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Need Photoshop Template advice please!!

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by AngelaR, Oct 17, 2006.

  1. #1
    Hi everyone!

    I am trying to edit a template I have bought. And I cant seem to get it right. I am using Photoshop 7.0 to edit.

    What the problem is is that the template contains text that is supposed to be only edited in an HTML editor, easy enough... Well I change the images I want to edit, add text, etc.. And then what I have read that I am supposed to do with the text is hide the layer that contains it, by pressing on the "eye" button on the appropriate layer. Well I hide all the text, and then Save for Web. Images and HTML, go to NVU (the web design software I am using) and try and edit the text and the layers are not showing where the text should be... Im soooo super confused and frustrated with this.. :confused:

    Does anyone know how to do this? What I am trying to accomplish is that I will be able to edit the text in an HTML editor when I am finished editing the graphics, I do not want the whole website to be a Photoshop Image because it will not show to Search Engines, etc.

    I hope I explained this to what hopefully makes sense!! Any help would be appreciated.:)
    AngelaR, Oct 17, 2006 IP
  2. missdanni

    missdanni Guest

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    Hi there,

    Wow you almost confused me for a min lol

    Ok I think whats going on is:

    When you edit your template in PS and then "Save for Web" - you are exporting images AND html.

    What you may want to try is:

    Back up your files. (Make a copy of everything in case you mess up )

    Open up your PS and edit your template however you want


    When you go to "Save for web" or export - export only the images - replace the existing images not the html.

    Let me know if that made sense....
    missdanni, Oct 20, 2006 IP
  3. websiteideas

    websiteideas Well-Known Member

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    You need to learn CSS if you want to be able to use colored backgrounds that are not images.
    websiteideas, Oct 20, 2006 IP