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Need opinions making themes to sell

Discussion in 'General Business' started by Dgen, Jan 29, 2022.

  1. #1
    I am interested in creating websites or themes for real estate businesses or agents as a side gig/ potentially full time if successful.
    A little about me: I have decent knowledge of computers and am a pretty quick learner. I’m not great at code but decent in applications like drag and drop.I’ve been a real estate agent for 9 years and had the opportunity to create a website for my small company..it was basic but creative using drop and drag in wix. I have gotten a lot of praise for the results. I fell in love doing it and I’m now looking into making a profit doing this for other businesses.
    My question is that after much research I’m feeling overwhelmed with contradicting info and stories. I know not to buy into these “I’ve made 5,000 a month” articles and that it requires learning, some time, effort, and some money. I understand the market is saturated with thousands of people doing the same and I would need to come up with something similar or unique.I’m pretty motivated for the most part and will follow what needs to be done, in the same token I do not want to waste my time learning stuff only to find out that it was unnecessary or that there’s uncertainty within the program or that it would of been easier choosing another path.
    I would like to know if someone can give me advise whether it’s worth investing my effort into selling websites or themes or plugins and if it so which direction should I try. How do you create the website and post it for sale? I currently signed up for Wordpress business plan to test out what they have. Opinions?
    Dgen, Jan 29, 2022 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    You obviously enjoy the creative side of web development but surely chasing listings, selling property would be more profitable?

    If you decide to continue you will need to learn a programming language. Unless Wix have some way to applying 3rd party designs to the sites it hosts.

    The obvious answer is PHP to write plugins for WordPress.
    The less obvious answer is jamstack and one of the technologies used there.
    You know your business, you know your customer base, you know how actively you want to be involved in the sales process.

    So, let's say you decide to write WordPress themes. You'll need to understand themes and plugins and how to write them for the public side of the site and for the admin side. There's quite a bit involved but a) there's tons of information out there; and b) existing themes and plugins are open source so you can read the dcoe, play with the demos.

    Oh, and one last thing... you will waste time learning stuff unnecessarily. You'll code something up one way and then discover a different approach and rewrite your code. That's normal, it's what happens as your skills grow.
    sarahk, Jan 30, 2022 IP