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Non-mySQL CMS. Flat-file instead

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by oneawesomeguy, Apr 26, 2008.

  1. #1
    Hi guys!

    Two questions:
    1. What are some good flat-file CMSs (if they exist)?
    2. What are the pros and cons of using flat files?

    Here are my answers:
    1. I don't really know, hence me asking this question.
    2. Pros: simple to transfer to a different server, super easy to backup all my files at once. Cons: a bit database of flat files will be slllooowww...

    Now your turn. Thanks!
    oneawesomeguy, Apr 26, 2008 IP
  2. scuba5794

    scuba5794 Active Member

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    databases are easy enough to transfer too once you give it a few shots. stick with the database static files have too many cons
    scuba5794, Apr 26, 2008 IP
  3. Suri.CMS

    Suri.CMS Peon

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    Suri.CMS, Apr 26, 2008 IP
  4. smiffy6969

    smiffy6969 Peon

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    So what assumptions do you base, lack of stability and performance issues on.

    Which particular flat file cms are you talking about. I have my own flat file cms www.razorcms.co.uk and I have good stability upto several hundred pages.

    Yes you would probably choose a database type cms for uber large sites with thausands of pages, but at no point does it make the cms less stable by storing the data in flat file form.

    Due to the flat file nature, it is very liteweight and super fast on small to medium sites, one thing you will not get with your large database cms solutions installed for small sites.

    Trust me, you are sorely wrong, I have had no issues of stability with mine or other flat file cms.

    Remember that by definition a database is inherently better at holding super large amounts of data, everything has it's purpose, database cms is for medium to large sites, flatfile would be better suited for small to medium, and by medium I mean 100+ pages.

    smiffy6969, Jun 11, 2008 IP
  5. oneawesomeguy

    oneawesomeguy Peon

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    So the consensus is about 100 pages, go for mySQL?

    Anyways, this is an old thread. I think the first thread I made here at DP and now have quite a lot more posts. :)
    oneawesomeguy, Jun 11, 2008 IP