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Networking in myspace.com and other stories related to it.

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by odradek, Jul 12, 2006.

  1. #1
    I posted this same to myspace forums, but since it's most likely considered as spam (sometimes myspace mods have really weird policies with deleting topics), I guess it might be more interesting to post it here. :D

    Title in mypspace.com was something like 'why do you add or accept someone as your friend'.

    I've been wondering this manytimes, since I've all kind of friends on myspace.com, not just people I know, there are also lot of people (or profiles) I barely know.

    My reasons listed, not necessarily in order:

    - I know this person offline, he/she might be my "real" friend

    - I know this person elsewhere on internet, like bboards etc., he/she might be my "online" friend (which is real too, of course)

    - I got friend request into my inbox and profile looks ok, so I just add new profile.
    I usually check profile, because there's has been spammers lately on myspace.

    - I find persons avatar (profile pic) funny, cool or interesting.

    - Added person diggs same things as I do, example music

    - I'm adding persons or profile which I admire/respect

    - There's something interesting in persons profile, not necessarily same
    subjects he/she diggs, but there's something interesting.

    - If profile is related to my home country, I usually add profile, even thought
    I might not find it so interesting. I'm living in fairly small country. :p

    - Sometimes I add profiles, when I'm surfing on web and I notice someone has also myspace page and if it's somehow related to my interests, I send friend request.

    I've to say that my main motive for being in myspace.com is (or atleast originally it was) rather networking than finding new "real" friends, so maybe my policies for adding, accepting new friends might be different than for others, dunno.

    I think I'm fairly lazy with this whole myspace thing, I'm not really searching for new profiles etc. sometimes I'm even wondering if myspace is just bullocks. :D

    After few of my offline friends came to myspace, I think it has been cool to have contact with them, because with some friends it would be otherwise quite difficult or I would do it. I know there's email, but I'm too lazy for finding out my friends email-addresses.

    So.. in the end, maybe I'm not there for networking, myspace is my way to keep in contact with old friends. :)

    I think that's all, what about others who have myspace.com account?
    odradek, Jul 12, 2006 IP
  2. odradek

    odradek Peon

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    oh well.. my thread was deleted at myspace.com, how surprising.
    odradek, Jul 12, 2006 IP