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New CMS Issue

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by Mikesblank, May 29, 2008.

  1. #1
    Hey everyone,
    I'm no designer or developer, so my understanding of technicalities and jargon is pretty limited. I also apologize if this isn't the best topic to post this issue in.

    Anyway, the site our firm is currently working on is run in WordPress, and we are looking to move it into a new CMS.

    Originally, our developer was going to code it all in aspx, and code a back end.

    Unfortunately that will be very time consuming and expensive.
    At the moment, we are looking for a good PHP CMS, such as Drupal.
    Some of the requirements include a 'lot of flexibility, with php/seo friendly URLs'.

    The site is a financial affiliate site, so we would be integrating a lot of static and dynamic material together.
    Basically; Do you guys have any CMS suggestions which have lots of flexibility and is search engine friendly, it's also important that it has a decscent back end
    Rep+ for any helpful suggestions,

    Thanks a lot,
    Mikesblank, May 29, 2008 IP
  2. hotpop

    hotpop Peon

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    Vivvo 4.0 can meet your needs. However, if you havn't any budget, joomla is another option.
    hotpop, May 29, 2008 IP
  3. TechAbhi

    TechAbhi Banned

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    i suggst to go for the latest version of Joomla...ie joomla 1.5
    its vry good n has a buildin SEF...u can enhanc it with lots of free components etc available...
    PM me if u need help
    TechAbhi, May 29, 2008 IP
  4. Typo3 Steve

    Typo3 Steve Peon

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    I suggest Typo3... using the realurl plugin. Typo3 might be a little hard at first, but as soon as you get used to it, you really LOVE it.

    Even better, Its open source :D

    Typo3 Steve, May 29, 2008 IP
  5. kdemonte

    kdemonte Peon

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    Joomla seems to be the popular choice when going to a free CMS. I personally find it alittle overwhelming at first but it definitely has alot of nice features. I also recommend phpcow although many seem to not like the program I've used it over 1 1/2 years now and have high rankings. I love the extended features they offer on top of SEO benefits. Just a thought, and they have lowered there price to $100 now which isn't that bad IMHO (no I don't work for the cow, just a user of it)
    kdemonte, May 30, 2008 IP
  6. ~kev~

    ~kev~ Well-Known Member

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    If you are no coder, or developer, go with a paid / commercial CMS, such as VIVVO or subdreamer. That way you can get real support.

    I used joomla for 6 months. Asking for support in the joomla forums is more like begging for support. You can be easily frustrated and over whelmed with what you will run into - because I sure did. Some of my questions in the joomla support forum went unanswered for weeks. Do you really want to be running your business on a website software you can not get support for? I sure dont.

    Buy yourself a good quality, commercial CMS to start with. That way, instead of begging for support in the joomla forums, you can submit a real trouble ticket and hopefully get a real answer.
    ~kev~, May 30, 2008 IP
  7. internetmarketingiq

    internetmarketingiq Well-Known Member

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    I like Joomla 1.5. The downside is the development of Mods is still a bit behind as it was released in January this year. But if everything catches up it will be extremely powerful.

    If you are looking for a business application and don't mind paying I'd take a hard look at Expression Engine. And I'd find a designer to make a custom template (That's the hardest part!).
    internetmarketingiq, May 30, 2008 IP
  8. Schebesta

    Schebesta Peon

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    How is Vivvo for SEO?

    Does it have specific plugins?
    Schebesta, Jun 2, 2008 IP