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McDar Experiment

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by compar, Apr 5, 2004.

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  1. leeds1

    leeds1 Peon

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    Does this all suggest that forum links are worthless now?

    They seemed to count at the beginning of the experience but as we all know changes were made since then....
    leeds1, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  2. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

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    This is what we are trying to determine with adding links from webpages located on different websites.

    I would NOT speculate (ie. sig links =worthless) at this point what exactly has effected this page. There are too many factors involved lately.

    I would say if we start to come back plus some of the new links show up in the next update, we could then have reason to believe it was the addition of the "new" links and NOT the sig links that helped.
    mcdar, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  3. Extranet Guy

    Extranet Guy Well-Known Member

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    link added
    Extranet Guy, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  4. compar

    compar Peon

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    Talking about link to our experimental page, one thing we haven't tried is submitting to directories. I know we haven't got the budget for PFI directories, but there are still lots of free ones.

    The problem is that submission is a ton of work. I always have a hell of a time figuring out what category a page belongs in, and then half the time some editor will put it in a different category anyway.

    I had an editor move a site I submitted last week some time to a category that has absolutely nothing to do with the site.

    In any case I would put together the title, description and keywords that we would need for directory submission if anyone wants to volunteer to do some submissions.

    Do we have any DMOZ editors on here who could help us get listed there?
    compar, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  5. Dominic

    Dominic Well-Known Member

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    Isn't DMOZ a 'sacred site?' :p
    Dominic, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  6. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Shawn's given us a whole section of the forum to ask for help: http://forums.digitalpoint.com/forumdisplay.php?f=25

    but as for asking for direct assistance, that's taboo :)

    sarahk, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  7. compar

    compar Peon

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    Nothing is taboo. If you don't ask the answer is always "no", but if you do ask there is some chance -- maybe slim, but still a chance -- that the answer maybe "yes".
    compar, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  8. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    You'll be thrilled to know that there are 2750 sites waiting review for the DMOZ category you're best suited to. Want to get listed? become an editor!
    sarahk, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  9. compar

    compar Peon

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    I was an editor years ago. But you shouldn't have to be an editor to get listed. Anyway this isn't the place for a DMOZ debate.
    compar, Aug 19, 2004 IP
  10. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

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    Caryl I have put up 14 new domain links and PMd you with the IPs etc.

    Lets see if what is happening here will make a difference. Thanks everybody :)
    Foxy, Aug 20, 2004 IP
  11. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

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    Thanks to all those who have contacted me so far! :)

    We have new links from 23 additional IP addresses, as of this AM.

    As tracking these new, additional, links will be a bit much to add to the daily report, that information can be found by following the link to the complete report in the daily update.

    Keep - em - coming!

    Again, if you are interested in helping...
    Please copy and paste this link:
    <a href="http://www.mcdar.com/camping1/sleeping-bags.htm">sleeping bags</a>

    and contact me via Private Message or email to and let me know the url of the link to us and the url and anchor text of the link/s you would like in return.

    mcdar, Aug 20, 2004 IP
  12. T0PS3O

    T0PS3O Feel Good PLC

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    Slightly Off-Topic:

    Have you noticed any increase in traffic or sales from all this experimenting?
    T0PS3O, Aug 20, 2004 IP
  13. T0PS3O

    T0PS3O Feel Good PLC

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    To check host affiliation, the IP reporting is a good thing IMO.

    I thought of another thing though. We don't know whether G algo actually weighs it in but maybe you could add a column to your excel next to the IP with a 1 - 5 rating of relevancy as assumed by the link-er. With that I mean the source page's semantic relevancy to the linkee's page and chosen anchor text. In a month's time you could check the 'links reported' against their relevancy rating and maybe see something interesting.

    Just some ideas in an attempt to further strike out some question marks regarding this experiment although I do realize it adds even more variables to what is already a complex test.
    T0PS3O, Aug 20, 2004 IP
  14. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

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    Short answer - No!

    Long answer - The best position, to date, for this page has been page two in the results. It was there for a total of 6 days in April and then again for about half of May ( as can be seen in the Complete Report ). Other than that it has been page 3 to page 30 and then gone.

    It's a competitive Keyword and not too many folks venture past the first page of the results and adsense ads, I'm afraid.

    I chose this keyword for the experiment because I had tried since Florida to get it back up i the serps. My main page used to be in position #23 (pre-Fla), the best I could ever recover that page was about position #220.

    Since Fla, Google seemed to put a high focus on links and more specifically to ANCHOR TEXT. My main page had too many assorted links to turn the anchor text around. So, I decided to try to attack the keyword with a brand new page.

    Making some money would have been GREAT, but this has truely been just pure research.


    FYI: The page did reach #3 for the keywords in Yahoo! and stayed there for a month or more. For that total time, Yahoo sent about 14 hits my way. Pitiful!!!!!
    mcdar, Aug 20, 2004 IP
  15. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

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    This is an interesting concept BUT would leave too much to speculation and conjecture. We can actually measure, by Googles report, whether a page is reported or not. (that is fact)

    There are a great many reasons why a page may not come up in a link:... search on Google. Since many of the pages donating links are of lower PR value, it could simply be that Google had not found the link yet.

    We have made every effort to base this experiment on cold hard data we have gathered and not add our biases to the results.

    We could have made many claims so far and had data to back it up. But, consideration of Googles state of instability at the time, reduced our evidence to poor at best and any claims would have been pure speculation (if not dead wrong).

    Example: Foxy & Bob replaced links in Signatures on 7/21/2004. On 7/26/2004 the page went from position #315 to position #34. Based on those spectacular results, we could have said Signature links lend great weight to your linking strategy! THAT would have been dead wrong!

    Truth is, looking at Googles condition at the time, reports on other forum posts, and rank pulse it was very obvious that the results we witness were Googles doing and NOT the signature links.

    If I have learned anything from this experiment, it would be to look at every report of anyones experiment with very critical eyes. It is easy to imply cause and effect IF you eliminate or neglect many variables.

    mcdar, Aug 20, 2004 IP
  16. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

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    *Google PR/Backlink update
    **29 DCs are NOT responding**
    ***27 DCs are NOT responding**

    ****32 DCs are NOT responding**

    The "New Page" sleeping-bags.htm
    04/07/2004 "New Page" went live

    Search for "Sleeping Bags"
    NOTE: Due to size constraints, the entire report can no longer appear in a post.
    You can view the entire report here... Complete Report
    Last 10 days

    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #8 - 08/03/2004 [15 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #49, 10 DCs #50, 7 DCs #52] ***
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #8 - 08/04/2004 [14 DCs #Not Found, 4 DCs #45, 7 DCs #46, 2 DCs #49, 2 DCs #51] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #8 - 08/05/2004 [14 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #47, 11 DCs #48, 2 DCs #53] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #8 - 08/06/2004 [12 DCs #Not Found, 6 DCs #47, 5 DCs #48, 2 DCs #50, 5 DCs #51] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #8 - 08/07/2004 [14 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #46, 11 DCs #47, 4 DCs #48] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #8 - 08/08/2004 [14 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #48, 11 DCs #50, 4 DCs #51] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #8 - 08/09/2004 [14 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #48, 11 DCs #50, 4 DCs #51] ****
    Unchanged from previous date
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #8 - 08/11/2004 [16 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #47, 9 DCs #49, 4 DCs #50] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #9 - 08/12/2004 [18 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #54, 7 DCs #57, 4 DCs #58] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #9 - 08/13/2004 [18 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #53, 8 DCs #54, 3 DCs #55] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #9 - 08/14/2004 [18 DCs #Not Found, 2 DCs #52, 9 DCs #54, 2 DCs #55] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #9 - 08/15/2004 [#Not Found - In ALL Datacenters, ] ****
    Postion #Not Found allinanchor: #10 - 08/16/2004 [#Not Found - In ALL Datacenters, ] ****
    Unchanged from previous date

    note: these pages are found using ( site:www.compar.com +sleeping Bags )
    number of Bob's PR6 and PR5 links found:

    83 - 7/29/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    81 - 8/07/2004
    80 - 8/08/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    79 - 8/12/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    75 - 8/15/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    76 - 8/17/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    78 - 8/20/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.komar.org +sleeping Bags )
    Alek's PR 7 Link:
    Not reported by Google 4/17/2004
    Reported by Google 4/18/2004 (all datacenters)
    Unchanged from previous date
    Link removed / no longer pointing to page 6/2/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.ski-france-ok.com +sleeping Bags )
    Foxy's PR5 and two PR4s
    0 - 4/20/2004
    3 - 5/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    2 - 6/17/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    Bob and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on this forum 5/06/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.digitalpoint.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links from Signatures - 6/11/2004
    4060 - highest links reported 6/12/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob replaced links in Signatures - 7/21/2004

    3440 - 8/02/2004
    3460 - 8/03/2004
    3960 - 8/04/2004
    3910 - 8/05/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    3840 - 8/07/2004
    3720 - 8/08/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    3750 - 8/12/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    3730[/COLOR] - 8/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    3690 - 8/16/2004
    3710- 8/17/2004
    3830 - 8/18/2004
    3840 - 8/19/2004
    Unchanged from previous date

    Caryl and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on the SEO Chat forum 5/11/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.seochat.com +sleeping bags )

    167 - 8/02/2004
    161 - 8/03/2004
    158 - 8/04/2004
    154 - 8/05/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    156 - 8/07/2004
    155 - 8/08/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    173 - 8/12/2004
    207 - 8/13/2004
    220 - 8/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    226- 8/17/2004
    234 - 8/18/2004
    233 - 8/19/2004
    Unchanged from previous date

    "Sandbox" info - this search theoretically removes "sandbox" link filter
    Results for - ( sleeping bags -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -das -das -dsa )

    #244 - 07/18/2004
    #251 - 07/19/2004
    #246 - 07/20/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    #43 - 07/26/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    #418 - 08/16/2004
    Unchanged from previous date

    *August 18, 2004 - (10) Project Supporters donated a total of 51 Links from 13 different IP addresses to page. Additional info will be added as it comes in.
    PR/Backlink info

    ~ August 9 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    85 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 84 of 85)
    13 of Caryl's links
    13 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    20 for Digitalpoint forums
    28 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ July 16 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    129 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 113 of 129)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    49 for Digitalpoint forums
    38 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ June 22 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    325 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 325)
    50 of Caryl's links
    56 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    149 for Digitalpoint forums
    70 for SEO Chat forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ May 31 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    170 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 170)
    37 of Caryl's links
    46 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    85 for Digitalpoint forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ April 23 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR5
    49 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 49)
    5 of Caryl's links
    42 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    2 for Digitalpoint forums
    Nothing for Alek's PR7 link(the link on Alek's page is 53rd link - may validate the 50 link/page theory)

    ~ Highest Position Attained ~

    Position #15 allinanchor: #5 - 05/15/2004 [12 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    (No signature links had been used at this point - may have been "honeymoon period")

    Note:Google API has page at #N/A
    mcdar, Aug 20, 2004 IP
  17. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

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    Googlebot spidered the experiment page this AM:

    2004-08-20 03:45:12 - 80 GET /camping1/sleeping-bags.htm - 200 20698 237 261 HTTP/1.0 www.mcdar.com Googlebot/2.1+(+http://www.google.com/bot.html)

    Time will tell if the cache gets updated from June 22nd as a result.
    mcdar, Aug 20, 2004 IP
  18. TLDTrader.com

    TLDTrader.com Peon

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    Caryl, all links are up.

    Twenty links from a single domain, non-relevant site. Home page is a PR6.

    Will send PM regarding URLs.

    TLDTrader.com, Aug 20, 2004 IP
  19. compar

    compar Peon

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    The Cached date showing for the experimental page is now 20 Aug 2004 03:45:12 GMT.

    Let's hope this is a sign of the page being on the road back.
    compar, Aug 21, 2004 IP
  20. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

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    Well, I checked earlier this AM and everything was the same. I just varified the cache and indeed it had been updated!

    SO - I checked the position in the search results and...

    GUESS WHAT.....

    POSITION for the page is now is back i the 40s - 50s range!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I will do a daily report now.

    mcdar, Aug 21, 2004 IP
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