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Pinterest- buyable pins worth it?

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by Food Forest Plants, May 4, 2023.

  1. #1
    Hi I am new to this forum. We have a plant nursery and we sell from home and online (Australia).
    I wanted to connect my product feed to Pinterest and my product feed was declined. It could be because I don't use SKU numbers it could be because not every product has an image, it could be something else.
    I could reapply trying to fullfill all they want but then - is it worth it? Would I been thrown out every time I post a product (plant) without a picture? Would it lead to single items sales (they are not very good for us)?
    Is it even worth it?
    What is your opinion?
    Food Forest Plants, May 4, 2023 IP
  2. Anikate Verma

    Anikate Verma Greenhorn

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    If your plant nursery's products match the style of Pinterest and you have good pictures for all your items, connecting your feed could help you grow online. However, think about combining items to encourage bigger orders, and keep an eye on how well it works for your business.
    Anikate Verma, Oct 3, 2023 IP
  3. BarbaraRogers

    BarbaraRogers Member

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    Absolutely! Pinterest's buyable pins, commonly called "Shop the Look" hooks, provide businesses with an effective means of linking users directly to products. Leveraging Pinterest's visual nature, this feature enables customers to seamlessly transition from inspiration to purchase - particularly useful for industries like fashion, home decor, or DIY, which need visual inspiration for marketing their products. Furthermore, the in-app shopping experience helps retain user attention, minimizing drop-off rates when redirecting users externally. However, as with any strategy implemented by businesses, its effectiveness must be evaluated individually relative to each company's goals and target audiences.
    BarbaraRogers, Oct 12, 2023 IP