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Myspace is getting stricter

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by Hexane, Aug 11, 2006.

  1. #1
    The common misconception is that 500 requests a day is the limit. This is no longer true. Ever since the blackout the crackdown became much more intense. A lot of my aquiantances have been complaining about it lately.

    A few days ago I did 200 limit run and got flagged down by myspace. I'm sitting around waiting to see what they will do, I hope they don't erase my account. It's kind of ridiculous. I'm freaked out now and don't even know if I should add more than 50 a day.
    Hexane, Aug 11, 2006 IP
  2. bunnybling

    bunnybling Peon

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    When they do crack down which is inevitable considering the abuse, I hope they take into account whether the friends of a particular account were at the request of each friend or that account making an outragous number of friend requests.

    I have over 16,000 friends. All at their request.
    bunnybling, Aug 11, 2006 IP
  3. 1EightT

    1EightT Guest

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    they need to do something. There are more spammers than regualr users on there these days.
    1EightT, Aug 11, 2006 IP
  4. Connections

    Connections Well-Known Member

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    I always do like 488 requests and I havn't been banned...
    Connections, Aug 11, 2006 IP