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PhpNuke replacement

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by costy81gl, Jan 9, 2006.

  1. #1
    I have a nuke site with 9,000 members and it’s running very, very slow and I want to replace it with a better CMS. What is the best choice for me. I want it to run faster, also to have a similar structure. All modules are customized and I have about 10 modules made by me, so I’ll have to work a lot to make the translation.
    costy81gl, Jan 9, 2006 IP
  2. damchi

    damchi Peon

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    Try demoing the CMS listed at www.opensourcecms.com and see which one you like.

    Btw... Like you said it yourself, this is going to be a major job. Did you check if PHPNuke is really the source of your site's problems? You might want to check if you need a new host/server, because a database & script driven site with that many members will probably require a dedicated server, no matter what CMS you use.
    damchi, Jan 9, 2006 IP
  3. saintdw

    saintdw Peon

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    Yeah, check the host first. I was running a site on a host that would take loads of time to do mysql queries, then i switched to my current host and website flies.
    saintdw, Jan 9, 2006 IP