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[N] > Quality Tutorial Writers (Read For Details)

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by alfredn, May 24, 2007.

  1. #1
    I am looking for people who have experience with and can write tutorials on any 1 of these subjects:

    -Any other Adobe, Macromedia, or Autodesk program.

    I am willing to pay anywhere between $5-$30 dollars per tutorial depending upon the quality of the tutorials you output. This is a job that I will need your interest in for about a month. That means, that you will create tutorials for my website or sites for the next month and I will pay accordingly. I have the right to refuse a tutorial if I deem it is not satisfactory. I am looking for original ideas, and well written ENGLISH dialog, on the subject matter at hand. This writing will be done for a number of websites that I will be making in the future and hopefully I can develop a solid relationship with people who are interested in helping my venture. If you are interested, then send a PM my way, thanks.
    alfredn, May 24, 2007 IP
  2. Forrest

    Forrest Peon

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    What specific subjects are you looking for? Have a look at my Soft Focus in Photoshop and Digital Black and White Conversions articles. I have a handful of specific ideas I'm planning to develop for my own site, but if you have a list of subjects that might need covering, I might be able to help.

    You might want to have a look at this company, too.
    Forrest, May 24, 2007 IP
  3. jezzz

    jezzz Notable Member

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    Do u need tutorials for all photoshop topics! or selected one
    I can write some tutorials for you!

    Can you give me the topics! do u need

    jezzz, May 25, 2007 IP
  4. omthoke

    omthoke Active Member

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    I can help you out with flash, DreamWeaver, WordPress, HTML/CSS basics and all kinds of tutorials.

    I usually charge about $15 per tutorial, which probably fits mid-way in your budget :)
    omthoke, Apr 8, 2009 IP
  5. alfredn

    alfredn Peon

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    Seeing as this was posted May 24th 2007, 6:39 pm, I think you're literally two years off.
    alfredn, Apr 9, 2009 IP