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My Porfolio Designs

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by gmaxxx, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. Exnie

    Exnie Active Member

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    Come on people. Don't be jerks just because to think you are a better designer than him...

    They are kind or right though. I suggest you fist look up some photoshop/Illustrator (If you're into designing logos as well as banners) tutorials to refine your style. Also, I would advise against using animated .gifs as banners as it comes of as unprofessional.

    Once you have gained a little more experience you should register a good domain name and set up a carefully designed portfolio.

    Finally, while you are one the web, if you are looking be be seen as professional you should stop talking with abbreviations like:
    Always capitalize! always write with real words. And try not to use colored text too often.
    Exnie, Mar 1, 2009 IP
  2. webdesignoutlet

    webdesignoutlet Peon

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    Being brutally honest is the best way to help somebody asking for feedback. If you sugar coat it and tell them that they are doing an awesome job when they are not, then you are just creating a dillusion that isn't going to do any good for them. If they ask for feedback, then they should be ready to get it straight. The first thing that comes to mind is the most useful feedback, whether it seems super nice or not. Kind of like "tough love" ...I don't think anybody on this thread intended offense or was a jerk. I say keep on with straight forward feedback and brutal honesty. I wish I would have gotten more of that early on...it's worth its weight in gold.

    By the way, it's only not a real word until enough people use it. At one point in time "internet" was not a real word. Who cares anyways? He's asking for feedback and it's not like he is in a professional sales meeting.
    webdesignoutlet, Mar 1, 2009 IP
  3. eclipsemedia

    eclipsemedia Peon

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    I was going to throw in my two sense but most of it is covered. If you trully want to be taken serious and you seriously want to be looked at as being professional. Start by acting professional. Using the slang you have used as already given me an idea of your professionalism and it's not good.
    eclipsemedia, Mar 1, 2009 IP
  4. gmaxxx

    gmaxxx Peon

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    well i am deeply touched by the feedback, i am very happy that so many people have come for giving feedback. although i am a starter i am designing banners for many currently through my site, they think i fit the bill as far as they are concerned.

    i just wanted to attract one and all, hence, the use of slang and hardcore photoshop professional - the word. It was my marketing technique, irrespective of you liking or not and everything went right, bonus being, your good and honest feedback.

    i am going to improve for sure wait and watch.

    thanking you all from within my heart

    take care,


    maxadvertising.blogspot.com :)
    gmaxxx, Mar 12, 2009 IP