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New marketing tools

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by endual, Dec 8, 2021.

  1. #1
    I'm part of a small team that's been making top online casino games for over 20 years (IGT, Next Generation Gaming, VGW, Microgaming...) We're looking into ways we could use our content creation skills to create marketing tools in other spaces.

    We've spoken with a number of people we know, and have an idea of some of the problems they're facing, but we're trying to see if these are general challenges people are up against – and something we could help more people with.

    If you are having significant problems with marketing, particularly anything solvable with online games or interactivity related, could please send me a quick PM with the problems you're facing?
    endual, Dec 8, 2021 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    next generation != nextgames.com

    or does it, because that would be cool
    sarahk, Dec 8, 2021 IP
  3. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Be careful what you ask for. :) I am in a B2B niche and trying to launch a SaaS solution to developers of IoT devices. In effect, I am selling a "product" to embedded software engineers (and their managers) who are making a widget that has networking capability. Embedded software engineers/managers may, in fact, be the most anti-social people in the business world. They are much more comfortable looking at a screen or an eval board than dealing with another human. It is often that said that an extroverted embedded engineer is one that looks at your shoes instead of his own when forced to talk to you. That said, they are geeks through and through and new technology always catches their eye. More likely than not, they are gamers of one sort or another. However, their BS radar is always on at high sensitivity.

    Tell me how your approach could help me to attract and engage with this very difficult, highly technical audience.
    jrbiz, Dec 9, 2021 IP
  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I think I bred one of those. Might take a few years to firm up exactly what he's doing but it's teeny things that get stuck in the carpet and he writes code for them... does that sound right? FPA?

    Incredibly cynical and more up to date on world events than me.
    sarahk, Dec 9, 2021 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  5. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Winner, winner, turkey dinner! Sounds like you do indeed have an embedded engineer in your midst. If you also find circuit boards lying around the house, it is a further sign of embedded work. BTW, they are, by far, my favorite market to sell solutions to. That is, because once you are able to engage with them, they are willing to work with you and your solution to make it work for them and are incredibly honest and fair. One of the main reasons that I got involved with this latest start-up was my desire to get back into the embedded space.
    jrbiz, Dec 10, 2021 IP
    sarahk likes this.