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McDar Experiment

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by compar, Apr 5, 2004.

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  1. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
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    Trophy Points:
    *Google PR/Backlink update
    **29 DCs are NOT responding**
    ***27 DCs are NOT responding**

    ****32 DCs are NOT responding**

    The "New Page" sleeping-bags.htm
    04/07/2004 "New Page" went live

    Search for "Sleeping Bags"
    NOTE: Due to size constraints, the entire report can no longer appear in a post.
    You can view the entire report here... Complete Report
    Last 10 days

    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #8 - 08/03/2004 [15 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #49, 10 DCs #50, 7 DCs #52] ***
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #8 - 08/04/2004 [14 DCs #Not Found, 4 DCs #45, 7 DCs #46, 2 DCs #49, 2 DCs #51] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #8 - 08/05/2004 [14 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #47, 11 DCs #48, 2 DCs #53] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #8 - 08/06/2004 [12 DCs #Not Found, 6 DCs #47, 5 DCs #48, 2 DCs #50, 5 DCs #51] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #8 - 08/07/2004 [14 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #46, 11 DCs #47, 4 DCs #48] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #8 - 08/08/2004 [14 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #48, 11 DCs #50, 4 DCs #51] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #8 - 08/09/2004 [14 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #48, 11 DCs #50, 4 DCs #51] ****
    Unchanged from previous date
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #8 - 08/11/2004 [16 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #47, 9 DCs #49, 4 DCs #50] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #9 - 08/12/2004 [18 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #54, 7 DCs #57, 4 DCs #58] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #9 - 08/13/2004 [18 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #53, 8 DCs #54, 3 DCs #55] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #9 - 08/14/2004 [18 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #52, 9 DCs #54, 2 DCs #55] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #9 - 08/15/2004 [#Not Found - In ALL Datacenters, ] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #10 - 08/16/2004 [#Not Found - In ALL Datacenters, ] ****
    Unchanged from previous date

    note: these pages are found using ( site:www.compar.com +sleeping Bags )
    number of Bob's PR6 and PR5 links found:

    83 - 7/29/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    81 - 8/07/2004
    80 - 8/08/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    79 - 8/12/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    75 - 8/15/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    76 - 8/17/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.komar.org +sleeping Bags )
    Alek's PR 7 Link:
    Not reported by Google 4/17/2004
    Reported by Google 4/18/2004 (all datacenters)
    Unchanged from previous date
    Link removed / no longer pointing to page 6/2/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.ski-france-ok.com +sleeping Bags )
    Foxy's PR5 and two PR4s
    0 - 4/20/2004
    3 - 5/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    2 - 6/17/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    Bob and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on this forum 5/06/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.digitalpoint.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links from Signatures - 6/11/2004
    4060 - highest links reported 6/12/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob replaced links in Signatures - 7/21/2004

    3440 - 8/02/2004
    3460 - 8/03/2004
    3960 - 8/04/2004
    3910 - 8/05/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    3840 - 8/07/2004
    3720 - 8/08/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    3750 - 8/12/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    3730[/COLOR] - 8/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    3690 - 8/16/2004
    3710 - 8/17/2004

    Caryl and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on the SEO Chat forum 5/11/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.seochat.com +sleeping bags )

    167 - 8/02/2004
    161 - 8/03/2004
    158 - 8/04/2004
    154 - 8/05/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    156 - 8/07/2004
    155 - 8/08/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    173 - 8/12/2004
    207 - 8/13/2004
    220 - 8/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    226 - 8/17/2004

    "Sandbox" info - this search theoretically removes "sandbox" link filter
    Results for - ( sleeping bags -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -das -das -dsa )

    #244 - 07/18/2004
    #251 - 07/19/2004
    #246 - 07/20/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    #43 - 07/26/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    #418 - 08/16/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    PR/Backlink info

    ~ August 9 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    85 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 84 of 85)
    13 of Caryl's links
    13 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    20 for Digitalpoint forums
    28 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ July 16 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    129 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 113 of 129)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    49 for Digitalpoint forums
    38 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ June 22 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    325 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 325)
    50 of Caryl's links
    56 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    149 for Digitalpoint forums
    70 for SEO Chat forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ May 31 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    170 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 170)
    37 of Caryl's links
    46 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    85 for Digitalpoint forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ April 23 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR5
    49 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 49)
    5 of Caryl's links
    42 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    2 for Digitalpoint forums
    Nothing for Alek's PR7 link(the link on Alek's page is 53rd link - may validate the 50 link/page theory)

    ~ Highest Position Attained ~

    Position #15 allinanchor: #5 - 05/15/2004 [12 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    (No signature links had been used at this point - may have been "honeymoon period")

    Note:Google API has page at #N/A
    mcdar, Aug 17, 2004 IP
  2. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

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    Come on guys...

    This experiment page has just completely fallen off the face of Google.

    Someone must have a comment :confused:

    Even by Googles latest accounting, the page has 85 links pointing to it, yet the cache of the page has NOT been updated since June 22nd (which happens to be the date of a PR/BL update two updates ago)

    I have checked and found other internal pages with no real external backlinks that have been updated recently. Why has this pages cache not been updated?

    I ran a spider simulator and found no problems with the page.

    mcdar, Aug 17, 2004 IP
  3. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

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    I think the Goodle Button [Google as God with the special button] has been pushed Caryl

    They are taking the piss - I have thought and thought about this page and the Weber BBQs page/s and there is no logical reason why these pages have disappeared - bear in mind that I recreated a different and unrelated page on a different site for this term and it sits about where I thought it would be and where my BBQ page was before it started the downward drift.

    In other words the proof of the pudding was when this page [sleeping bags] got to 15 and that was when the goodle button was pushed - they forgot it when the rehash happened and it temporarily showed the highs again and then they hit the button.

    Now I have entered other similar pages on the BBQ site and they are doing .......nothing! So I am going to try a different tack now and if I show up I will be surprised. Remember that I am 1+2 for allintext 1+2 for allinanchor and 4 for allinurl and DP is only 4+5 allintext for this totally non-competitive phrase.

    What I am about to do is recreate [differently] the DP forum pages that are 1+2 for this phrase. The only thing that this forum has is OBLs and Title [and of course a lot of IBLs] But the point has been made that if you have the anchor in OBL and title that is what G is using together with authority [read IBls] to position the pages.

    It remains to be seen whether the sleeping bags page is suffering exactly the same but I would hazard a guess it is - what I am about to find out is whether it has wider ramifications. :eek:
    Foxy, Aug 17, 2004 IP
  4. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

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    Just to see where I have been "slung" to I went and looked - My pages are at about 350 after, believe it or not, another page from the "other site that has a page at 25ish" that just has a footer link of the term!

    So ....... I am going to sling them totally - as a control for this experiment they are now useless. :)
    Foxy, Aug 17, 2004 IP
  5. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

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    Here is a perspective of the big changes in our serps and when they occured.

    PR/Backlink info

    ~ August 9 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    85 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 84 of 85)
    13 of Caryl's links
    13 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    20 for Digitalpoint forums
    28 for SEO Chat forums
    Position #Not Found allinanchor: #8 - 08/09/2004 [14 DCs Not Found, 2 DCs #48, 11 DCs #50, 4 DCs #51]**30 DCs Not Res**

    Position #169 allinanchor: #5 - 07/17/2004 [6 DCs #166, 5 DCs #170, 2 DCs #190] **29 DCs are Not Responding**
    Position #311 allinanchor: #6 - 07/18/2004 [3 DCs #291, 3 DCs #300, 3 DCs #302, 4 DCs #309]**29 DCs are Not Responding**

    Position #315 allinanchor: #6 - 07/30/2004 [9 DCs #34, 3 DCs #297, 1 DCs #313, 1 DCs #314, 14 DCs #315, 4 DCs #316, 1 DCs #317, 1 DCs #318]**27 DCs Not Resp**
    Position #Not Found allinanchor: #6 - 07/31/2004 [16 DCs Not Found, 2 DCs #39, 6 DCs #40, 7 DCs #42, 4 DCs #48]**27 DCs are Not Responding**

    Position #188 allinanchor: #6 - 07/16/2004 [7 DCs #169, 5 DCs #190, 2 DCs #205] **29 DCs are Not Responding**

    ~ July 16 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    129 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 113 of 129)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    49 for Digitalpoint forums
    38 for SEO Chat forums
    Position #188 allinanchor: #6 - 07/16/2004 [7 DCs #169, 5 DCs #190, 2 DCs #205] **29 DCs are Not Responding**

    Position #43 allinanchor: #4 - 06/24/2004 [3 DCs #41, 3 DCs #51] Note: Allinanchor #5 on 4 DCs, 3 on 1 DC **29 DCs are Not Responding**
    Position #144 allinanchor: #5 - 06/25/2004 [5 DCs #142, 3 DCs #143] **29 DCs are Not Responding**

    Position #125 allinanchor: #5 - 07/05/2004 [5 DCs #119, 2 DCs #124, 6 DCs #171] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 9 DCs**29 DCs are Not Responding**
    Position #172 allinanchor: #6 - 07/06/2004 [5 DCs #164, 6 DCs #171] **29 DCs are Not Responding**

    Position #46 allinanchor: #5 - 06/22/2004 [1 DCs #44, 1 DCs #45, 2 DCs #53] **29 DCs are Not Responding**

    ~ June 22 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    325 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 325)
    50 of Caryl's links
    56 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    149 for Digitalpoint forums
    70 for SEO Chat forums
    1 for Alek's Link
    Position #46 allinanchor: #5 - 06/22/2004 [1 DCs #44, 1 DCs #45, 2 DCs #53] **29 DCs are Not Responding**

    Position #27 allinanchor: #4 - 06/9/2004 [All DCs] **29 DCs are Not Responding**
    Position #27 allinanchor: #4 - 06/10/2004 [3 DCs #26, 4 DCs #28] **29 DCs are Not Responding**
    Position #30 allinanchor: #4 - 06/11/2004 [All DCs] **29 DCs are Not Responding**
    Position #46 allinanchor: #6 - 06/12/2004 [3 DCs #44, 8 DCs #45] **29 DCs are Not Responding**
    Position #49 allinanchor: #6 - 06/13/2004 [3 DCs #46, 11 DCs #48] **29 DCs are Not Responding**

    Position #25 allinanchor: #4 - 05/31/2004 [All DCs not recorded] **29 DCs are Not Responding**

    ~ May 31 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    170 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 170)
    37 of Caryl's links
    46 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    85 for Digitalpoint forums
    1 for Alek's Link
    Position #25 allinanchor: #4 - 05/31/2004 [All DCs not recorded] **29 DCs are Not Responding**

    Position #15 allinanchor: #6 - 05/14/2004 [28 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #7 on 28 DCs
    Position #15 allinanchor: #5 - 05/15/2004 [12 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    Position #27 allinanchor: #5 - 05/16/2004 [11 datacenters #31] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    Position #28 allinanchor: #5 - 05/17/2004 [5 datacenters #33] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 6 DCs

    Position #19 allinanchor: #7 - 04/23/2004 [7 datacenters #21]

    ~ April 23 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR5
    49 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 49)
    5 of Caryl's links
    42 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    2 for Digitalpoint forums
    Nothing for Alek's PR7 link(the link on Alek's page is 53rd link - may validate the 50 link/page theory)

    ~ Highest Position Attained ~

    Position #15 allinanchor: #5 - 05/15/2004 [12 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    (No signature links had been used at this point - may have been "honeymoon period")
    mcdar, Aug 17, 2004 IP
  6. compar

    compar Peon

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    Just for fun try submitting the Sleeping Bag page to Google. They haven't cached it since June 22 despite all the links to it. So submit it and see if that wakes them up.

    I'm going to start to use a new acronym for Google. It is MFSE. All I can tell you is that "M" stands for mother and "SE" stands for search engine. You'll have to figure the rest out yourself :D
    compar, Aug 18, 2004 IP
  7. Dominic

    Dominic Well-Known Member

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    I was checking in to see if the new version of your keyword tool is available yet and I was wondering how you cover the costs (I saw a few ads).

    Have you considered making it a requirement that to check a site that that site must contain a link to McDar?

    Also was wondering how heavily used the tools on your site are?


    PS - has Digital Point considered something like a link requirement?
    Dominic, Aug 18, 2004 IP
  8. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

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    I have changed the page name from Sleeping-Bags.htm to sleeping-bags.htm. I have seen Google do wierder things before just because of capitalization.

    This also freshened the date of the page.

    I will keep a daily watch of the page to see if and when a new cache is saved.

    I hesitate to submit the page as this would lead into a whole new can of worms and I just don't want to go there right now.

    mcdar, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  9. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

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    Hi All,

    I just happened to notice that...

    3 days after the June 22nd update - we dropped ~100 places!
    3 days after the July 16th update - we dropped ~150 places!
    5 days after the Aug 09 update - we dropped to Not Found on all datacenters

    The June 22nd Update credited the page with 108 links from non-forum web pages. The following update, July 16th, we were credited with only 16 links from non-forum web pages.

    Maybe the forum links had nothing to do with any of this. If you only count regular webpage links to the page, having only 16 links is probably the reason we dropped to nowhere.

    If This is the case...

    The only way we will see anything else happen in this experiment is to get many links donated from followers of this thread!

    I have monitored the daily views from the start and we get ~100 views per day.

    At this point we NEED more help!

    IF we can get many to donate a link or two for a month or until the next update, we may be able to tell if...

    - Site wide links are in-effective
    - Many links from different sites are what Google is looking at.
    - It would also give more evidence regarding relevancy.

    If you are willing to help, please PM me with the link information (the PR of the link does not matter). Or send an email to

    Please copy and paste this link:
    <a href="http://www.mcdar.com/camping1/sleeping-bags.htm">sleeping bags</a>

    If we get enough folks to help, we can go forward.

    Thank you,
    mcdar, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  10. compar

    compar Peon

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    That's a great idea. We have to do something or abandon the project.

    Have you considered reciprocal links? Why not put a section on the bottom of the page that simply says "links to our sponsors" and reciprocate with everyone who is willing to get involved?
    compar, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  11. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

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    Splendid idea, Bob!

    We will offer a reciprocal links to anyone who donates. Also, I can offer a link from the site's "resource page" if folks are interested in maintaining the link longer than the month requested.

    mcdar, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  12. TLDTrader.com

    TLDTrader.com Peon

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    I'm willing to help in your experiment, Caryl.

    I can give you site-wide backlinks to determine if this is true: "Site wide links are in-effective". Honestly, I'm beginning to feel that this is the case :rolleyes:

    Send me PM for details.

    TLDTrader.com, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  13. Dominic

    Dominic Well-Known Member

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    Email sent - links from 2 domains
    Dominic, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  14. nadlay

    nadlay Guest

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    Email sent - links from two domains.

    Can you publish here the HTML code you wish us to use for the link?
    nadlay, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  15. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

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    GREAT GUYS!!!!

    Keep-em-coming we will need a large number to "buy our way out of Purgatory - or wherever the HELL we are!!!

    I will answer ALL emails and PMs!!!

    PS - I specifically created and posted an email address so that those of you that follow this thread, but are "Guests" of this forum could also partake in this effort.

    ALL privacy issues will be respected.

    mcdar, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  16. mopacfan

    mopacfan Peon

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    Email sent - links from three domains
    mopacfan, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  17. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

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    Thanks, nadlay!!!!!! :D

    Shoot - I entered the link to the post above but must have forgoten to save it :eek:

    Please copy and paste this link:
    <a href="http://www.mcdar.com/camping1/sleeping-bags.htm">sleeping bags</a>
    mcdar, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  18. nadlay

    nadlay Guest

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    Links placed
    nadlay, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  19. T0PS3O

    T0PS3O Feel Good PLC

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    To check for 'Host Affiliation' shouldn't you keep note of the IP of each domain that links?

    I too believe that as soon as G sees many links from the same IP or same domain come in into a page, they will discard all/most of them or perhaps even penalize the page.

    By knowing each domain's IP you would be in a better position to check whether G does implement such a 'background' check.
    T0PS3O, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  20. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

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    Great Idea, TOPS30!

    I have kept a chart of the donated links so far and added a column for IP addresses.

    Note: I will look them up - so don't worry about this if you want to donate a link

    Keep em coming folks!

    Thanks again,
    mcdar, Aug 19, 2004 IP
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