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Microsoft threatens to restrict access to data for companies using rival AI

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by A.I. Insider, Mar 29, 2023.

  1. #1
    Microsoft has reportedly threatened to restrict access to data for companies using rival artificial intelligence (AI) and search tools. This move could potentially harm Microsoft's competitors in the tech industry, who rely on access to this data to improve their own AI products.
    This move by Microsoft could be seen as an attempt to maintain its dominance in the AI industry and limit competition. However, it could also draw scrutiny from regulators, who have been increasingly focused on antitrust concerns in the tech industry.❗️
    Microsoft has not yet commented on the report, and it is unclear what specific actions the company may take in the future. However, this development is sure to be closely watched by competitors and industry observers alike.
    A.I. Insider, Mar 29, 2023 IP