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New Media CMS / Ideas / Feedback

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by projectshifter, May 18, 2007.

  1. #1
    We're in the process of finishing up a new CMS system, and I wanted to get some ideas and feedback on the features and see if there is anything else you guys would like to see in something you would use to run your sites.

    The overall concept is to run a media based website, but it supports flash, videos, embedded content (from youtube, google vids etc), pictures and galleries, so it can pretty much run any number of sites. Most prebuilt systems fail in the sense that they can't hold traffic, they're far inferior to custom work, and because they're so dynamic, they loose out on a lot of efficiency and end up being bulky. We tried to take a lot of the features that we do on custom sites that make things incredibly easy to update and maintain, and put it into a nice little package to make things easy. You pretty much submit a layout, I spend a few minutes adding in some keywords and let you specify some options, run it through the system and it spits out a zipped archive that is all the code you need, nothing you don't, and is a full custom site you can unzip, run the installer and voila, a fully working site.

    It's got a lot of options, like being able to have an internal admin system (where you log in like a regular user and you get extra links on the site to edit, delete, add media etc), or an external admin system so it would be /admin/ and it's a whole different panel, depending on what your tastes are. I'm thinking about adding in support to do flash video conversions (which would require me to install some software on the server), which also means autothumbnailing of videos, not sure if that's something that most people want on a site, although most of our clients prefer flash video over regular embedded content. It does let you upload a lot of videos at once via ftp (considering adding in a flash component so you can do it from a web interface as well), and then you can insert them all into the database at once. Also you can type in the url of a video and/or a thumbnail and it'll download and post it rather than you having to download it to your PC and uploading it. All of the content can be scheduled in advance, so it doesn't go live until the time you specify comes up (lets you setup content days, or weeks in advance, which I use all the time on my sites).

    It's all optimized and setup efficiently so the code will run a site with high amounts of traffic, and it's setup so you can have it automatically upload your videos to a secondary server (a lot of larger sites put their videos on a second server from their main content for load reasons). We've taken a lot of components that many of our clients have requested on their own media related websites, so it should be fairly all inclusive, but before we polish it off and start selling it, I wanted to find out if there was any interest in other features (or things that I didn't go into detail with), and if there is enough interest out there for this product as a whole. We tried to make it the best of both worlds: it's prepackaged, but it's still got all the perks of being a custom designed site (we also offer chopping up or designing layouts for a nominal fee). Anyone who wants to throw in their two cents will get a discount if they're interested, it should be released middle of next week, and if you have a price range in mind you think it would be worth for this system, feel free to say that as well. When we get it finished up, we'll be designing a few sites with it to show all the features and let everyone get a feel for how it works. Thanks guys
    projectshifter, May 18, 2007 IP
  2. Brian Kim

    Brian Kim Well-Known Member

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    a "nsfw" category feature would be nice so that people who opt-in to see the nsfw category can see it (by registration). By default, no nsfw stuff should be visible. Could you buzz me when you have a demo up? I am actually looking for a media script like this..
    Brian Kim, May 18, 2007 IP
  3. projectshifter

    projectshifter Peon

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    I'll make sure I add in a nsfw option. I also forgot to mention that things like user accounts and comments are an option (as well as letting everyone, or just users post comments, etc). Will hit you up in a few days when we've got a demo up :)
    projectshifter, May 18, 2007 IP
  4. Ricardo Corai

    Ricardo Corai Member

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    I'm using loudblog.

    You can check here: loudblog.com
    Ricardo Corai, Jun 4, 2007 IP
  5. Idiot Inside

    Idiot Inside Well-Known Member

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    projectshifter, I am vickythefire from your MSN list. Remember we talked about this script before. Please hit me up when you get some demo available.

    I will come up with some suggestions and feedback for you.
    Idiot Inside, Jun 4, 2007 IP
  6. richrf

    richrf Active Member

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    I too am interested in viewing a demo. However, from a business point of view, I would recommend that you might want to change your signature in order to promote a more business-like presentation of your product/services.

    In any case, the functionality you mentioned for your new software is interesting. My own priorities in software are:

    1) Ease of deployment and low ongoing maintenance costs (e.g. good coding and design practices)
    2) Software reliability
    3) Software security
    4) Ease of adding on new functions or integrating with current popular software (e.g. blogging software)
    5) Spam protection (a big one for me)
    6) Backward compatibility of versions
    7) Scalability (performance, number of users, etc.)

    Usually, I depend upon word of mouth, since it is not possible for me to test all of the above features. It should be interesting to see how your product does. Good luck! Sounds like a great niche.

    richrf, Jun 4, 2007 IP