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Looking for THE BEST .......

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by jfontestad, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. #1
    I'm looking for the best articles (IYO) about PageRank, the importance of pagerank then and its role now. Also about backlinks and it's importance across the top SEs. I don't have any money, so it's out of the question to pay someone to do this. It's for a website that I'm still developing. I'm looking for articles that may already be out there and possibly that i may be able to use, of course given the authors permission. Recognition will also be given to the author and a link to his/her homepage will be posted under their name.
    If any of you know any articles please let me know.
    J Fontestad
    jfontestad, Feb 22, 2005 IP
  2. joshril

    joshril Guest

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    What's ur website about??? I have a new website about computers....FREE software and FAQ pages...expanding everyday....let's talk about a possible link exchange...if our sites would mesh....thanks http://www.amarillocomputerguy.com
    joshril, Feb 28, 2005 IP
  3. Diamondbacks

    Diamondbacks Peon

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