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Myspace Bulletin Advertising EXPOSED

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by Brinked, Aug 20, 2006.

  1. #1
    So you are thinking about purchasing bulletin posts to gain traffic to your website. There are a few things you should know and a few questions you should ask before coughing up your money.

    Bulletins are only effective if your website related to the kind of people on myspace. Depending on the Profile, your site might not be of interest the the Accounts "friends"

    For example, If the profile is a band profile and promotes rap mix tapes you now know that people who listen to rap will be receiving the bulletin. What kind of people listen to rap? Well lets just say I wouldnt want to promote candles to them.

    I notice a lot of people asking to see the profile of the account where the bulletin will be posted. This doesnt really prove anything. If someone is up to no good, they can simply show you any profile with x amount of friends to make you feel more at ease.

    Try to buy from reputable sellers, if the offer seems too good to be true then it probably is.

    Questions you should ask before paying:

    How were the friends acquired?

    A lot of people obtain friends by "whoring" themselves on trains, friend adder scripts etc. The friends you get from these methods are people trying to do the same thing you are doing, build up their friend count to promote something. Train Friends = Pretty much useless.

    Is the person using stolen accounts?

    This has become a pretty big subject as far as bulletin posting goes. As I recently learned, how this works is people setup fake Myspace login pages in an attempt to get a massive list of usernames and passwords. The thief then loads the stolen accounts into a program and sends out bulletins from every stolen account at a rapid pace providing for fast traffic to a given website.
    This presents a great risk to you, do you want your website being promoted on accounts that were illegally compromised?

    One of the forums I browse on looking for myspace accounts also promotes the use of stolen accounts. http://www.screennameforum.com/index.php?showtopic=19068&st=135

    As you can see, there are some people (even using the same alias) on there that sell bulletins on here. DO YOUR RESEARCH.

    What time will the bulletin be posted?

    You want to be sure that your bulletin will be posted in a prime time to ensure maximum results. If your bulletin is posted when most of the world is sleeping, its a complete waste of money

    This isnt complete and I am going to try to provide more helpful information, so if anyone has anything to add to this please do so. Bulletins have become very popular commodity here on DP and with that comes a lot of potential fraud.
    Brinked, Aug 20, 2006 IP