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Most expensive CMS systems?

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by LimeKID, Jun 30, 2008.

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    Hi guys my company are looking for the best CMS i.e most secure and probably extremely customized. We are in the UK and have in the region of £10,000 to £70,000 as a guidline budget. Anyone know of the best company/script to use?

    To find open source is relatively easiy thses days but to find a premium service is rather hard any help would be hugely appreciated.
    LimeKID, Jun 30, 2008 IP
  2. cmstester

    cmstester Well-Known Member

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    cmstester, Jun 30, 2008 IP
  3. DeeJayEl

    DeeJayEl Peon

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    Spend your money on the labor, not the software. Without knowing if you need any special features it is hard to tell, but I imagine Drupal or ExpressionEngine could do the trick.
    DeeJayEl, Jul 1, 2008 IP
  4. fuzzbuzz

    fuzzbuzz Active Member

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    At the last company i was at, i was very involved in the re-development of the CMS. The build topped the £100,000 mark (very overbudget).

    What i would suggest, is you/your company, think very carefully about what you want. A good brief makes the world of difference. With a good brief you can send out a tender for your requirements (making sure you get them to sign a non disclosure agreement first) and then see who meets your needs and with what budget. Make sure you include communication as a plus point in selecting a company.

    When writing the requirements spec, don't just say what you want, try and create mockups of the features you want. Don't forget about the online marketing specs either.

    A further tip, is filtering the need to have features v's the want to have.

    Now when i look around i see OS solutions which could with some ammends have very well met the requirements and of been achieved for far less. However my predassessors didnt think logically and were in the category of want to have too much.

    To cap, a good thought out requirements spec and giving a good brief is vital to a successful development.

    Hope that has helped.

    fuzzbuzz, Jul 3, 2008 IP
  5. Nigel Lew

    Nigel Lew Notable Member

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    Said company has to trust someone to provide them with what is required. You can not purchase peace of mind.
    Certainly not security in this sense. I am not in the UK but I can give the name of a few folks who do what you need that live in your neck of the woods.

    Nigel Lew, Jul 3, 2008 IP
  6. Solid_Nuts

    Solid_Nuts Active Member

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    go for drupal and use the money to contract a developer to customise it.
    Solid_Nuts, Jul 4, 2008 IP
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