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Need helping doing a 301 redirect in Prestashop

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by SEO4hire, Mar 2, 2012.

  1. #1
    SEO4hire, Mar 2, 2012 IP
  2. samirj09

    samirj09 Well-Known Member

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    So anytime you want to create a redirect when using a CMS like prestashop you need to create the redirect the same as you normally would, but you need to move the rewrite to the top of the .htaccess files above the prestashop stuff. This is the only way it will work correctly.
    samirj09, Mar 3, 2012 IP
  3. SEO4hire

    SEO4hire Active Member

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    Thanks for the assistance. Unfortunately I am totally clueless when it comes to this type of stuff. Can you give me an example of the exact redirect code I need using the URLs in the OP?
    SEO4hire, Mar 3, 2012 IP
  4. Nigel Lew

    Nigel Lew Notable Member

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  5. SEO4hire

    SEO4hire Active Member

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    Thanks Nigel. I tried the link, but it looks like it just tells you how to set up friendly URLs and how to generate an htaccess file. I already have friendly URLs and an htaccess file. I am trying to redirect non Prestashop URLs to the new Prestashop URLs.
    SEO4hire, Mar 3, 2012 IP
  6. KJMS-Chris

    KJMS-Chris Guest

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    You create these redirects within .htaccess by adding the new URLs to the .htaccess

    If you are clueless about this, it's a very basic and common thing in SEO to deal with redirects and .htaccess
    KJMS-Chris, Mar 6, 2012 IP
  7. SEO4hire

    SEO4hire Active Member

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    Thanks for the "help", but actually in this case, the redirect needed to be added to the index.php file in order to work. You might want to know exactly what you are talking about before you start talking down to people. Maybe you were just trying to increase your post count...who knows. This thread was started so I could learn how to do a redirect - not for newbies to try to themselves feel smart by talking shit.
    SEO4hire, Mar 6, 2012 IP
  8. KJMS-Chris

    KJMS-Chris Guest

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    Sure you can call me a newbie all you want solely on the basis of when I registered on here, completely ignoring my expertise and knowledge.

    Why would you do something as you put it, "newbie", by adding a redirect in an area that does not need a redirect, like an index.php file? Redirects belong in .htaccess and if you start manually updating web applications, like vBulletin or Wordpress, wouldn't the latest update break the Prestashop install and your manually added redirects resulting in a pissed off customer? Of course, you keep PrestaShop updated with every update correct?
    KJMS-Chris, Mar 6, 2012 IP
  9. SEO4hire

    SEO4hire Active Member

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    The term "newbie" is solely based on your time on this forum. For the record, I tried several different suggestions that I found here and on Google, and none of them worked in the htaccess file. I figured I must be doing something wrong, so I paid someone $10 in the services-->programming section to take care of it for me and explain to me how he did it so I can do it myself next time. His response after doing it:

    This explained why everything I tried in htaccess did not work. Then, you make a condescending comment about knowing htaccess and redirects if I know SEO, which looked especially ignorant after we figured out that the redirect needed to go in the index.php file. Suggestions are appreciated, but snide comments are not.

    I have been doing SEO for over 5 years, and have worked with dozens of clients during that time. Not once have I needed to do a redirect for a client. I am glad that you know everything when it comes to SEO. I know quite a bit, but can always learn more...
    SEO4hire, Mar 6, 2012 IP
  10. KJMS-Chris

    KJMS-Chris Guest

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    Did you look up how to create a 301 redirect, through Apache, and leave out PrestaShop in the search term?

    As for hiring somebody here, I'm not surprised at the quality of work coming from DP because 10 minutes to make $10 rather than spend the time to show you to do a redirect. My comment is not ignorant because it can be perceived by you as being an attack against yourself or like 99% of the people I deal with, they can take creative criticism.

    Again, redirects are not meant to be put inside of web applications. That breaks the whole reason why we have redirects and htaccess because htaccess was developed.. to keep from the headache of manually updating files when URL structures change. What are you going to do when PrestaShop has a remote file inclusion vulnerability in index.php- are you going to update and potentially break the website with the updated index.php file or are you going to avoid running updates on this potentially dangerous web application where client information can be stolen through a SQL injection?
    KJMS-Chris, Mar 6, 2012 IP
  11. SEO4hire

    SEO4hire Active Member

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    You can claim all you want that your comment was "creative criticism". That doesn't make it true. I have never needed to know how to do a redirect, so to make a statement like
    is totally unnecessary and frankly untrue. I know of many people that are very knowledgeable when it comes to SEO but completely clueless when it comes to redirects, editing the htaccess file, etc. There is a reason why there is a section for programming and a section for SEO-type services on this and other forums. It is obvious that you are very knowledgeable when it comes to programming related issues, and I am glad that you are all-knowing when it comes to SEO, redirects, Prestashop, htaccess, and all other things that you know everything about. I am always learning, and am not afraid to ask if I don't know or can't figure something out.

    It is unfortunate that you feel like you have to trash the programmers here at DP as well. While there are some that aren't very professional, there are many that are very skilled and knowledgeable. Just like finding a good mechanic, electrician, or any other profession, you have to do your due diligence and sometimes go through a few imposters before you find the real deal.

    With regards to whether or not it breaks my client's Prestashop install, that is not for me to worry about. He has a regular programmer that typically takes care of these things for him, but he is on vacation, so he asked me to look into it. I am doing it as a favor. If there is an issue, his programmer will take care of it when he gets back (<--his words...not mine).
    SEO4hire, Mar 6, 2012 IP