1. Advertising
    y u no do it?

    Advertising (learn more)

    Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

    Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

McDar Experiment

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by compar, Apr 5, 2004.

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  1. A Freylicher

    A Freylicher Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    <<NOW - someone has to post something so I can post tomorrows update!>>

    I shall do it.

    I am new to SEO. Just a couple months ago learned the basics. I visited many SEO sites and forums. Clearly SEO is not an exact science and most conclusions are based on circumstantial evidence.

    This thread (and I killed a few hours to read it from A to Z) is the closest thing to real science. It prompted me to join this forum - the only SEO forum I joined so far.

    Thank you, Caryl for very good tool and everybody who participated in this experiment.

    A Freylicher, Nov 20, 2004 IP
  2. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Hi A Freylicher, welcome and enjoy, and thankyou on behalf of everyone who is involved for your kind comments.

    Reading the thread from start to finish is something even I have done a number of times as it gives a deeper insite into what is happening [and also the brain cells need refreshing as they aren't as good as they used to be !]

    I certainly, like Bob, do not think that the signature removal has had any adverse affect [in fact I think the reverse is true, having no signature links now at all, and my main KWs are stable and my minor KWs have improved - but that is another area of interest, does the potence of major linking on one KW "take" from the others?] on the rankings, however, there is one factor I think I have noticed and that is that the "Reported" numbers trail the actual "Recorded" fact by a few days [Googles way of disinforming people like us!] - if this shows up significantly then it will prove this fact and the signature fact.:)
    Foxy, Nov 21, 2004 IP
  3. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    *Google PR/Backlink update
    **29 DCs are NOT responding**
    ***27 DCs are NOT responding**

    ****32 DCs are NOT responding**

    The "New Page" sleeping-bags.htm
    04/07/2004 "New Page" went live

    Search for "Sleeping Bags"
    NOTE: Due to size constraints, the entire report can no longer appear in a post.
    You can view the entire report here... Complete Report
    Last 10 days

    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/11/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/12/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/13/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/14/2004 [4 DCs #2, 26 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/15/2004 [5 DCs #2, 25 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 -11/16/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/17/2004 [1 DCs #2, 29 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/18/2004 [2 DCs #2, 28 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/19/2004 [2 DCs #2, 28 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/20/2004 [4 DCs #3, 26 DCs #4] ****
    Postion #5 allinanchor: #2 -11/21/2004 [4 DCs #4, 26 DCs #5] ****
    note: these pages are found using ( site:www.compar.com +sleeping Bags )
    number of Bob's PR6 and PR5 links found:

    105 - 11/05/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    110 - 11/09/2004
    109 - 11/10/2004
    114 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    112 - 11/20/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.komar.org +sleeping Bags )
    Alek's PR 7 Link:
    Not reported by Google 4/17/2004
    Reported by Google 4/18/2004 (all datacenters)
    Unchanged from previous date
    Link removed / no longer pointing to page 6/2/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.ski-france-ok.com +sleeping Bags )
    Foxy's PR5 and two PR4s
    0 - 4/20/2004
    3 - 5/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    2 - 6/17/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    Bob and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on this forum 5/06/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.digitalpoint.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links from Signatures - 6/11/2004
    4060 - highest links reported 6/12/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob replaced links in Signatures - 7/21/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    3280 - 11/11/2004
    4150 - 11/12/2004
    4340 - 11/13/2004
    4270 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    4330 - 11/16/2004
    4430 - 11/17/2004
    4330 - 11/18/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    4200 - 11/20/2004
    4130 - 11/21/2004

    Caryl and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on the SEO Chat forum 5/11/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.seochat.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    780 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    786 - 11/13/2004
    787 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    792 - 11/16/2004
    794 - 11/17/2004
    785 - 11/18/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    778 - 11/20/2004
    771 - 11/21/2004

    "Sandbox" info - this search theoretically removes "sandbox" link filter
    Results for - ( sleeping bags -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -das -das -dsa )

    #22 - 08/22/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    #14 - 08/24/2004
    #19 - 08/26/2004
    Defunct: This search no longer relevant

    *August 18, 2004 - (10) Project Supporters donated Links from 13 different IP addresses to page. Additional info will be added as it comes in.

    Total links found by using site:www.domainname.tld Researched daily by Foxy

    Daily Totals Report (click to see full report)

    222 - 11/06/2004
    232 - 11/08/2004
    369 - 11/10/2004
    403 - 11/11/2004
    403 - 11/12/2004
    415 - 11/13/2004
    422 - 11/14/2004
    428 - 11/21/2004
    PR/Backlink info

    ~ September 11 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    566 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 549 of 566)
    20 of Caryl's links
    10 of Bob's Links
    9 of "August 18th" Links
    480 for Digitalpoint forums
    30 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 30 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    457 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 449 of 457)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    401 for Digitalpoint forums
    23 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 9 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    85 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 84 of 85)
    13 of Caryl's links
    13 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    20 for Digitalpoint forums
    28 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ July 16 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    129 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 113 of 129)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    49 for Digitalpoint forums
    38 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ June 22 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    325 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 325)
    50 of Caryl's links
    56 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    149 for Digitalpoint forums
    70 for SEO Chat forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ May 31 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    170 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 170)
    37 of Caryl's links
    46 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    85 for Digitalpoint forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ April 23 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR5
    49 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 49)
    5 of Caryl's links
    42 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    2 for Digitalpoint forums
    Nothing for Alek's PR7 link(the link on Alek's page is 53rd link - may validate the 50 link/page theory)

    ~ Highest Positions Attained ~

    Position #15 allinanchor: #5 - 05/15/2004 [12 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    (No signature links had been used at this point - may have been "honeymoon period")

    Postion #14 allinanchor: #2 - 08/24/2004 [9 DCs #13, 21 DCs #14] ****

    Postion #12 allinanchor: #2 - 10/04/2004 [10 DCs #11, 22 DCs #12] ****

    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 - 10/06/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 - 10/21/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 - 10/27/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Note:Google API has page at #5
    mcdar, Nov 21, 2004 IP
  4. dazzlindonna

    dazzlindonna Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    looks like the removal of the sig links is hurting the ranking
    dazzlindonna, Nov 21, 2004 IP
  5. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    I concur, Donna! I think the pages position will continue to slide - the big question is ...

    How much of an effect will there be?
    mcdar, Nov 21, 2004 IP
  6. dazzlindonna

    dazzlindonna Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Do you have a general idea of how many sig links there were? Might be able to eventually correlate approximate level of importance of x amount of sig links to x amount of rise/fall.
    dazzlindonna, Nov 21, 2004 IP
  7. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:

    The actual number of links should be the total of posts for Bob and Foxy for this forum and Foxy in SEOChat forum.

    Bobs post total = 1489
    Foxy (DP) = 1209
    Foxy (SEOChat) = 347
    Total = 3045

    So, to answer your question, close to 3000 sig links.

    Lord knows how many of those 3000 links Google counted toward actual links to the experiment page.
    mcdar, Nov 21, 2004 IP
  8. compar

    compar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Yes the numbers are right in Caryl's daily reports. Google reported a high of 4,430 sig links from Digital Point and a high of 794 from SEOChat.

    These are really cached copies and were found using the "site:forums.digitalpoint.com +sleeping bags" or equivalent search. So the reason the number is slow to decline -- 4,130 and 771 today -- is because they don't fall off until Google does the next crawl of the page and update of the cache.

    Both counts are down at the moment less than 10%. That is why it is hard for me to believe that they are the soul factor in a two or three place drop in the SERP.
    compar, Nov 21, 2004 IP
  9. dazzlindonna

    dazzlindonna Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Sorry, should have looked more closely at the numbers in the report. But losing 300+ links, I think, is significant enough to drop 2 or 3 places. But then again, Bob, I can't play poker to save my life, and since this is all pretty much a crap shoot anyway (trying to theme this...hehe), you, as the online poker master, probably have a better grip on the numbers than I do.
    dazzlindonna, Nov 21, 2004 IP
  10. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Whilst I accept that this could explain the delay I personally do not think that it is solely that and that Google updates links more quickly - my reasons are based on the quickness that Google picks up a link to a new address which can and usually is within 24 hours.

    If this is the case then Google knows the links 'on or off' within 24 hours whether they choose to show this or not called "caching"


    Because of this stupid no 2 message rule!!!

    Here is the cache of one of my sites that I just pointed today at a new site

    This is G o o g l e's cache of xxxx/web_hosting_forum/viewforum.php?f=1&mark=topics&sid=7fc96b9325612711c69e12833c7526ff as retrieved on 31 Dec 1969 23:59:59 GMT.

    Oh.....really???? :eek:
    Foxy, Nov 21, 2004 IP
  11. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    *Google PR/Backlink update
    **29 DCs are NOT responding**
    ***27 DCs are NOT responding**

    ****32 DCs are NOT responding**

    The "New Page" sleeping-bags.htm
    04/07/2004 "New Page" went live

    Search for "Sleeping Bags"
    NOTE: Due to size constraints, the entire report can no longer appear in a post.
    You can view the entire report here... Complete Report
    Last 10 days

    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/13/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/14/2004 [4 DCs #2, 26 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/15/2004 [5 DCs #2, 25 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 -11/16/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/17/2004 [1 DCs #2, 29 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/18/2004 [2 DCs #2, 28 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/19/2004 [2 DCs #2, 28 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/20/2004 [4 DCs #3, 26 DCs #4] ****
    Postion #5 allinanchor: #2 -11/21/2004 [4 DCs #4, 26 DCs #5] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/22/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/23/2004 [24 DCs #4, 6 DCs #5] ****
    note: these pages are found using ( site:www.compar.com +sleeping Bags )
    number of Bob's PR6 and PR5 links found:

    105 - 11/05/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    110 - 11/09/2004
    109 - 11/10/2004
    114 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    112 - 11/20/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.komar.org +sleeping Bags )
    Alek's PR 7 Link:
    Not reported by Google 4/17/2004
    Reported by Google 4/18/2004 (all datacenters)
    Unchanged from previous date
    Link removed / no longer pointing to page 6/2/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.ski-france-ok.com +sleeping Bags )
    Foxy's PR5 and two PR4s
    0 - 4/20/2004
    3 - 5/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    2 - 6/17/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    Bob and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on this forum 5/06/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.digitalpoint.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links from Signatures - 6/11/2004
    4060 - highest links reported 6/12/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob replaced links in Signatures - 7/21/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    4340 - 11/13/2004
    4270 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    4330 - 11/16/2004
    4430 - 11/17/2004
    4330 - 11/18/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    4200 - 11/20/2004
    4130 - 11/21/2004
    3510 - 11/22/2004
    4060 - 11/23/2004

    Caryl and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on the SEO Chat forum 5/11/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.seochat.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    786 - 11/13/2004
    787 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    792 - 11/16/2004
    794 - 11/17/2004
    785 - 11/18/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    778 - 11/20/2004
    771 - 11/21/2004
    Unchanged from previous date

    "Sandbox" info - this search theoretically removes "sandbox" link filter
    Results for - ( sleeping bags -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -das -das -dsa )

    #22 - 08/22/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    #14 - 08/24/2004
    #19 - 08/26/2004
    Defunct: This search no longer relevant

    *August 18, 2004 - (10) Project Supporters donated Links from 13 different IP addresses to page. Additional info will be added as it comes in.

    Total links found by using site:www.domainname.tld Researched daily by Foxy

    Daily Totals Report (click to see full report)

    222 - 11/06/2004
    232 - 11/08/2004
    369 - 11/10/2004
    403 - 11/11/2004
    403 - 11/12/2004
    415 - 11/13/2004
    422 - 11/14/2004
    428 - 11/21/2004
    PR/Backlink info

    ~ September 11 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    566 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 549 of 566)
    20 of Caryl's links
    10 of Bob's Links
    9 of "August 18th" Links
    480 for Digitalpoint forums
    30 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 30 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    457 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 449 of 457)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    401 for Digitalpoint forums
    23 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 9 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    85 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 84 of 85)
    13 of Caryl's links
    13 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    20 for Digitalpoint forums
    28 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ July 16 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    129 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 113 of 129)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    49 for Digitalpoint forums
    38 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ June 22 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    325 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 325)
    50 of Caryl's links
    56 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    149 for Digitalpoint forums
    70 for SEO Chat forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ May 31 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    170 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 170)
    37 of Caryl's links
    46 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    85 for Digitalpoint forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ April 23 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR5
    49 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 49)
    5 of Caryl's links
    42 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    2 for Digitalpoint forums
    Nothing for Alek's PR7 link(the link on Alek's page is 53rd link - may validate the 50 link/page theory)

    ~ Highest Positions Attained ~

    Position #15 allinanchor: #5 - 05/15/2004 [12 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    (No signature links had been used at this point - may have been "honeymoon period")

    Postion #14 allinanchor: #2 - 08/24/2004 [9 DCs #13, 21 DCs #14] ****

    Postion #12 allinanchor: #2 - 10/04/2004 [10 DCs #11, 22 DCs #12] ****

    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 - 10/06/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 - 10/21/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 - 10/27/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Note:Google API has page at #4

    Attached Files:

    mcdar, Nov 23, 2004 IP
  12. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Not much showing of removal of sig links being detrimental at this moment at all

    It is now 7 days since the sig links were dropped and believe it or not they have INCREASED today
    Foxy, Nov 23, 2004 IP
  13. T0PS3O

    T0PS3O Feel Good PLC

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Perhaps there is some kind of delay where the bot passes the spidered cache on to datacenter 1. This checks it for criterion x, perhaps blatant spam or the PR and linking. Then it's passed through the next filter/datacenter where it's checked for duplicates etc. Then after a few days of filterering and checking it goes live.

    That could explain the delay.

    The cached version shows 22nd, next to the Search Result it says 21st. So 21/22nd might be the day the cache 'went live' but it could have been spidered a week ago. Take into account the spidering of all linking pages and there you have a delay.

    But this could also be nonsense. Just thinking out loud.
    T0PS3O, Nov 23, 2004 IP
  14. darksat

    darksat Guest

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Well from what I know there is a lag between data getting transmitted to data centers, one example I have noticed is about a 24 hour lag for on page changes getting passed into the serps after spidering.
    darksat, Nov 23, 2004 IP
  15. Blogmaster

    Blogmaster Blood Type Dating Affiliate Manager

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    The amount of sig links is not as important as the location, what threads, do they relate to what you have in your sig etc.
    Blogmaster, Nov 23, 2004 IP
  16. compar

    compar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    How do you know that? I'd like to see some evidence. Outrageous claims like that without proof are exactly that. Outrageous claims.
    compar, Nov 23, 2004 IP
  17. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Here I am doing some little spying this morning - and from where I am sitting [UK] "sleeping bags" is back to #3 ....but I guess we should wait for Caryl to update :D

    and on another point:
    Well said Bob
    Foxy, Nov 24, 2004 IP
  18. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    *Google PR/Backlink update
    **29 DCs are NOT responding**
    ***27 DCs are NOT responding**

    ****32 DCs are NOT responding**

    The "New Page" sleeping-bags.htm
    04/07/2004 "New Page" went live

    Search for "Sleeping Bags"
    NOTE: Due to size constraints, the entire report can no longer appear in a post.
    You can view the entire report here... Complete Report
    Last 10 days

    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/14/2004 [4 DCs #2, 26 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/15/2004 [5 DCs #2, 25 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 -11/16/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/17/2004 [1 DCs #2, 29 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/18/2004 [2 DCs #2, 28 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/19/2004 [2 DCs #2, 28 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/20/2004 [4 DCs #3, 26 DCs #4] ****
    Postion #5 allinanchor: #2 -11/21/2004 [4 DCs #4, 26 DCs #5] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/22/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/23/2004 [24 DCs #4, 6 DCs #5] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/24/2004 [27 DCs #4, 3 DCs #5] ****
    note: these pages are found using ( site:www.compar.com +sleeping Bags )
    number of Bob's PR6 and PR5 links found:

    105 - 11/05/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    110 - 11/09/2004
    109 - 11/10/2004
    114 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    112 - 11/20/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.komar.org +sleeping Bags )
    Alek's PR 7 Link:
    Not reported by Google 4/17/2004
    Reported by Google 4/18/2004 (all datacenters)
    Unchanged from previous date
    Link removed / no longer pointing to page 6/2/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.ski-france-ok.com +sleeping Bags )
    Foxy's PR5 and two PR4s
    0 - 4/20/2004
    3 - 5/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    2 - 6/17/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    Bob and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on this forum 5/06/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.digitalpoint.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links from Signatures - 6/11/2004
    4060 - highest links reported 6/12/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob replaced links in Signatures - 7/21/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    4270 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    4330 - 11/16/2004
    4430 - 11/17/2004
    4330 - 11/18/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    4200 - 11/20/2004
    4130 - 11/21/2004
    3510 - 11/22/2004
    4060 - 11/23/2004
    4050 - 11/24/2004

    Caryl and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on the SEO Chat forum 5/11/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.seochat.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    787 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    792 - 11/16/2004
    794 - 11/17/2004
    785 - 11/18/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    778 - 11/20/2004
    771 - 11/21/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    774 - 11/24/2004

    "Sandbox" info - this search theoretically removes "sandbox" link filter
    Results for - ( sleeping bags -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -das -das -dsa )

    #22 - 08/22/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    #14 - 08/24/2004
    #19 - 08/26/2004
    Defunct: This search no longer relevant

    *August 18, 2004 - (10) Project Supporters donated Links from 13 different IP addresses to page. Additional info will be added as it comes in.

    Total links found by using site:www.domainname.tld Researched daily by Foxy

    Daily Totals Report (click to see full report)

    222 - 11/06/2004
    232 - 11/08/2004
    369 - 11/10/2004
    403 - 11/11/2004
    403 - 11/12/2004
    415 - 11/13/2004
    422 - 11/14/2004
    428 - 11/21/2004
    PR/Backlink info

    ~ September 11 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    566 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 549 of 566)
    20 of Caryl's links
    10 of Bob's Links
    9 of "August 18th" Links
    480 for Digitalpoint forums
    30 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 30 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    457 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 449 of 457)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    401 for Digitalpoint forums
    23 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 9 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    85 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 84 of 85)
    13 of Caryl's links
    13 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    20 for Digitalpoint forums
    28 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ July 16 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    129 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 113 of 129)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    49 for Digitalpoint forums
    38 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ June 22 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    325 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 325)
    50 of Caryl's links
    56 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    149 for Digitalpoint forums
    70 for SEO Chat forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ May 31 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    170 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 170)
    37 of Caryl's links
    46 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    85 for Digitalpoint forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ April 23 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR5
    49 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 49)
    5 of Caryl's links
    42 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    2 for Digitalpoint forums
    Nothing for Alek's PR7 link(the link on Alek's page is 53rd link - may validate the 50 link/page theory)

    ~ Highest Positions Attained ~

    Position #15 allinanchor: #5 - 05/15/2004 [12 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    (No signature links had been used at this point - may have been "honeymoon period")

    Postion #14 allinanchor: #2 - 08/24/2004 [9 DCs #13, 21 DCs #14] ****

    Postion #12 allinanchor: #2 - 10/04/2004 [10 DCs #11, 22 DCs #12] ****

    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 - 10/06/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 - 10/21/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 - 10/27/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Note:Google API has page at #4
    mcdar, Nov 24, 2004 IP
  19. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Still at 4 then!
    Foxy, Nov 24, 2004 IP
  20. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    *Google PR/Backlink update
    **29 DCs are NOT responding**
    ***27 DCs are NOT responding**

    ****32 DCs are NOT responding**

    The "New Page" sleeping-bags.htm
    04/07/2004 "New Page" went live

    Search for "Sleeping Bags"
    NOTE: Due to size constraints, the entire report can no longer appear in a post.
    You can view the entire report here... Complete Report
    Last 10 days

    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/15/2004 [5 DCs #2, 25 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 -11/16/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/17/2004 [1 DCs #2, 29 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/18/2004 [2 DCs #2, 28 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #3 allinanchor: #2 -11/19/2004 [2 DCs #2, 28 DCs #3] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/20/2004 [4 DCs #3, 26 DCs #4] ****
    Postion #5 allinanchor: #2 -11/21/2004 [4 DCs #4, 26 DCs #5] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/22/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/23/2004 [24 DCs #4, 6 DCs #5] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/24/2004 [27 DCs #4, 3 DCs #5] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/25/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    note: these pages are found using ( site:www.compar.com +sleeping Bags )
    number of Bob's PR6 and PR5 links found:

    105 - 11/05/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    110 - 11/09/2004
    109 - 11/10/2004
    114 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    112 - 11/20/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.komar.org +sleeping Bags )
    Alek's PR 7 Link:
    Not reported by Google 4/17/2004
    Reported by Google 4/18/2004 (all datacenters)
    Unchanged from previous date
    Link removed / no longer pointing to page 6/2/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.ski-france-ok.com +sleeping Bags )
    Foxy's PR5 and two PR4s
    0 - 4/20/2004
    3 - 5/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    2 - 6/17/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    Bob and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on this forum 5/06/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.digitalpoint.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links from Signatures - 6/11/2004
    4060 - highest links reported 6/12/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob replaced links in Signatures - 7/21/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    4270 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    4330 - 11/16/2004
    4430 - 11/17/2004
    4330 - 11/18/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    4200 - 11/20/2004
    4130 - 11/21/2004
    3510 - 11/22/2004
    4060 - 11/23/2004
    4050 - 11/24/2004
    682 - 11/25/2004

    Caryl and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on the SEO Chat forum 5/11/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.seochat.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    787 - 11/14/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    792 - 11/16/2004
    794 - 11/17/2004
    785 - 11/18/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    778 - 11/20/2004
    771 - 11/21/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    774 - 11/24/2004
    771 - 11/25/2004

    "Sandbox" info - this search theoretically removes "sandbox" link filter
    Results for - ( sleeping bags -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -das -das -dsa )

    #22 - 08/22/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    #14 - 08/24/2004
    #19 - 08/26/2004
    Defunct: This search no longer relevant

    *August 18, 2004 - (10) Project Supporters donated Links from 13 different IP addresses to page. Additional info will be added as it comes in.

    Total links found by using site:www.domainname.tld Researched daily by Foxy

    Daily Totals Report (click to see full report)

    222 - 11/06/2004
    232 - 11/08/2004
    369 - 11/10/2004
    403 - 11/11/2004
    403 - 11/12/2004
    415 - 11/13/2004
    422 - 11/14/2004
    428 - 11/21/2004
    421 - 11/25/2004
    PR/Backlink info

    ~ September 11 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    566 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 549 of 566)
    20 of Caryl's links
    10 of Bob's Links
    9 of "August 18th" Links
    480 for Digitalpoint forums
    30 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 30 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    457 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 449 of 457)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    401 for Digitalpoint forums
    23 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 9 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    85 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 84 of 85)
    13 of Caryl's links
    13 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    20 for Digitalpoint forums
    28 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ July 16 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    129 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 113 of 129)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    49 for Digitalpoint forums
    38 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ June 22 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    325 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 325)
    50 of Caryl's links
    56 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    149 for Digitalpoint forums
    70 for SEO Chat forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ May 31 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    170 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 170)
    37 of Caryl's links
    46 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    85 for Digitalpoint forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ April 23 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR5
    49 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 49)
    5 of Caryl's links
    42 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    2 for Digitalpoint forums
    Nothing for Alek's PR7 link(the link on Alek's page is 53rd link - may validate the 50 link/page theory)

    ~ Highest Positions Attained ~

    Position #15 allinanchor: #5 - 05/15/2004 [12 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    (No signature links had been used at this point - may have been "honeymoon period")

    Postion #14 allinanchor: #2 - 08/24/2004 [9 DCs #13, 21 DCs #14] ****

    Postion #12 allinanchor: #2 - 10/04/2004 [10 DCs #11, 22 DCs #12] ****

    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 - 10/06/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 - 10/21/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 - 10/27/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Note:Google API has page at #4
    mcdar, Nov 25, 2004 IP
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