getting anywhere, you haven't even grasped the concept of time. Are you angry because you didn't meet the deadline and got fired?

    Thanks for calling me a genius, I wouldn't say the same especially when it seems you do not know what ironical means.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2020
    Goku99821, Jan 11, 2020 IP
  8. Goku99821

    Goku99821 Member

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    You also have no taste, it has to be choc filled in the centre not just some Maryland cookies with a choc chip every now and then.
    Goku99821, Jan 11, 2020 IP
  9. scu8a

    scu8a Greenhorn

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    Now it's getting difficult. Maybe I'll make the prize a donut. There are more options to choose from.

    Back on topic, I wouldn't be bothered by contests if the awards had enough value for me to actually want to enter the contest. Back in the mid 90s, I entered many design competitions as a student. Most awards were between $1,000 - $2,000 and it really helped me to pay for tuition. I wish the contests here were much like that. Designers would be more fairly compensated, and the contest holder will receive more and higher quality work. It will better facilitate both parties' needs. The way it comes across to me now is that it's exploitive to the designers. That's just my view. It's nothing against you, or how you see things.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2020
    scu8a, Jan 11, 2020 IP
  10. Goku99821

    Goku99821 Member

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    I get your view but as I previously stated the thread is predominantly for those who like designing logos as a hobby. It allows people to earn money whilst doing what they like.

    If all contestant holders were offering thousands I'd doubt that there would be a huge amount of contests being held. Probably only 1 per year.
    Goku99821, Jan 11, 2020 IP
  11. Goku99821

    Goku99821 Member

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    Which donut? It better not be a plain vegan one
    Goku99821, Jan 11, 2020 IP
  12. scu8a

    scu8a Greenhorn

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    Can a hobby be a hobby if its bottom line is based upon money as the incentive to participate? I suppose that's a rather subjective question. I like the idea of having hobbyists hold contests for logos and stuff. I love it, actually. However, I think the admins should convey that message more clearly on that forum. Perhaps set up two separate areas, hobbyist (for projects and contests w/ budgets below $500), and professional services (for projects and contests w/ budgets above $500).

    The problem I have is more related to economics and the ramifications it has on people who make a living by creating logos, or doing graphic design. When business owners don't understand the importance of branding, and they see that someone can do it for 25 dollars, they don't know the difference it makes in terms of ROI in the long term. Ethically speaking, it's just wrong. The business owner walks away from the deal with the impression that branding and image are miniscule to the success of their company, and the designers who may have spent hours trying to win the contest have collectively worked so many man-hours to earn a prize that has the value less than that of minimum wage have nothing to show for their investment of time and knowledge. Meanwhile, the professional artist who worked all his life to refine the artistic gift they were born with into a valuable skill is unable to sustain a living. Everyone loses. Anyway, that's my view. In principle, it would be wrong for me to ignore the issue. It's something that needs to be said.

    Oh, and I've been thinking about donuts. I wish there was a donut that had a filet mignon center with rainbow sparkles on top. Maybe glaze it over with sugar. Heck, just throw it in a deep fryer and it's the perfect meal. It would go well with a deep fried Twinkie and a bottle of scotch. Then you could take a walk to the park and pass out on the sidewalk on the way there. That would be a day well-spent.
    scu8a, Jan 11, 2020 IP
  13. Goku99821

    Goku99821 Member

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    In regard to the donuts - such creativity has never been seen before.

    I'd assume that it only takes a couple of hours for people to design logos so technically speaking they earn about $12 an hour which is above the minimum wage. The issue arises when there is too little competitions and so it is not a secure income. If there were less contests with greater rewards the majority of people will have a worse off income but that one individual would be more affluent.

    Paid hobbys I think it's suitable. Some local football teams probably do it as a hobby (they don't earn enough and as a result have a different job). Other hobbyists such as horse racers also get money from their hobby, even stamp collector get money from their hobby.
    Goku99821, Jan 12, 2020 IP
  14. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    Don't forget it's a global forum. Yes, we may think that selling a logo for 50 bucks is ridiculous, but for someone it can be like winning a jackpot again and again.
    qwikad.com, Jan 12, 2020 IP
  15. scu8a

    scu8a Greenhorn

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    How exactly does someone's enjoyment in a hobby justify an infringement upon another person's right to work? Impeding one's right to earn a living also impedes their freedom. Do people have a right to freedom? I believe so.

    How would you like it if I barged into your place of employment and offered your boss my time and effort voluntarily, essentially stripping you of your job? Would you have something to say about it? I would.

    Yes, it is a global forum. Does that mean software such as Photoshop should be sold at a lesser cost to designers in foreign countries? No, so why should the services a designer provides through that same software be any different? If you're here trying to compete for work against someone who lives in a third world nation, doesn't that also hinder their ability to earn a living? Yes, it does.

    You're assuming that to win the jackpot is a good thing. Check out the stats on lottery winners. Winning the lottery can often ruin a person's life. Poor decisions in choosing how to invest in your organization's brand is just the same thing. If their logo conveys a message that impedes customer acquisition, it's like getting screwed over again and again.
    scu8a, Jan 12, 2020 IP
  16. Goku99821

    Goku99821 Member

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    Quick question do you yourself even know what you are talking about at this point? That entire essay made no sense whatsoever. How is holding a contest an infringement on someone else's rights? It's not like major companies are seeking for logos on dp. It's no infringement on anyone's rights as anyone can enter.

    If you were to barge into my place of employment I wouldn't care the slightest especially when considering I'm a student. Anyway if you were to barge into any place I think you would have the security on your back. If you were to request to do the job voluntarily you would have to be SKILLED in the industry.

    You said everyone should be charged the same without taking into consideration their location. So what's the defacto price? UK? US? INDIA? FRANCE? Every logo designer earns a different amount so you can't say everyone should be given the same amount of money. In addition to this, experience is what professionals look for, not price. Major companies look for experts so they won't arrive here. Are you saying that an inexperienced individual should earn the same as an experienced?
    Goku99821, Jan 13, 2020 IP
  17. Goku99821

    Goku99821 Member

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    People do have a right to freedom which is why no one is forcing anyone to enter a competition.
    Goku99821, Jan 13, 2020 IP
  18. scu8a

    scu8a Greenhorn

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    Well, if you don't understand the point I'm making, or you don't want to understand the point I'm making, then why am I here trying to explain it to you? You'll eventually understand given time and experience.
    scu8a, Jan 13, 2020 IP