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People who dont like the water

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by spiced, Sep 4, 2022.

  1. #1
    So i realized that,a lot of times people just stand around pools or go to the beach and never touch the water. Whats up with that?
    spiced, Sep 4, 2022 IP
  2. SimonGoding13

    SimonGoding13 Peon

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    maybe they just want to tan that's my only theory
    SimonGoding13, Sep 4, 2022 IP
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  3. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    For some people, a pool or beach is more of a social gathering place as opposed to a place to get wet. For some, it is a place to see and to be seen. Our ancestors used to gather by the community watering hole to cook, wash, etc., and a lot of socializing went on there, too.
    jrbiz, Sep 4, 2022 IP
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  4. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    I don't mind my own pool, but I try to avoid public restrooms called pools. Pretty much every little kid tinkles in a public pool. I saw toddlers swimming in diapers. Niiice.

    I live about 40 min. from the ocean. I enjoy to go there for a swim or to ride a surfboard, but we have a jellyfish season when swimming can be kinda tricky. I don't know anyone who wants to be stung by a jellyfish. Dig the sand and you'll notice hundreds upon hundreds of sand fleas and tiny crabs. Repulsive. When I started noticing how filthy (full of repulsive creatures) the ocean actually is my desire to go there went down significantly. I still do go, but not with the same enthusiasm.

    qwikad.com, Sep 4, 2022 IP
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  5. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Hopefully, they were the waterproof diapers that can be used in pools. Not sure how good they actually work, though...

    Up here, we have become a favorite feeding ground for Great White sharks in the summer time. Of course, we were the original location for the Jaws movie, so it all fits. Another good reason to stay out of the water.
    jrbiz, Sep 4, 2022 IP
  6. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I love the ocean but it's man's filth that turns me off. Surfing in England and seeing how they (don't) treat sewage removed all my social shame of not eating fish.

    I have a BIL who nearly drowned as a child, island holidays for him were a nightmare.

    Some cultures don't swim. Visit Western Samoa & you'll see the locals in small creek-fed pools but never in the ocean - ON boats, sure, but not in the water. Typically drownings in NZ are of people from cultures where swimming isn't the norm. They see us swimming, boogie boarding, surfing, fishing on the rocks & join in, only they're lacking the years of experience that keep us safe.

    What NZers find odd are the Aussies who set up picnic furniture IN their pools because it's so hot, or the American parties where people are just standing in waist-deep water. Maybe with climate change we'll understand!

    ⬇️ looks hideous, one guy is actually smoking - where does the ash & butt go?

    sarahk, Sep 4, 2022 IP
  7. Stanelywebner

    Stanelywebner Peon

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    It could be because they are afraid of water, don't know how to swim, or just don't want to get wet. It's also possible that they're just there to enjoy the scene and don't want to swim. People are different, so there could be many reasons why someone would just stand around a pool or beach and not go in.
    Stanelywebner, Mar 31, 2023 IP
  8. JSMark

    JSMark Well-Known Member

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    There could be a variety of reasons why people choose not to enter the water at a pool or beach. Some people may have a fear of water or swimming, while others may have medical or physical conditions that prevent them from entering the water. Additionally, some people may simply prefer to relax on the beach or by the pool without getting wet.

    In some cases, the weather or water conditions may also play a role in whether or not people choose to enter the water. For example, if the water is too cold, too choppy, or has dangerous currents, people may opt to stay on the shore for safety reasons.

    Overall, it's important to respect other people's choices and preferences when it comes to water activities. Some people may enjoy swimming and water sports, while others may prefer to enjoy the scenery and soak up the sun.
    JSMark, Apr 11, 2023 IP
  9. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    I was standing by a pool in Germany, I think I was around 6. A kid pushed me into the deep end and I couldn't swim. My brother who was older, fished me out. I had a fear of the water after that. I did eventually get over it, but am in no way an enthusiast.

    I have a pool but hardly ever use it, except to sit by it with a beverage once in awhile.
    Spoiltdiva, Apr 11, 2023 IP
  10. Edna Welburg

    Edna Welburg Banned

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    There's often a trauma at some level connected to not liking water, so basically, most people who don't like it are afraid of it. Of course, sometimes it's just a case of simple - I don't like it. Some simply don't enjoy swimming or being around water.
    Edna Welburg, Apr 17, 2023 IP