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Photoshop grouped brushes

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by Secretmapper, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. #1
    Hello to everyone at digital point.

    Can anyone be kind enough to share their (grouped) photoshop brushes? You see, I just re-formated my computer, and I have failed to save my 356 'tidy' and 'grouped' brushes!
    I have all the brushes on a back-up drive however. Problem? It's not tidy.

    I know you might be saying that I should stop freaking, but checking out the brushes does COVER OUT my WHOLE SCREEN. Furthermore, I am requesting this because I need it for a competition on October 14, so I can't just go about tidying up.

    So if anyone has a collection of brushes, PLEASE share them. I will have your unlimited gratitude.

    Thank you and good day!
    Secretmapper, Oct 11, 2011 IP
  2. syntaxed

    syntaxed Peon

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    Too bad that I don't have grouped brushes. It's been a really long time since I used brushes. Well, I do use a few custom brushes though. Just a few. I would suggest you lurking around DeviantArt for brushes. There're too many cool stuffs there.
    syntaxed, Nov 18, 2011 IP
  3. axemgm

    axemgm Peon

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    you can apand your burs
    axemgm, Nov 30, 2011 IP
  4. vanggelica

    vanggelica Peon

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    I do not have a a lot brushes, please download the brushes providers at multiple sites.
    vanggelica, Jan 2, 2012 IP