1. Advertising
    y u no do it?

    Advertising (learn more)

    Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

    Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

McDar Experiment

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by compar, Apr 5, 2004.

Thread Status:
Not open for further replies.
  1. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    We are all thinking the same way - so which comes first - signature links or yours Bob?

    For some reason the forum has not been sending me emails on all latest posts so PMs might be more reliable.

    [On another note, Bob, my Mambo site has shown up with the first pages listed in Google and it is going deeper each day - up to 36 pages now in total - however a good showing of Mambo so I feel a bit more comfortable about it]
    Foxy, Nov 15, 2004 IP
  2. compar

    compar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Let's agree to drop our signature links first. Tell me when you are ready.
    compar, Nov 15, 2004 IP
  3. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    That's fine by me Bob

    I shall do it at 00.00 PST [that is 08.00 GMT] today [16th]

    That includes seochat and any others that I might have floating around!
    Foxy, Nov 15, 2004 IP
  4. compar

    compar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Mine are removed now.
    compar, Nov 15, 2004 IP
  5. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    *Google PR/Backlink update
    **29 DCs are NOT responding**
    ***27 DCs are NOT responding**

    ****32 DCs are NOT responding**

    The "New Page" sleeping-bags.htm
    04/07/2004 "New Page" went live

    Search for "Sleeping Bags"
    NOTE: Due to size constraints, the entire report can no longer appear in a post.
    You can view the entire report here... Complete Report
    Last 10 days

    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/06/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/07/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/08/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/09/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/10/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/11/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/12/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/13/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/14/2004 [4 DCs #2, 26 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/15/2004 [5 DCs #2, 25 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 -11/16/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    note: these pages are found using ( site:www.compar.com +sleeping Bags )
    number of Bob's PR6 and PR5 links found:

    108 - 11/03/2004
    107 - 11/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    105 - 11/05/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    110 - 11/09/2004
    109 - 11/10/2004
    114 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.komar.org +sleeping Bags )
    Alek's PR 7 Link:
    Not reported by Google 4/17/2004
    Reported by Google 4/18/2004 (all datacenters)
    Unchanged from previous date
    Link removed / no longer pointing to page 6/2/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.ski-france-ok.com +sleeping Bags )
    Foxy's PR5 and two PR4s
    0 - 4/20/2004
    3 - 5/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    2 - 6/17/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    Bob and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on this forum 5/06/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.digitalpoint.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links from Signatures - 6/11/2004
    4060 - highest links reported 6/12/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob replaced links in Signatures - 7/21/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    2950 - 11/05/2004
    1910 - 11/06/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    1900 - 11/08/2004
    2960 - 11/09/2004
    2830 - 11/10/2004
    3280 - 11/11/2004
    4150 - 11/12/2004
    4340 - 11/13/2004
    4270 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    4330 - 11/16/2004

    Caryl and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on the SEO Chat forum 5/11/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.seochat.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    270 - 11/06/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    263 - 11/08/2004
    285 - 11/09/2004
    286 - 11/10/2004
    780 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    786 - 11/13/2004
    787 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    792 - 11/16/2004

    "Sandbox" info - this search theoretically removes "sandbox" link filter
    Results for - ( sleeping bags -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -das -das -dsa )

    #22 - 08/22/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    #14 - 08/24/2004
    #19 - 08/26/2004
    Defunct: This search no longer relevant

    *August 18, 2004 - (10) Project Supporters donated Links from 13 different IP addresses to page. Additional info will be added as it comes in.

    Total links found by using site:www.domainname.tld Researched daily by Foxy

    Daily Totals Report (click to see full report)

    198 - 11/03/2004
    218 - 11/05/2004
    222 - 11/06/2004
    232 - 11/08/2004
    369 - 11/10/2004
    403 - 11/11/2004
    403 - 11/12/2004
    415 - 11/13/2004
    422 - 11/14/2004
    PR/Backlink info

    ~ September 11 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    566 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 549 of 566)
    20 of Caryl's links
    10 of Bob's Links
    9 of "August 18th" Links
    480 for Digitalpoint forums
    30 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 30 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    457 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 449 of 457)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    401 for Digitalpoint forums
    23 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 9 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    85 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 84 of 85)
    13 of Caryl's links
    13 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    20 for Digitalpoint forums
    28 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ July 16 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    129 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 113 of 129)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    49 for Digitalpoint forums
    38 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ June 22 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    325 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 325)
    50 of Caryl's links
    56 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    149 for Digitalpoint forums
    70 for SEO Chat forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ May 31 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    170 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 170)
    37 of Caryl's links
    46 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    85 for Digitalpoint forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ April 23 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR5
    49 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 49)
    5 of Caryl's links
    42 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    2 for Digitalpoint forums
    Nothing for Alek's PR7 link(the link on Alek's page is 53rd link - may validate the 50 link/page theory)

    ~ Highest Positions Attained ~

    Position #15 allinanchor: #5 - 05/15/2004 [12 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    (No signature links had been used at this point - may have been "honeymoon period")

    Postion #14 allinanchor: #2 - 08/24/2004 [9 DCs #13, 21 DCs #14] ****

    Postion #12 allinanchor: #2 - 10/04/2004 [10 DCs #11, 22 DCs #12] ****

    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 - 10/06/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 - 10/21/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 - 10/27/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Note:Google API has page at #2

    Attached Files:

    mcdar, Nov 16, 2004 IP
  6. l0cke

    l0cke Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Mcdar how is the traffic at #2/3?

    Wordtracker - 554.0/day
    Overture - 744.8/day
    l0cke, Nov 16, 2004 IP
  7. compar

    compar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Good question! In other words have we done all this work for nothing?
    compar, Nov 16, 2004 IP
  8. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Yes a good question - however modular homes shows at 7500+ and 4400+ but that was only 2000 odd a little while back so I would suggest that there might be an anomaly in the figures - they should be read with caution. I was no1 in Yahoo the other day for modular homes [no 13 at the moment] and the figures jumped to 450/day which would relate to the original 2000 odd figure for Google [if Y is 25% of G].

    [Actually.... change that, I went and had a look and we are back at No2 so I will let you know what happens with the stats] :)
    Foxy, Nov 16, 2004 IP
  9. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Analysis of my log files for yesterday reported 13 hits from the search for keywords "Sleeping Bags" on Google.

    Today's log already reports that many hits on the same.

    Analysis of the last 7 days reports a total of 75 hits.

    mcdar, Nov 16, 2004 IP
  10. compar

    compar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Well that certainly isn't many visits. I would have expected more. So then the next question is are those visitors converting or buying?

    I recently spent $1,000 on some PPC advertising and found the conversion rate about 0% on a site that converts about 2% from generic SERP visitors. So if sleeping bags follow suit you should have gotten an order or two from those 75 visitor??????
    compar, Nov 16, 2004 IP
  11. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    We have sold 7 sleeping bags in the last 7 days.

    BUT, remember November is hardly a great time for selling Sleeping Bags. We usually do get a small surge during Christmas sales but most Sleeping Bags are sold in Spring and early Summer.

    Honestly, I thought we would catch that wave last April when we first started the experiment. I thought when you offered (Bob 50 + links) that that was a gold mine and "surely the page would catapult to the top of the search". Boy, was I mistaken.

    Without the help of ALL who have contributed to this experiment, I would still be wondering just what does it take to get to the top.

    When I saw the keyword listed a "moderately difficult" I thought that it shouldn't be that difficult. I now have my doubts as to how these keywords get rated. It is apparent that it has taken hundreds, if not thousands, of links to get to the top.

    I still believe that the Signature links have more value than many believe. But, we will soon find out the answer to that question, won't we.

    mcdar, Nov 16, 2004 IP
  12. earlpearl

    earlpearl Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    I've read parts of this incredible study. Actually placement in serps and number of visits and conversions/sales are two separate items. I used to be an avid camper. Not only have you been competing for a phrase but you are competing against name brand companies with a lot of visibility (REI) and others and traffic for sleeping bag(s) might also start out on phrases like camping gear etc. People using the phrase sleeping bags might orient immediately to well known retailers.

    Do the overture predictions reflect traffic and buying patterns on a monthly basis. In my industry overture shows more traffic during typically busier months.

    Actual visits may be a reflection of the content under the title. Maybe if the content said something like "best collection of sleeping bags at the best prices in the world...blah, blah, blah, it might draw more visits...but thats a different topic.

    Who knows.

    On my site, we use the word free for a couple of things and it amazes me the volume of search traffic with free...keywords. All that business come on stuff.

    Without having read everything, it seems this experiment was focused on serps placement on google and not these last few comments. From what I've read (and I apologize for not going through everything) this has been a killer experiment valuable to many. Keep it up.

    Thank you,

    earlpearl, Nov 16, 2004 IP
  13. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    *Google PR/Backlink update
    **29 DCs are NOT responding**
    ***27 DCs are NOT responding**

    ****32 DCs are NOT responding**

    The "New Page" sleeping-bags.htm
    04/07/2004 "New Page" went live

    Search for "Sleeping Bags"
    NOTE: Due to size constraints, the entire report can no longer appear in a post.
    You can view the entire report here... Complete Report
    Last 10 days

    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/07/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/08/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/09/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/10/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/11/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/12/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/13/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/14/2004 [4 DCs #2, 26 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/15/2004 [5 DCs #2, 25 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 -11/16/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/17/2004 [1 DCs #2, 29 DCs #3] ****
    note: these pages are found using ( site:www.compar.com +sleeping Bags )
    number of Bob's PR6 and PR5 links found:

    108 - 11/03/2004
    107 - 11/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    105 - 11/05/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    110 - 11/09/2004
    109 - 11/10/2004
    114 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.komar.org +sleeping Bags )
    Alek's PR 7 Link:
    Not reported by Google 4/17/2004
    Reported by Google 4/18/2004 (all datacenters)
    Unchanged from previous date
    Link removed / no longer pointing to page 6/2/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.ski-france-ok.com +sleeping Bags )
    Foxy's PR5 and two PR4s
    0 - 4/20/2004
    3 - 5/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    2 - 6/17/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    Bob and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on this forum 5/06/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.digitalpoint.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links from Signatures - 6/11/2004
    4060 - highest links reported 6/12/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob replaced links in Signatures - 7/21/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    1900 - 11/08/2004
    2960 - 11/09/2004
    2830 - 11/10/2004
    3280 - 11/11/2004
    4150 - 11/12/2004
    4340 - 11/13/2004
    4270 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    4330 - 11/16/2004
    4430 - 11/17/2004

    Caryl and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on the SEO Chat forum 5/11/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.seochat.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    263 - 11/08/2004
    285 - 11/09/2004
    286 - 11/10/2004
    780 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    786 - 11/13/2004
    787 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    792 - 11/16/2004
    794 - 11/17/2004

    "Sandbox" info - this search theoretically removes "sandbox" link filter
    Results for - ( sleeping bags -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -das -das -dsa )

    #22 - 08/22/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    #14 - 08/24/2004
    #19 - 08/26/2004
    Defunct: This search no longer relevant

    *August 18, 2004 - (10) Project Supporters donated Links from 13 different IP addresses to page. Additional info will be added as it comes in.

    Total links found by using site:www.domainname.tld Researched daily by Foxy

    Daily Totals Report (click to see full report)

    222 - 11/06/2004
    232 - 11/08/2004
    369 - 11/10/2004
    403 - 11/11/2004
    403 - 11/12/2004
    415 - 11/13/2004
    422 - 11/14/2004
    PR/Backlink info

    ~ September 11 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    566 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 549 of 566)
    20 of Caryl's links
    10 of Bob's Links
    9 of "August 18th" Links
    480 for Digitalpoint forums
    30 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 30 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    457 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 449 of 457)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    401 for Digitalpoint forums
    23 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 9 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    85 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 84 of 85)
    13 of Caryl's links
    13 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    20 for Digitalpoint forums
    28 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ July 16 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    129 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 113 of 129)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    49 for Digitalpoint forums
    38 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ June 22 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    325 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 325)
    50 of Caryl's links
    56 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    149 for Digitalpoint forums
    70 for SEO Chat forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ May 31 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    170 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 170)
    37 of Caryl's links
    46 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    85 for Digitalpoint forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ April 23 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR5
    49 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 49)
    5 of Caryl's links
    42 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    2 for Digitalpoint forums
    Nothing for Alek's PR7 link(the link on Alek's page is 53rd link - may validate the 50 link/page theory)

    ~ Highest Positions Attained ~

    Position #15 allinanchor: #5 - 05/15/2004 [12 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    (No signature links had been used at this point - may have been "honeymoon period")

    Postion #14 allinanchor: #2 - 08/24/2004 [9 DCs #13, 21 DCs #14] ****

    Postion #12 allinanchor: #2 - 10/04/2004 [10 DCs #11, 22 DCs #12] ****

    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 - 10/06/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 - 10/21/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 - 10/27/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Note:Google API has page at #3
    mcdar, Nov 17, 2004 IP
  14. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    *Google PR/Backlink update
    **29 DCs are NOT responding**
    ***27 DCs are NOT responding**

    ****32 DCs are NOT responding**

    The "New Page" sleeping-bags.htm
    04/07/2004 "New Page" went live

    Search for "Sleeping Bags"
    NOTE: Due to size constraints, the entire report can no longer appear in a post.
    You can view the entire report here... Complete Report
    Last 10 days

    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/08/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/09/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/10/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/11/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/12/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/13/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/14/2004 [4 DCs #2, 26 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/15/2004 [5 DCs #2, 25 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 -11/16/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/17/2004 [1 DCs #2, 29 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/18/2004 [2 DCs #2, 28 DCs #3] ****
    note: these pages are found using ( site:www.compar.com +sleeping Bags )
    number of Bob's PR6 and PR5 links found:

    108 - 11/03/2004
    107 - 11/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    105 - 11/05/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    110 - 11/09/2004
    109 - 11/10/2004
    114 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.komar.org +sleeping Bags )
    Alek's PR 7 Link:
    Not reported by Google 4/17/2004
    Reported by Google 4/18/2004 (all datacenters)
    Unchanged from previous date
    Link removed / no longer pointing to page 6/2/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.ski-france-ok.com +sleeping Bags )
    Foxy's PR5 and two PR4s
    0 - 4/20/2004
    3 - 5/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    2 - 6/17/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    Bob and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on this forum 5/06/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.digitalpoint.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links from Signatures - 6/11/2004
    4060 - highest links reported 6/12/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob replaced links in Signatures - 7/21/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    1900 - 11/08/2004
    2960 - 11/09/2004
    2830 - 11/10/2004
    3280 - 11/11/2004
    4150 - 11/12/2004
    4340 - 11/13/2004
    4270 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    4330 - 11/16/2004
    4430 - 11/17/2004
    4330 - 11/18/2004

    Caryl and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on the SEO Chat forum 5/11/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.seochat.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    263 - 11/08/2004
    285 - 11/09/2004
    286 - 11/10/2004
    780 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    786 - 11/13/2004
    787 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    792 - 11/16/2004
    794 - 11/17/2004
    785 - 11/18/2004

    "Sandbox" info - this search theoretically removes "sandbox" link filter
    Results for - ( sleeping bags -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -das -das -dsa )

    #22 - 08/22/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    #14 - 08/24/2004
    #19 - 08/26/2004
    Defunct: This search no longer relevant

    *August 18, 2004 - (10) Project Supporters donated Links from 13 different IP addresses to page. Additional info will be added as it comes in.

    Total links found by using site:www.domainname.tld Researched daily by Foxy

    Daily Totals Report (click to see full report)

    222 - 11/06/2004
    232 - 11/08/2004
    369 - 11/10/2004
    403 - 11/11/2004
    403 - 11/12/2004
    415 - 11/13/2004
    422 - 11/14/2004
    PR/Backlink info

    ~ September 11 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    566 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 549 of 566)
    20 of Caryl's links
    10 of Bob's Links
    9 of "August 18th" Links
    480 for Digitalpoint forums
    30 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 30 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    457 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 449 of 457)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    401 for Digitalpoint forums
    23 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 9 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    85 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 84 of 85)
    13 of Caryl's links
    13 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    20 for Digitalpoint forums
    28 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ July 16 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    129 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 113 of 129)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    49 for Digitalpoint forums
    38 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ June 22 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    325 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 325)
    50 of Caryl's links
    56 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    149 for Digitalpoint forums
    70 for SEO Chat forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ May 31 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    170 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 170)
    37 of Caryl's links
    46 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    85 for Digitalpoint forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ April 23 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR5
    49 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 49)
    5 of Caryl's links
    42 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    2 for Digitalpoint forums
    Nothing for Alek's PR7 link(the link on Alek's page is 53rd link - may validate the 50 link/page theory)

    ~ Highest Positions Attained ~

    Position #15 allinanchor: #5 - 05/15/2004 [12 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    (No signature links had been used at this point - may have been "honeymoon period")

    Postion #14 allinanchor: #2 - 08/24/2004 [9 DCs #13, 21 DCs #14] ****

    Postion #12 allinanchor: #2 - 10/04/2004 [10 DCs #11, 22 DCs #12] ****

    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 - 10/06/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 - 10/21/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 - 10/27/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Note:Google API has page at #3

    Attached Files:

    mcdar, Nov 18, 2004 IP
  15. Smyrl

    Smyrl Tomato Republic Staff

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Keep the information flowing. It is fun to track the progress.

    Smyrl, Nov 18, 2004 IP
  16. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    *Google PR/Backlink update
    **29 DCs are NOT responding**
    ***27 DCs are NOT responding**

    ****32 DCs are NOT responding**

    The "New Page" sleeping-bags.htm
    04/07/2004 "New Page" went live

    Search for "Sleeping Bags"
    NOTE: Due to size constraints, the entire report can no longer appear in a post.
    You can view the entire report here... Complete Report
    Last 10 days

    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/09/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/10/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/11/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/12/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/13/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/14/2004 [4 DCs #2, 26 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/15/2004 [5 DCs #2, 25 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 -11/16/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/17/2004 [1 DCs #2, 29 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/18/2004 [2 DCs #2, 28 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/19/2004 [2 DCs #2, 28 DCs #3] ****
    note: these pages are found using ( site:www.compar.com +sleeping Bags )
    number of Bob's PR6 and PR5 links found:

    108 - 11/03/2004
    107 - 11/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    105 - 11/05/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    110 - 11/09/2004
    109 - 11/10/2004
    114 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.komar.org +sleeping Bags )
    Alek's PR 7 Link:
    Not reported by Google 4/17/2004
    Reported by Google 4/18/2004 (all datacenters)
    Unchanged from previous date
    Link removed / no longer pointing to page 6/2/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.ski-france-ok.com +sleeping Bags )
    Foxy's PR5 and two PR4s
    0 - 4/20/2004
    3 - 5/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    2 - 6/17/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    Bob and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on this forum 5/06/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.digitalpoint.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links from Signatures - 6/11/2004
    4060 - highest links reported 6/12/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob replaced links in Signatures - 7/21/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    2960 - 11/09/2004
    2830 - 11/10/2004
    3280 - 11/11/2004
    4150 - 11/12/2004
    4340 - 11/13/2004
    4270 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    4330 - 11/16/2004
    4430 - 11/17/2004
    4330 - 11/18/2004
    Unchanged from previous date

    Caryl and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on the SEO Chat forum 5/11/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.seochat.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    285 - 11/09/2004
    286 - 11/10/2004
    780 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    786 - 11/13/2004
    787 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    792 - 11/16/2004
    794 - 11/17/2004
    785 - 11/18/2004
    Unchanged from previous date

    "Sandbox" info - this search theoretically removes "sandbox" link filter
    Results for - ( sleeping bags -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -das -das -dsa )

    #22 - 08/22/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    #14 - 08/24/2004
    #19 - 08/26/2004
    Defunct: This search no longer relevant

    *August 18, 2004 - (10) Project Supporters donated Links from 13 different IP addresses to page. Additional info will be added as it comes in.

    Total links found by using site:www.domainname.tld Researched daily by Foxy

    Daily Totals Report (click to see full report)

    222 - 11/06/2004
    232 - 11/08/2004
    369 - 11/10/2004
    403 - 11/11/2004
    403 - 11/12/2004
    415 - 11/13/2004
    422 - 11/14/2004
    PR/Backlink info

    ~ September 11 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    566 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 549 of 566)
    20 of Caryl's links
    10 of Bob's Links
    9 of "August 18th" Links
    480 for Digitalpoint forums
    30 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 30 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    457 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 449 of 457)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    401 for Digitalpoint forums
    23 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 9 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    85 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 84 of 85)
    13 of Caryl's links
    13 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    20 for Digitalpoint forums
    28 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ July 16 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    129 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 113 of 129)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    49 for Digitalpoint forums
    38 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ June 22 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    325 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 325)
    50 of Caryl's links
    56 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    149 for Digitalpoint forums
    70 for SEO Chat forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ May 31 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    170 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 170)
    37 of Caryl's links
    46 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    85 for Digitalpoint forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ April 23 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR5
    49 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 49)
    5 of Caryl's links
    42 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    2 for Digitalpoint forums
    Nothing for Alek's PR7 link(the link on Alek's page is 53rd link - may validate the 50 link/page theory)

    ~ Highest Positions Attained ~

    Position #15 allinanchor: #5 - 05/15/2004 [12 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    (No signature links had been used at this point - may have been "honeymoon period")

    Postion #14 allinanchor: #2 - 08/24/2004 [9 DCs #13, 21 DCs #14] ****

    Postion #12 allinanchor: #2 - 10/04/2004 [10 DCs #11, 22 DCs #12] ****

    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 - 10/06/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 - 10/21/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 - 10/27/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Note:Google API has page at #3
    mcdar, Nov 19, 2004 IP
  17. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    *Google PR/Backlink update
    **29 DCs are NOT responding**
    ***27 DCs are NOT responding**

    ****32 DCs are NOT responding**

    The "New Page" sleeping-bags.htm
    04/07/2004 "New Page" went live

    Search for "Sleeping Bags"
    NOTE: Due to size constraints, the entire report can no longer appear in a post.
    You can view the entire report here... Complete Report
    Last 10 days

    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/10/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/11/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/12/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/13/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/14/2004 [4 DCs #2, 26 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/15/2004 [5 DCs #2, 25 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 -11/16/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/17/2004 [1 DCs #2, 29 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/18/2004 [2 DCs #2, 28 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/19/2004 [2 DCs #2, 28 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/20/2004 [4 DCs #3, 26 DCs #4] ****
    note: these pages are found using ( site:www.compar.com +sleeping Bags )
    number of Bob's PR6 and PR5 links found:

    105 - 11/05/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    110 - 11/09/2004
    109 - 11/10/2004
    114 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    112 - 11/20/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.komar.org +sleeping Bags )
    Alek's PR 7 Link:
    Not reported by Google 4/17/2004
    Reported by Google 4/18/2004 (all datacenters)
    Unchanged from previous date
    Link removed / no longer pointing to page 6/2/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.ski-france-ok.com +sleeping Bags )
    Foxy's PR5 and two PR4s
    0 - 4/20/2004
    3 - 5/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    2 - 6/17/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    Bob and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on this forum 5/06/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.digitalpoint.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links from Signatures - 6/11/2004
    4060 - highest links reported 6/12/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob replaced links in Signatures - 7/21/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    2830 - 11/10/2004
    3280 - 11/11/2004
    4150 - 11/12/2004
    4340 - 11/13/2004
    4270 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    4330 - 11/16/2004
    4430 - 11/17/2004
    4330 - 11/18/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    4200 - 11/20/2004

    Caryl and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on the SEO Chat forum 5/11/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.seochat.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    286 - 11/10/2004
    780 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    786 - 11/13/2004
    787 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    792 - 11/16/2004
    794 - 11/17/2004
    785 - 11/18/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    778 - 11/20/2004

    "Sandbox" info - this search theoretically removes "sandbox" link filter
    Results for - ( sleeping bags -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -das -das -dsa )

    #22 - 08/22/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    #14 - 08/24/2004
    #19 - 08/26/2004
    Defunct: This search no longer relevant

    *August 18, 2004 - (10) Project Supporters donated Links from 13 different IP addresses to page. Additional info will be added as it comes in.

    Total links found by using site:www.domainname.tld Researched daily by Foxy

    Daily Totals Report (click to see full report)

    222 - 11/06/2004
    232 - 11/08/2004
    369 - 11/10/2004
    403 - 11/11/2004
    403 - 11/12/2004
    415 - 11/13/2004
    422 - 11/14/2004
    PR/Backlink info

    ~ September 11 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    566 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 549 of 566)
    20 of Caryl's links
    10 of Bob's Links
    9 of "August 18th" Links
    480 for Digitalpoint forums
    30 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 30 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    457 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 449 of 457)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    401 for Digitalpoint forums
    23 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 9 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    85 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 84 of 85)
    13 of Caryl's links
    13 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    20 for Digitalpoint forums
    28 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ July 16 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    129 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 113 of 129)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    49 for Digitalpoint forums
    38 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ June 22 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    325 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 325)
    50 of Caryl's links
    56 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    149 for Digitalpoint forums
    70 for SEO Chat forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ May 31 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    170 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 170)
    37 of Caryl's links
    46 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    85 for Digitalpoint forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ April 23 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR5
    49 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 49)
    5 of Caryl's links
    42 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    2 for Digitalpoint forums
    Nothing for Alek's PR7 link(the link on Alek's page is 53rd link - may validate the 50 link/page theory)

    ~ Highest Positions Attained ~

    Position #15 allinanchor: #5 - 05/15/2004 [12 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    (No signature links had been used at this point - may have been "honeymoon period")

    Postion #14 allinanchor: #2 - 08/24/2004 [9 DCs #13, 21 DCs #14] ****

    Postion #12 allinanchor: #2 - 10/04/2004 [10 DCs #11, 22 DCs #12] ****

    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 - 10/06/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 - 10/21/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 - 10/27/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Note:Google API has page at #4
    mcdar, Nov 20, 2004 IP
  18. Smyrl

    Smyrl Tomato Republic Staff

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    What is everyone's thoughts about position four? Do you think this may be as a result of change in backlinks?

    Smyrl, Nov 20, 2004 IP
  19. compar

    compar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    If you are talking about the Signature links that foxy and I removed a couple of days ago I would have thought it was to early for these to have had an impact yet. According to the daily report the count has only dropped a little bit. So I can't believe they will impact, if at all, until the number drops a lot further than this.
    compar, Nov 20, 2004 IP
  20. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    The last time we dropped the signature links (6/11/04) the page was at position#30. By 6/25/04 we dropped to postion #144.

    HOWEVER, there were many Google changes that coincided with ours so we really could not quantify the effects of the signature change.

    I do believe we are already seeing some of the effects of the loss of the sig links. Google seems more stable right now so we may actually be able to see some real cause and effect results from our current change.


    :eek: NOW - someone has to post something so I can post tomorrows update!
    mcdar, Nov 20, 2004 IP
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