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Marketing On Myspace

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by gregdavidson, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. #1
    How can I advertise my website on MySpace without getting booted off? I used to add my web address in my display name but ever since they came out with the new "Mark as spam button" all my accounts have been shut down.
    gregdavidson, Nov 21, 2007 IP
  2. John84

    John84 Active Member

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    thats strange. i see sooo many members sending links out via bulletins and comments.
    John84, Nov 22, 2007 IP
  3. skindu26

    skindu26 Well-Known Member

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    Spamming at Myspace and Orkut...nowadays. Better avoid marketing there
    skindu26, Nov 22, 2007 IP
  4. clenard

    clenard Active Member

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    Are you trying to add a bunch of people or what? Try not adding it as your name, just add it on your page and use Bulletins to get people to check out your page. Just be less "salesy" about it ;-)
    clenard, Nov 22, 2007 IP
  5. alotofvb

    alotofvb Banned

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    How are you going to go into my post and complain about spamming when you encourage this? Get you act together!
    alotofvb, Nov 22, 2007 IP
  6. clenard

    clenard Active Member

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    Your product is used for SPAM. You denied that, too. That's just like EMAIL HARVESTING.

    I'm telling this guy to NOT push his site - to add people but NOT push his product. If they DECIDE TO CHECK OUT HIS PAGE, so be it.

    Your product gives people NO CHOICE. It's 110% SPAM RELATED.

    At least this guy admits that what he did was wrong and he's asking for a way to promote his product the RIGHT WAY...

    Don't hijack this guys thread with your nonsense.
    clenard, Nov 22, 2007 IP
  7. alotofvb

    alotofvb Banned

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    Im not hijacking anyones thread like you tried to do to mine, comming in a trying to say that im spamming, maybe instead of jumping the gun and accusing people of things you try the product first. Also its not email harvesting, so get you act together before you try to argue with someone.
    Why admit something that isn't true!

    Also your advice is not good, if people do what you say then they wouldn't get anything accomplished besides waiting, my way works real well and have had no complaints yet! only good things for people to say about it.

    So im done talking to you!

    Also for you sir, try making your profile more attractive, and have links to you site on your profile, also make bulletins and blogs about your product. Make special offers that people just can't turn down. I have been doing this for a long time! just because im new here doesnt make me new on the web. I have made alot of money on the web and if you would like more ways to make money then contact me and we can work something out, like i could put a link to you site from my site or something. just contact me.
    and sorry about telling dude what was up on here, i just cant go down like that! im sure you wouldnt neither!

    alotofvb, Nov 22, 2007 IP
  8. sm2008

    sm2008 Banned

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    its not easy makeing money on myspace
    Need More Friends/Adds On MySpace.com? Go Here ~~> MySpaceAdds.info

    Need 500 MySpace friend requets to your MySpace profile a day? AIM me (StMin85) or pm me
    sm2008, Nov 23, 2007 IP
  9. maahan

    maahan Banned

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    post bulletins & add your site url in profile.
    maahan, Nov 23, 2007 IP
  10. Kevin_Moriarty

    Kevin_Moriarty Peon

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    You could try to offer something of value through your video and then work from there.
    Kevin_Moriarty, Nov 23, 2007 IP
  11. thsadmin

    thsadmin Notable Member

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    Yeah it's a very strange situation, here's my views :

    A) It's OK if you're a Musician They'll encourage this and even made it friendly for bands to Spam and Build up a following.

    B) Celebrities, hey if you're a celebrity it's fine, get on their and advertise and promote your self, you're bringing all your fans to MySpace and helping it/MySpace Grow, geez they'll even help you.

    C) Politician, MySpace love politicians for reasons similar to celeb's, get on their and promote your self, Johny Howard and Kevin Rudd got on their and had a competition to see who got more friends - that's fine for them - that's more media attention for MySpace.

    D) Webmasters, now we're scum, we've been banned from doing most things which A, B and C are encouraged to do, if we build friends : then we've built them to spam to, if we promote a site : we're just trying to make money, if we send bulletins with affiate links we get banned.

    Do you see the trend, it sucks, if you're a webmaster then you're scum, if you're a celebrity you'll will bring fans and publicity for MySpace, Celebrities and the like are advertising and making cash aswell - but that's fine, if you're gaining money online as a webmaster though then that's not allowed. Even though Poli's, Bands and Celeb's obviously never even attend their accounts ( exception maybe a new Band ) either - they hire their Public relations gurus and it's all part of their campaigns to raise awareness and YES advertise for the purpose to make $$s.

    I know the against (webmasters) posse will say "Yeah but webmasters are dishonest and possibly use Black Hat techniques and or/Bots to gain friends" - well that may be true, at least we man our MySpace accounts and know what MySpace is, we replace our Public and Human Relations crew with software or bot's, if we could afford to pay a crew to manage our MySpace campaigns we'd do that like the Celeb's, Poli's and Bands aswell.

    Well that's my two cents.
    thsadmin, Nov 23, 2007 IP
  12. webron

    webron Active Member

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    great post thsadmin...but this is to be expected, myspace is not the same myspace it once was when it started out and every single person I know who uses myspace to simply just contact friends complain about spam from services they dont care about, what choice does myspace have really when its in their best interest and also the best interest of the normal people who use it to create a spam free environment. Myspace spam really does piss normal myspace users off, a lot!
    webron, Nov 23, 2007 IP
  13. thsadmin

    thsadmin Notable Member

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    But what's classified as spam ?

    How about the jerks who hassle the girls (isn't this just spam and harassment), show us ya "Beep", you're really hot can I get your number, your sexy where do you live, wanna trade pics, can I get your phone number and the list goes on and on. They're from normal users (those comments) - how do I know ? simple I have my GFs accounts, she gets popular and starts getting hassled - so I take the account over and spam them back, nice business model huh ? LoL.
    thsadmin, Nov 23, 2007 IP
  14. webron

    webron Active Member

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    you are absolutely right in that respect...cant argue with that! hahaha
    webron, Nov 24, 2007 IP
  15. killer2021

    killer2021 Peon

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    It is very tricky to say the least. One method I have found useful is if you get other people to invite you as a friend. Basically, you set up a series of personal ads (on classified websites) and when people reply you simply send them your myspace profile. Just tell them you are interested in them and you want them to get to know them better. Works great. After 1-2 days of building friends spam the hell out of them and if you get your profile banned it will be no big deal. Rinse and repeat.
    killer2021, Nov 24, 2007 IP