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Painting with acrylics using a projector and Photoshop

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by Ben262, Oct 2, 2022.

  1. #1
    Hello Everyone!
    Thank you for having me on this site. I would love some pointers in how to use photoshop to create large canvas paintings from photographs. I have a projector.
    In short I would like to be able to break the image I'm using down to, say, 20 - 30 colours. Then, 1 by 1 i would like to be able to project each colour onto my canvas, trace round it and colour it in.
    I have not been able to find any tutorials online. Any help will be hugely appreciated. Thank you
    Ben262, Oct 2, 2022 IP
  2. Sumit_Singh

    Sumit_Singh Well-Known Member

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    I'm giving you a solution based on what I understood from your requirement.
    • first, you have to open your image in photoshop.
    • add gridlines on your image.
    • then exp[ort your image for the web (legacy). In there lower the value of the colour down to 30. Under perceptual change diffusion to no dither.
    • after that add grid lines on your physical canvas in the same ratio as you did in photoshop.
    and you're done! cheers
    Sumit_Singh, Oct 11, 2022 IP
  3. bijutoha

    bijutoha Well-Known Member

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    1. Start by opening the photograph in Photoshop.
    2. Use the Image > Mode > Color Reduction menu to reduce the number of colors in the image. You can reduce the number of colors to 20, 30, or any other number you like.
    3. Once the image has been reduced to the desired number of colors, you can save it as a new file. This will create a flattened version of the image with no layers, which will make it easier to project onto your canvas.
    4. Project the image onto your canvas. You can use a projector or a lightbox to do this.
    5. Trace around the different colors on the canvas. You can use a pencil, marker, or even a paintbrush.
    6. Color in the different areas of the canvas. You can use acrylic paint, oil paint, or any other paint you like.
    bijutoha, Jul 16, 2023 IP