1. Advertising
    y u no do it?

    Advertising (learn more)

    Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

    Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

McDar Experiment

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by compar, Apr 5, 2004.

Thread Status:
Not open for further replies.
  1. dazzlindonna

    dazzlindonna Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    compar, i think its more a matter of google not updating its reporting of links, but is aware of the removals.
    dazzlindonna, Dec 4, 2004 IP
  2. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    I just did the search on Google for site:forums.digitalpoint.com +sleeping bags (the search I use every morning)

    Then start looking at the "last cached" dates of some of the pages returned.

    here is one of the first I checked... (highlighting is mine)


    If you click on the actual link Google returns, "sleeping bags" is nowhere to be found on the page"! If you click on the cached version of the page, the keyword appears 3 times, in your signature.

    You had 3 posts on that cached page PLUS the sleeping bags link was in your signature! You have removed the link twice since that date.

    Do you think that we have to wait until Google finally gets around to updating this page and others that are similarly outdated BEORE we will see any difference in the serps as the result of the sig link removal?

    The one main problem we have is that we cannot be sure WHERE Google is drawing it's data from and how current that information is, to calculate results.

    A MAJOR problem we have here is that there is no way of really telling just what links Google is counting and how "Updated" or "Outdated" they are!

    One thing does seem to be certain. Google is much more adept at collecting "NEW" data than it is at discarding old data.

    NOTE: I had never looked at the cache dates for this search before and found it to be very interesting :eek:

    mcdar, Dec 4, 2004 IP
  3. Smyrl

    Smyrl Tomato Republic Staff

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:

    Smyrl, Dec 4, 2004 IP
  4. compar

    compar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    The question is, beyond interesting what the hell does it mean?

    NOTE: My comments in BLUE.
    compar, Dec 4, 2004 IP
  5. schlottke

    schlottke Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    "I repeat myself, but why would they present all this cached copy data for the searches discussed above and then ignore it, or use a different set of data for themselves. Doesn't make any sense to me."

    I would say there is a good chance google is using data that is from a different time, either a couple days newer, or up to weeks earlier. Using older data would make the sand box effect more effective, also wouldn't count the weight of hundreds of links all added at once... as these links get older (and those pages that they are on) you begin to see movement..
    schlottke, Dec 4, 2004 IP
  6. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    *Google PR/Backlink update
    **29 DCs are NOT responding**
    ***27 DCs are NOT responding**
    ****32 DCs are NOT responding**
    *****36 DCs are NOT responding**

    The "New Page" sleeping-bags.htm
    04/07/2004 "New Page" went live

    Search for "Sleeping Bags"
    NOTE: Due to size constraints, the entire report can no longer appear in a post.
    You can view the entire report here... Complete Report
    Last 10 days

    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/25/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/26/2004 [28 DCs #4, 2 DCs #5] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/27/2004 [24 DCs #4, 6 DCs #5] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/28/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/29/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #5 allinanchor: #2 -11/30/2004 [28 DCs #5, 2 DCs #6] ****
    Postion #5 allinanchor: #2 -12/01/2004 [27 DCs #5, 3 DCs #6] ****
    Postion #5 allinanchor: #2 -12/02/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 -12/03/2004 [1 DC #9, 29 DCs #10] ****
    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 -12/04/2004 [21 DC #10, 3 DCs #11] *****
    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 -12/05/2004 [All Datacenters] *****
    note: these pages are found using ( site:www.compar.com +sleeping Bags )
    number of Bob's PR6 and PR5 links found:

    105 - 11/05/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    110 - 11/09/2004
    109 - 11/10/2004
    114 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    112 - 11/20/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.komar.org +sleeping Bags )
    Alek's PR 7 Link:
    Not reported by Google 4/17/2004
    Reported by Google 4/18/2004 (all datacenters)
    Unchanged from previous date
    Link removed / no longer pointing to page 6/2/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.ski-france-ok.com +sleeping Bags )
    Foxy's PR5 and two PR4s
    0 - 4/20/2004
    3 - 5/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    2 - 6/17/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    Bob and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on this forum 5/06/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.digitalpoint.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links from Signatures - 6/11/2004
    4060 - highest links reported 6/12/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob replaced links in Signatures - 7/21/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    4130 - 11/21/2004
    3510 - 11/22/2004
    4060 - 11/23/2004
    4050 - 11/24/2004
    682 - 11/25/2004
    3400 - 11/26/2004
    3250 - 11/27/2004
    3100 - 11/28/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    3110 - 11/30/2004
    Unchanged from previous date

    Caryl and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on the SEO Chat forum 5/11/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.seochat.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    771 - 11/21/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    774 - 11/24/2004
    771 - 11/25/2004
    766 - 11/26/2004
    756 - 11/27/2004
    746 - 11/28/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    742 - 11/30/2004
    Unchanged from previous date

    "Sandbox" info - this search theoretically removes "sandbox" link filter
    Results for - ( sleeping bags -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -das -das -dsa )

    #22 - 08/22/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    #14 - 08/24/2004
    #19 - 08/26/2004
    Defunct: This search no longer relevant

    *August 18, 2004 - (10) Project Supporters donated Links from 13 different IP addresses to page. Additional info will be added as it comes in.

    Total links found by using site:www.domainname.tld Researched daily by Foxy

    Daily Totals Report (click to see full report)

    422 - 11/14/2004
    428 - 11/21/2004
    421 - 11/25/2004
    420 - 11/26/2004
    710 - 11/29/2004
    737 - 11/30/2004
    747 - 12/04/2004
    PR/Backlink info

    ~ November 25 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    3530 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 901 of 981)

    170 for Digitalpoint forums
    12 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ October 27 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    469 Backlinks

    ~ September 11 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    566 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 549 of 566)
    20 of Caryl's links
    10 of Bob's Links
    9 of "August 18th" Links
    480 for Digitalpoint forums
    30 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 30 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    457 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 449 of 457)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    401 for Digitalpoint forums
    23 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 9 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    85 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 84 of 85)
    13 of Caryl's links
    13 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    20 for Digitalpoint forums
    28 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ July 16 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    129 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 113 of 129)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    49 for Digitalpoint forums
    38 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ June 22 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    325 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 325)
    50 of Caryl's links
    56 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    149 for Digitalpoint forums
    70 for SEO Chat forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ May 31 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    170 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 170)
    37 of Caryl's links
    46 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    85 for Digitalpoint forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ April 23 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR5
    49 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 49)
    5 of Caryl's links
    42 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    2 for Digitalpoint forums
    Nothing for Alek's PR7 link(the link on Alek's page is 53rd link - may validate the 50 link/page theory)

    ~ Highest Positions Attained ~

    Position #15 allinanchor: #5 - 05/15/2004 [12 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    (No signature links had been used at this point - may have been "honeymoon period")

    Postion #14 allinanchor: #2 - 08/24/2004 [9 DCs #13, 21 DCs #14] ****

    Postion #12 allinanchor: #2 - 10/04/2004 [10 DCs #11, 22 DCs #12] ****

    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 - 10/06/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 - 10/21/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 - 10/27/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Note:Google API has page at #10

    Attached Files:

    mcdar, Dec 5, 2004 IP
  7. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    *Google PR/Backlink update
    **29 DCs are NOT responding**
    ***27 DCs are NOT responding**
    ****32 DCs are NOT responding**
    *****36 DCs are NOT responding**

    The "New Page" sleeping-bags.htm
    04/07/2004 "New Page" went live

    Search for "Sleeping Bags"
    NOTE: Due to size constraints, the entire report can no longer appear in a post.
    You can view the entire report here... Complete Report
    Last 10 days

    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/26/2004 [28 DCs #4, 2 DCs #5] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/27/2004 [24 DCs #4, 6 DCs #5] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/28/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/29/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #5 allinanchor: #2 -11/30/2004 [28 DCs #5, 2 DCs #6] ****
    Postion #5 allinanchor: #2 -12/01/2004 [27 DCs #5, 3 DCs #6] ****
    Postion #5 allinanchor: #2 -12/02/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 -12/03/2004 [1 DC #9, 29 DCs #10] ****
    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 -12/04/2004 [21 DC #10, 3 DCs #11] *****
    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 -12/05/2004 [All Datacenters] *****
    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 -12/06/2004 [All Datacenters] *****
    note: these pages are found using ( site:www.compar.com +sleeping Bags )
    number of Bob's PR6 and PR5 links found:

    105 - 11/05/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    110 - 11/09/2004
    109 - 11/10/2004
    114 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    112 - 11/20/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.komar.org +sleeping Bags )
    Alek's PR 7 Link:
    Not reported by Google 4/17/2004
    Reported by Google 4/18/2004 (all datacenters)
    Unchanged from previous date
    Link removed / no longer pointing to page 6/2/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.ski-france-ok.com +sleeping Bags )
    Foxy's PR5 and two PR4s
    0 - 4/20/2004
    3 - 5/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    2 - 6/17/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    Bob and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on this forum 5/06/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.digitalpoint.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links from Signatures - 6/11/2004
    4060 - highest links reported 6/12/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob replaced links in Signatures - 7/21/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    4130 - 11/21/2004
    3510 - 11/22/2004
    4060 - 11/23/2004
    4050 - 11/24/2004
    682 - 11/25/2004
    3400 - 11/26/2004
    3250 - 11/27/2004
    3100 - 11/28/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    3110 - 11/30/2004
    Unchanged from previous date

    Caryl and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on the SEO Chat forum 5/11/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.seochat.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    771 - 11/21/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    774 - 11/24/2004
    771 - 11/25/2004
    766 - 11/26/2004
    756 - 11/27/2004
    746 - 11/28/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    742 - 11/30/2004
    Unchanged from previous date

    "Sandbox" info - this search theoretically removes "sandbox" link filter
    Results for - ( sleeping bags -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -das -das -dsa )

    #22 - 08/22/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    #14 - 08/24/2004
    #19 - 08/26/2004
    Defunct: This search no longer relevant

    *August 18, 2004 - (10) Project Supporters donated Links from 13 different IP addresses to page. Additional info will be added as it comes in.

    Total links found by using site:www.domainname.tld Researched daily by Foxy

    Daily Totals Report (click to see full report)

    422 - 11/14/2004
    428 - 11/21/2004
    421 - 11/25/2004
    420 - 11/26/2004
    710 - 11/29/2004
    737 - 11/30/2004
    747 - 12/04/2004
    PR/Backlink info

    ~ November 25 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    3530 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 901 of 981)

    170 for Digitalpoint forums
    12 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ October 27 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    469 Backlinks

    ~ September 11 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    566 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 549 of 566)
    20 of Caryl's links
    10 of Bob's Links
    9 of "August 18th" Links
    480 for Digitalpoint forums
    30 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 30 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    457 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 449 of 457)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    401 for Digitalpoint forums
    23 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 9 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    85 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 84 of 85)
    13 of Caryl's links
    13 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    20 for Digitalpoint forums
    28 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ July 16 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    129 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 113 of 129)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    49 for Digitalpoint forums
    38 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ June 22 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    325 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 325)
    50 of Caryl's links
    56 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    149 for Digitalpoint forums
    70 for SEO Chat forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ May 31 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    170 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 170)
    37 of Caryl's links
    46 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    85 for Digitalpoint forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ April 23 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR5
    49 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 49)
    5 of Caryl's links
    42 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    2 for Digitalpoint forums
    Nothing for Alek's PR7 link(the link on Alek's page is 53rd link - may validate the 50 link/page theory)

    ~ Highest Positions Attained ~

    Position #15 allinanchor: #5 - 05/15/2004 [12 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    (No signature links had been used at this point - may have been "honeymoon period")

    Postion #14 allinanchor: #2 - 08/24/2004 [9 DCs #13, 21 DCs #14] ****

    Postion #12 allinanchor: #2 - 10/04/2004 [10 DCs #11, 22 DCs #12] ****

    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 - 10/06/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 - 10/21/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 - 10/27/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Note:Google API has page at #10
    mcdar, Dec 6, 2004 IP
  8. a389951l

    a389951l Must Create More Content

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    I have done some spot checking on my network of sites and I wonder if the page is still in rotation within the coop ad network? I have not seen the page for some time now for the past several days.

    This could be the reason for the drop in rankings. I wonder if NitinM can confirm for us.
    a389951l, Dec 6, 2004 IP
  9. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    Thank you for checking on this for us!!!

    I have found that Nitin has not signed onto this forum since November 13th so I will attempt to email him and ask if the page is still in the coop ad network.


    edited to add: Sent PM to Nitin
    mcdar, Dec 6, 2004 IP
  10. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
    Best Answers:
    Trophy Points:
    *Google PR/Backlink update
    **29 DCs are NOT responding**
    ***27 DCs are NOT responding**
    ****32 DCs are NOT responding**
    *****36 DCs are NOT responding**

    The "New Page" sleeping-bags.htm
    04/07/2004 "New Page" went live

    Search for "Sleeping Bags"
    NOTE: Due to size constraints, the entire report can no longer appear in a post.
    You can view the entire report here... Complete Report
    Last 10 days

    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/27/2004 [24 DCs #4, 6 DCs #5] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/28/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/29/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #5 allinanchor: #2 -11/30/2004 [28 DCs #5, 2 DCs #6] ****
    Postion #5 allinanchor: #2 -12/01/2004 [27 DCs #5, 3 DCs #6] ****
    Postion #5 allinanchor: #2 -12/02/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 -12/03/2004 [1 DC #9, 29 DCs #10] ****
    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 -12/04/2004 [21 DC #10, 3 DCs #11] *****
    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 -12/05/2004 [All Datacenters] *****
    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 -12/06/2004 [All Datacenters] *****
    Postion #9 allinanchor: #2 -12/07/2004 [20 DCs #9, 4 DCs #10] *****
    note: these pages are found using ( site:www.compar.com +sleeping Bags )
    number of Bob's PR6 and PR5 links found:

    105 - 11/05/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    110 - 11/09/2004
    109 - 11/10/2004
    114 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    112 - 11/20/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.komar.org +sleeping Bags )
    Alek's PR 7 Link:
    Not reported by Google 4/17/2004
    Reported by Google 4/18/2004 (all datacenters)
    Unchanged from previous date
    Link removed / no longer pointing to page 6/2/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.ski-france-ok.com +sleeping Bags )
    Foxy's PR5 and two PR4s
    0 - 4/20/2004
    3 - 5/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    2 - 6/17/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    Bob and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on this forum 5/06/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.digitalpoint.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links from Signatures - 6/11/2004
    4060 - highest links reported 6/12/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob replaced links in Signatures - 7/21/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    4130 - 11/21/2004
    3510 - 11/22/2004
    4060 - 11/23/2004
    4050 - 11/24/2004
    682 - 11/25/2004
    3400 - 11/26/2004
    3250 - 11/27/2004
    3100 - 11/28/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    3110 - 11/30/2004
    Unchanged from previous date

    Caryl and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on the SEO Chat forum 5/11/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.seochat.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    771 - 11/21/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    774 - 11/24/2004
    771 - 11/25/2004
    766 - 11/26/2004
    756 - 11/27/2004
    746 - 11/28/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    742 - 11/30/2004
    Unchanged from previous date

    "Sandbox" info - this search theoretically removes "sandbox" link filter
    Results for - ( sleeping bags -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -das -das -dsa )

    #22 - 08/22/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    #14 - 08/24/2004
    #19 - 08/26/2004
    Defunct: This search no longer relevant

    *August 18, 2004 - (10) Project Supporters donated Links from 13 different IP addresses to page. Additional info will be added as it comes in.

    Total links found by using site:www.domainname.tld Researched daily by Foxy

    Daily Totals Report (click to see full report)

    422 - 11/14/2004
    428 - 11/21/2004
    421 - 11/25/2004
    420 - 11/26/2004
    710 - 11/29/2004
    737 - 11/30/2004
    747 - 12/04/2004
    PR/Backlink info

    ~ November 25 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    3530 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 901 of 981)

    170 for Digitalpoint forums
    12 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ October 27 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    469 Backlinks

    ~ September 11 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    566 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 549 of 566)
    20 of Caryl's links
    10 of Bob's Links
    9 of "August 18th" Links
    480 for Digitalpoint forums
    30 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 30 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    457 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 449 of 457)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    401 for Digitalpoint forums
    23 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 9 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    85 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 84 of 85)
    13 of Caryl's links
    13 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    20 for Digitalpoint forums
    28 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ July 16 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    129 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 113 of 129)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    49 for Digitalpoint forums
    38 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ June 22 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    325 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 325)
    50 of Caryl's links
    56 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    149 for Digitalpoint forums
    70 for SEO Chat forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ May 31 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    170 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 170)
    37 of Caryl's links
    46 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    85 for Digitalpoint forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ April 23 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR5
    49 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 49)
    5 of Caryl's links
    42 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    2 for Digitalpoint forums
    Nothing for Alek's PR7 link(the link on Alek's page is 53rd link - may validate the 50 link/page theory)

    ~ Highest Positions Attained ~

    Position #15 allinanchor: #5 - 05/15/2004 [12 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    (No signature links had been used at this point - may have been "honeymoon period")

    Postion #14 allinanchor: #2 - 08/24/2004 [9 DCs #13, 21 DCs #14] ****

    Postion #12 allinanchor: #2 - 10/04/2004 [10 DCs #11, 22 DCs #12] ****

    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 - 10/06/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 - 10/21/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 - 10/27/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Note:Google API has page at #9

    Attached Files:

    mcdar, Dec 7, 2004 IP
  11. Smyrl

    Smyrl Tomato Republic Staff

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    Congratulations on one step forward.

    Smyrl, Dec 7, 2004 IP
  12. SEbasic

    SEbasic Peon

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    Well, it's movement...

    That could just be accounted to general flux in the results though.
    Until that position sticks, I'll probabally still be sceptical
    SEbasic, Dec 7, 2004 IP
  13. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

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    You can check this by


    and just looking at the 3500+ links

    There are numerous instances of network links there
    Foxy, Dec 7, 2004 IP
  14. a389951l

    a389951l Must Create More Content

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    But that command does not check recent activity. So it could be possible that the links that you are seeing are a few weeks old. I checked a few and even on some of the cached listings sleeping bags does not appear.
    a389951l, Dec 7, 2004 IP
  15. earlpearl

    earlpearl Well-Known Member

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    I just finished reading the entire thread from front to back. Exhausting...but a great experiment...and terrific that it is in a forum where many could follow, assist, add comments and questions.

    I'm not willing to do this...but it would be interesting to post some summary results...such as dates following significant changes in backlinks (quantity and quality- diversity of links) and dates where significant changes occurred...and solicit comments on reasons or guesses why this occurred.

    It has been difficult to assess specific cause and effect. There were periods when the site has been in flux and google was in flux. At the very least the report can identify dates with significant changes in number of bls and dates when the site moved dramatically in serps.

    Just think...it all started with questions about the relevance of anchortext, allinanchor rankings and serps.

    BTW to date I've focused all my efforts on bls that are either themed or in directories. Guess I can rethink that somewhat.

    Kudos to the participants.

    earlpearl, Dec 7, 2004 IP
  16. mcdar

    mcdar Peon

    Likes Received:
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    *Google PR/Backlink update
    **29 DCs are NOT responding**
    ***27 DCs are NOT responding**
    ****32 DCs are NOT responding**
    *****36 DCs are NOT responding**

    The "New Page" sleeping-bags.htm
    04/07/2004 "New Page" went live

    Search for "Sleeping Bags"
    NOTE: Due to size constraints, the entire report can no longer appear in a post.
    You can view the entire report here... Complete Report
    Last 10 days

    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/28/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 -11/29/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #5 allinanchor: #2 -11/30/2004 [28 DCs #5, 2 DCs #6] ****
    Postion #5 allinanchor: #2 -12/01/2004 [27 DCs #5, 3 DCs #6] ****
    Postion #5 allinanchor: #2 -12/02/2004 [All Datacenters] ****
    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 -12/03/2004 [1 DC #9, 29 DCs #10] ****
    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 -12/04/2004 [21 DC #10, 3 DCs #11] *****
    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 -12/05/2004 [All Datacenters] *****
    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 -12/06/2004 [All Datacenters] *****
    Postion #9 allinanchor: #2 -12/07/2004 [20 DCs #9, 4 DCs #10] *****
    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 -12/08/2004 [All Datacenters] *****
    note: these pages are found using ( site:www.compar.com +sleeping Bags )
    number of Bob's PR6 and PR5 links found:

    105 - 11/05/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    110 - 11/09/2004
    109 - 11/10/2004
    114 - 11/11/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    112 - 11/20/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.komar.org +sleeping Bags )
    Alek's PR 7 Link:
    Not reported by Google 4/17/2004
    Reported by Google 4/18/2004 (all datacenters)
    Unchanged from previous date
    Link removed / no longer pointing to page 6/2/2004
    note: this page is found using ( site:www.ski-france-ok.com +sleeping Bags )
    Foxy's PR5 and two PR4s
    0 - 4/20/2004
    3 - 5/04/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    2 - 6/17/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    Bob and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on this forum 5/06/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.digitalpoint.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links from Signatures - 6/11/2004
    4060 - highest links reported 6/12/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob replaced links in Signatures - 7/21/2004
    Note:Foxy & Bob removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    4130 - 11/21/2004
    3510 - 11/22/2004
    4060 - 11/23/2004
    4050 - 11/24/2004
    682 - 11/25/2004
    3400 - 11/26/2004
    3250 - 11/27/2004
    3100 - 11/28/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    3110 - 11/30/2004
    Unchanged from previous date

    Caryl and Foxy added link Sleeping Bags to their sig files on the SEO Chat forum 5/11/2004
    Results for - ( site:forums.seochat.com +sleeping bags )
    Note:Foxy removed links in Signatures - 11/16/2004

    771 - 11/21/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    774 - 11/24/2004
    771 - 11/25/2004
    766 - 11/26/2004
    756 - 11/27/2004
    746 - 11/28/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    742 - 11/30/2004
    Unchanged from previous date

    "Sandbox" info - this search theoretically removes "sandbox" link filter
    Results for - ( sleeping bags -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -dsa -das -das -dsa )

    #22 - 08/22/2004
    Unchanged from previous date
    #14 - 08/24/2004
    #19 - 08/26/2004
    Defunct: This search no longer relevant

    *August 18, 2004 - (10) Project Supporters donated Links from 13 different IP addresses to page. Additional info will be added as it comes in.

    Total links found by using site:www.domainname.tld Researched daily by Foxy

    Daily Totals Report (click to see full report)

    422 - 11/14/2004
    428 - 11/21/2004
    421 - 11/25/2004
    420 - 11/26/2004
    710 - 11/29/2004
    737 - 11/30/2004
    747 - 12/04/2004
    761 - 12/08/2004
    PR/Backlink info

    ~ November 25 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    3530 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 901 of 981)

    170 for Digitalpoint forums
    12 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ October 27 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    469 Backlinks

    ~ September 11 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    566 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 549 of 566)
    20 of Caryl's links
    10 of Bob's Links
    9 of "August 18th" Links
    480 for Digitalpoint forums
    30 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 30 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    457 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 449 of 457)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    401 for Digitalpoint forums
    23 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ August 9 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    85 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 84 of 85)
    13 of Caryl's links
    13 of Bob's Links
    0 of Foxy's Links
    20 for Digitalpoint forums
    28 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ July 16 Update ~ (only Backlinks updated in this update)
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    129 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in 113 of 129)
    14 of Caryl's links
    11 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    49 for Digitalpoint forums
    38 for SEO Chat forums

    ~ June 22 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    325 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 325)
    50 of Caryl's links
    56 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    149 for Digitalpoint forums
    70 for SEO Chat forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ May 31 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR6
    170 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 170)
    37 of Caryl's links
    46 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    85 for Digitalpoint forums
    1 for Alek's Link

    ~ April 23 Update ~
    sleeping-bags.htm has PR5
    49 Backlinks
    (backlinks reported in the 49)
    5 of Caryl's links
    42 of Bob's Links
    1 of Foxy's Links
    2 for Digitalpoint forums
    Nothing for Alek's PR7 link(the link on Alek's page is 53rd link - may validate the 50 link/page theory)

    ~ Highest Positions Attained ~

    Position #15 allinanchor: #5 - 05/15/2004 [12 datacenters #19] Note: Allinanchor #6 on 12 DCs
    (No signature links had been used at this point - may have been "honeymoon period")

    Postion #14 allinanchor: #2 - 08/24/2004 [9 DCs #13, 21 DCs #14] ****

    Postion #12 allinanchor: #2 - 10/04/2004 [10 DCs #11, 22 DCs #12] ****

    Postion #10 allinanchor: #2 - 10/06/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #4 allinanchor: #2 - 10/21/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Postion #2 allinanchor: #2 - 10/27/2004 [All Datacenters] ****

    Note:Google API has page at #10

    Attached Files:

    mcdar, Dec 8, 2004 IP
  17. Smyrl

    Smyrl Tomato Republic Staff

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    Eagerly await next installment.


    I beg your pardon for posting with nothing to say. I missed when we started to be able to make sequential post without incrementing post count. I was only posting so MdDar could make his daily report. Next time I expose my ignorance send me a PM.

    Smyrl, Dec 8, 2004 IP
  18. a389951l

    a389951l Must Create More Content

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    Still waiting to hear back to see if McDar was able to contact NitinM. But I am pretty certain that ad is out of rotation from the network. Not 100% until it is confirmed of courst.

    Maybe Shawn can check for us - in his spare time - well he is number #5 for ebay so maybe he can relax a bit more ;)?

    This certainly taints the experiment of dropping the signature links if it is true.
    a389951l, Dec 9, 2004 IP
  19. Foxy

    Foxy Chief Natural Foodie

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    This is too early to make such an analysis - at the moment using


    There are still 3530 links - the same as the other day - irrespective of whether they may lag or whatever - that is one of the reasons that one must be careful about coming to any conclusions especially those concerning the network - the only way to check those is to visually look at the reported links - and those still show the network links.

    Therefore no conclusions should be drawn or speculated on - only time will tell. :)
    Foxy, Dec 9, 2004 IP
  20. a389951l

    a389951l Must Create More Content

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    I agree we cannot draw any firm conclusions yet. Waiting around is boring so why not make some maybe inaccurate conclusions from the data so far ;). And speculation is just that - speculation.

    I am not so sure that using Google's cached results is the best measure of what Google counts as backlinks. Sure it is the only visible (yet poor) measure of Google backlinks.

    Googleguy at another forum has stated the following in response the following question: "When changes made to a page are reflected in the cached version on Google, they are factored into the SERPS. "

    "Typically yes, for on-page factors. Off-page factors can be updated asynchronously, though".

    Source - http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum3/26497.htm
    a389951l, Dec 9, 2004 IP
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