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News Sites and Images

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by PHIL BADER, Jul 6, 2007.

  1. #1
    I own a soccer news site. However, I find a problem getting all my news stories images the same size, you know, they have to be in the same size in order for the site to look professional. I've stuck with a certain hight and width, but the problem is that some images can't be set to that dime. is there a very effective tool to make images smaller or bigger for any wedth, hight and resolution ?

    any response will be appreciated
    PHIL BADER, Jul 6, 2007 IP
  2. 8everything

    8everything Peon

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    I would just use photoshop and crop it a bit to suit your site's width and height. If the proportion isn't the same as your fixed #'s then you'll get some distortion.. hence cropping is a must.
    8everything, Jul 6, 2007 IP
  3. ansi

    ansi Well-Known Member

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    you could crop the images in some photo editing software as 8everything said or if you have a decent hosting solution that offers php you could use the gd2 library to sample an area of the image to be shown. this way it wont ruin the original image but will still dynamically crop it to the size that you ask.
    ansi, Jul 6, 2007 IP