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MySpace Marketting Do's and Don'ts - Plus Bot's.

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by thsadmin, Nov 25, 2007.

  1. #1
    These are my findings after a long period of trials and errors within Myspace marketting.

    Sending bulletins do this to an account :

    A) Friends go oh bugger this guy is a scammer.
    B) "Click" report as spam - then you're banned.
    C) Click ignore/delete friend.
    D) Friends with more than 1000 friends wont even see he bulletin nor will their visitors as bulletins are hidden after 1000 friends are gained.

    Bulletins are now deemed shite because friends can choose to show HTML or not within bulletins, the links are now cloaked by MySpace and may be tracked.

    Bulltins are good for :

    A) Advertising a secondary (MySpace) account or other accounts.
    B) The occasional whore train or whore me (spam) to boost friend count.
    C) A video from MySpace or Youtube, to boost your views.

    The value of a MySpace account is :

    A) Building up a relationship with clients and friends.
    B) Gaining traffic (will cover that in a second)
    C) Advertising your sites (yes it's possible)

    On to traffic :

    A) Place links and images within your profile.
    B) Get some sexy images up - you can now embed a link within a picture.
    C) Chat and communicate on your message board and spend time replying to friends.
    D) Use your Blog to talk about your site and what you really do.
    E) Create a cool video and put it in a bulletin.

    The Myths :

    Myth One : You're not allowed to place links in profiles.
    That's BS, have a look on MySpace and look at all the profiles with the custom and pre-made layouts, all of which have links back to the MySpace Resource site - there's a tip there for Resource sites.

    The Bots are sh1T : Friend Adders, Trains Submitters etc.
    Whore Trains : These are useless, I have made one, I have tested many, none work that good, all you do is attract similar spammers and webmasters, hence you get stuck in same loop with them and trade spam.

    Whore Train Submitter : Exactly the same as above, submitting to multiple trains is pretty much useless and the scripts are out dated within days - webmasters move trains frequently, whore trains are also effected by every change within MySpace coding tweaks - deliberate tweaks, most recent change effected the majority of trains hotlinking to members profile pic's and deemed all trains useless that relied on members images.

    Instant Message Bot's : Well these are useless again, may aswell do this manually as the captcha codes are enforced upon every comment now - scripts don't bypass them, and HTML is turned off or on by members.

    Bulletin Posting Bot's : Again useless, you can do the exact same thing via your own page, OK one plus is that you can bulletin several accounts at once - to bad that you have multiple friends across different accounts and any one with a brain will realise that 2 or even 5 of the same bulletin sent by multiple accounts/friends has been sent by a bot - say good by to 50-80% of your friends when they realise.

    There's only one good bot' : A friend adder, where you submit to 300 - 500 chosen accounts (by demographic, gender, country of origin, age or even age of the account), but again this is flawed as MySpace has set a limit per requests a day and this amount is always changing - hence you are risking account deletion.

    I have found the best method is to follow the rules of MySpace and create or even purchase an account, and work from there, do this regularly and I mean regularly :

    A) Update pictures and cross promote accounts via the new "Tag" option, this is simply placing another members profile link within the picture/image.
    B) Comment on Peoples pages - popular accounts work well/best.
    C) Reply to your comments - thus leaving your image link on their page.
    D) Chat in private to friends.
    E) Reply to comments left by members.
    F) Just keep active.

    I have been doing this for quite some time now and my best account is natural, it's quite viral once you're active, I have about 100 natural friend requests daily and every time I accept (a friend) my image appears on their page - creating even more exposure, it really does go viral.

    Once you acquire or even gather some real friends - you know that you have worked really hard to get them, you don't want to risk the loss of friends or even account deletion - just for a few measley dollars.
    thsadmin, Nov 25, 2007 IP
  2. Dadniel

    Dadniel Guest

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    Another sure-fire successful Social Networking (marketing) path is to allow your members to use those services to invite THEIR friends to your site. Even offer contests and giveaway's to encourage them to do so.

    Dadniel, Nov 25, 2007 IP
  3. thsadmin

    thsadmin Notable Member

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    Yeah that's possible, as long as it is relevant, the site that you're linking to though has to be pretty legit and follow rules - no affiliate sites, no nudes or porn, pretty strict these days.

    The new MySpace links system will probably track results and hits sent to site - eventually reviewing your site that's linked to.
    thsadmin, Nov 25, 2007 IP
  4. Mogo

    Mogo Peon

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    Wow this is great info!

    I think the value of myspace marketing has decreased since it's become so popular, because many people are reluctant to add "sketchy" profiles
    Mogo, Nov 25, 2007 IP
  5. andresh99

    andresh99 Guest

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    An excellent post! I have an account that I will practice these methods with.

    Appreciate the information.
    andresh99, Nov 25, 2007 IP
  6. InformationEmpire

    InformationEmpire Active Member

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    Wow! Great article! Thanks for this info!

    Myspace marketing is something that I have been looking at for a while now, but haven't really got around to it because I've been unsure of the benefits of it for my projects. I think your tips will certainly help me avoid making some big mistakes!

    InformationEmpire, Nov 25, 2007 IP
  7. thsadmin

    thsadmin Notable Member

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    Yes and costly mistakes, all these programs and scripts for sale are very appealing, I'd use a friend adder to get started because you have nothing to loose if you do get banned, build up some friends (1000 - 2000) and then start getting active within MySpace, the other programs and bots aren't worth the time or the effort. I would recomend using a friend adder and target the new accounts as they wont have many friends and your image profile will be the only one on their page - that and they get excited that they have a friend request or one in general - then having your image / link to profile will attract more requests naturally.

    Once you establish one solid account - use this as your main profile, then add your other accounts as the main friends on your profile and they will benefit with new friend requests - my large account attracts 30 - 50 friends daily to my other accounts.
    thsadmin, Nov 25, 2007 IP
  8. ForgottenCreature

    ForgottenCreature Notable Member

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    Even though the links are nofollow = and have to post through msplinks, they're still useful. Users will still be able to find your myspace resource site if you promote heavily using myspace.

    Yes, and have your friends put you in their top 10 - thus; increasing your friends list as the time goes on. Back when I was a myspace marketer; I was able to gain a friends list of over 3,000 friends in just two days. I did myspace trains + friends list + marketing my buddies via bulletins. It's all about word of mouth, if you have friends, you'll be able to build up a nice level of friends to promote anything.

    Great thread mate!
    ForgottenCreature, Nov 25, 2007 IP
  9. thsadmin

    thsadmin Notable Member

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    That's the Key ! Time and some effort. You may not see results for a few weeks, if you're in a hury and don't want to wait, Be Careful - but by an established account, make sure it's not an account that's been abused, spammed, been juiced already and has real friends. Look through the images, posts, bulletins, comments and look out for fellow spammers within or abuse from real members - that will give you some idea.

    It's worth paying for a low account number also, under 5 digits is preferred - this will keep you in the top of friends lists on your friends profiles.

    Thanks I got bored and thought I would share some of my experiences so far.
    thsadmin, Nov 25, 2007 IP
  10. astrolynk

    astrolynk Peon

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    very useful thread mate!
    astrolynk, Nov 25, 2007 IP
  11. mkmnynow

    mkmnynow Active Member

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    good tips :)
    mkmnynow, Nov 25, 2007 IP
  12. MTheory

    MTheory Active Member

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    Great post.

    Just to add. Send all of your friends a Happy Birthday commment on their big day
    MTheory, Nov 25, 2007 IP
  13. SqlByte

    SqlByte Peon

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    Thats great find, but what about other social networks... i really don't like myspace that much :/
    SqlByte, Nov 25, 2007 IP
  14. thsadmin

    thsadmin Notable Member

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    Not sure, managing myspace accounts is a full time job and requires a lot of effort, unless you take short cuts and try using bots. But other social sites have restrictions also I believe. I might dabble with more one day.
    thsadmin, Nov 25, 2007 IP