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Old school Business Idea - Need your opinion

Discussion in 'General Business' started by Nsjim, Mar 26, 2023.

  1. #1
    Hi, thanks all of you for visiting this post! -

    Just a small brief to know some details. I own an online business 13 years now. The last 3 years is failing due to a lot of things. One of them lost the ability to advertise on fb as many users might know about fb problems.
    Life is pushing me back to 9-5 .. but i dont want to be there so...

    These 10 years i learnt a lot about the online world and business. In my country right now there is a big demand for online shops. Most of them never succeed (There are reasons for this)

    The question is: would an entepreneur pay someone to teach him about online business (google search console - seo - color of the brand - logo - product images - product description - market research... and many other things that would help to succeed online? As a face to face model priced per hour.????? I have seen that if the man who owns the business and goes online is not taught properly from the agencies who build their website, has the potential to fail. Most of them tell them nothing, just take the money and stop there.

    As i told you i am loosing my online business but i want to overcome with the skills i gained from my own online business. So would someone pay me to teach them how to gain knowledge from 0 about growing an online business?

    I find these people through newspaper advertisements. These advertisements are for new online businesses asking for eccommerce manager, and business developpers to work 9-5 - But i answer them as an expert to teach them in order for them to succeed and prepare them

    Thanks for reading! - Want to hear your thoughts!
    Nsjim, Mar 26, 2023 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Why would we pay you for skills that appear to be obsolete?

    The normal way this is done is to advertise a free seminar, get 100 people in a room and tell them the vaguest of information, then upsell to a weekend seminar that's pretty expensive. At the seminar you sell your books and your ongoing mentoring program.

    You'll see people doing the equivalent online. A free one hour webinar followed by a longer, more intensive course that they pay for. I've seen that done for dog training, cooking, photography, weight loss, and probably a ton of other things.
    sarahk, Mar 26, 2023 IP
  3. Nsjim

    Nsjim Greenhorn

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    Thanks for your reply, I have seen something similar but i don't know how to execute it with free traffic - not paid. It contains a fast growing youtube channel that promotes something free , then you get to the funnell , and there is where all it happens with clickfunnells or systeme.io

    Do you have any source for the execution? I would love to by this course

    My biggest problem is ... , and i would like to hear your opinion , I might stop the business i am right now. Can this course start without a business?

    I would like to hear more , thanks!
    Nsjim, Mar 26, 2023 IP
  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Nope, you need a successful business to show your "students" as proof you know what you're talking about. They won't trust you if your business has failed.
    sarahk, Mar 26, 2023 IP
  5. Nsjim

    Nsjim Greenhorn

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    Just to let you know my business has failed due to a sneaky hit every day for 13 years now by one of my competitor. If you would now the strategy you would understand that there is not much that i can do. Believe me is the toughest online strategy you can't imagine -

    Just to let you know the failure or the succeess due to this strategy was not 100% on my hands - I am bullied by a very big digital agency in order to leave from the market and others be able to ask for whatever prices they want.
    Nsjim, Mar 26, 2023 IP
  6. Randall Magwood

    Randall Magwood Active Member

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    If you're asking if you can become a consultant to these people and share knowledge that you only know theoretically, then it's possible - but not advisable. More than likely if you dont know how to generate leads and customers for your own online business, how are you going to attract then convince others on your strategies for generating customers for their business? You should probably go into something much simpler such as Ebay or Amazon if you struggle with generating basic traffic to your site, and converting these people into customers.
    Randall Magwood, Mar 29, 2023 IP
  7. Nsjim

    Nsjim Greenhorn

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    I don/t know it theoritacally, I know to produce sales in action, the big broblem is the market want's it cheap!
    Nsjim, Mar 29, 2023 IP
  8. Artisan

    Artisan Well-Known Member

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    Usually no, because most business people are sure, that the work should be done by the specially trained professional people. Even if you will try to teach the business people free of charge (gratis), they will not learn. Here is the joke, the business person explains his business model, I buy the product at the price of 1 (one) dollar, then I sell this product at the price of 2 (two) dollars, and I live on these 2 (two) percents of the profit. It may be useful for you to read the "Black Swan" book by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, there is the place within this book about the thick practical business person, and about the thin specially trained professional person. In general, most people are limited by their personal features, and their old habits, thus they do not want to learn anything, which may move them out of these limits. You are the example. Here is the digest from your other thread.

    Serious advise Needed - Critical Situation


    I can teach you free of charge (gratis), how to make the good money online, with absolutely legitimate (and respectable) method, without any material investment, without any special abilities, and quite easily, but, most probably, you will not read my advice, then, you will not understand my advice, and then, you will not act according to my advice. Because my advice will be opposite to your old habits. And, most probably, you will continue to act according to your old habits, even when your old habits are harmful for you, instead of acting according to my advice, which may be beneficial for you. But there exists the tiny probability, that you will act according to my advice, thus I shall try to send to you my advice through the private message of this forum.
    Artisan, Mar 30, 2023 IP
  9. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Your best bet might be to use your skills to start a new business in a totally different market. Not only will this make you money, but it also will prove that your techniques can be applied to other businesses, as well.
    jrbiz, Mar 31, 2023 IP
  10. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Why on earth would any sane person want to pay you? Do they want to learn from you how to fail? Will you coach them on how to go about losing your business?
    Spoiltdiva, Mar 31, 2023 IP
  11. Annaccond

    Annaccond Member

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    1. As to your question "would an entrepreneur pay someone to teach him about online business" the answer is NO. That's like asking "would a chef pay someone to teach him how to cook". Entrepreneurs are people with experience who know how to run their business and are already running it - that's why they are entrepreneurs. They already have the skills they need and/or a team of people with those skills working for them. People who failing in their own business, usually becoming business advisers...

    Anyway, how do you want to teach others how to run an online business if you can't create a successful business yourself? What you can do is join those "fake" experts/coaches who do YouTube tutorials or courses on Udemy/Skillshare. It's still a popular business model to pretend you're rich and successful and share your secret methods of making money online (with affiliate links included). Just keep in mind that this has a short life cycle, as people who fail after following your advice/training will stop subscribing affiliate services (you'll lose commissions) and eventually destroy your credibility with negative comments/reviews.

    2. The reason why your business is failing is that you are mentally stuck in how it was 10 years ago. It's not that your skills are outdated and useless today, but you're not adapting them for use on what the market demands now. Things are constantly changing, customer needs are changing and as a business owner you have to keep up. You can use the same skills or assets, just incorporate them into another product or service. Advertising on FB doesn't work for you anymore, so find a new method to advertise. It seems so obvious to me.

    3. You mentioned there is a demand for online stores in your country, but they're not succeeding. Find the reason why (bad niche, bad product quality, bad suppliers, bad customer service, lack of advertising) and do it right - you can have a successful e-commerce business.
    Annaccond, Apr 6, 2023 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  12. MidnightPhoenix

    MidnightPhoenix Peon

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    It's a great concept, in my opinion, to use your skills to start a successful business while also assisting others. To be successful, you must do in-depth market research to determine your target market and distinctive selling point. You should think about developing a website to highlight my skills, offer case studies, and display client feedback to create credibility and develop a clientele.

    Additionally, it would be fantastic to partner with a business that provides software solutions, especially MVPs for startups, and detailed consulting services since this might completely transform your startup. This collaboration may be a fantastic chance for you, whether you wish to grow your present company or launch a prosperous startup. I wish you success!
    MidnightPhoenix, Apr 18, 2023 IP
    jrbiz likes this.