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Please help me with this method

Discussion in 'General Business' started by Spartan14, Nov 7, 2022.

  1. #1
    Hy all i need help
    I start a new method and the beauty part its that i can use only my phone to get traffic so i dont need to work at pc
    The way i do it its that i drive traffic throught forums ,quora ,fb profile ,pinterest only using phone by answering questions ,helping people in make money online niche
    The building list its going well as i can aquire 10 or 20 leads daily
    When people sign up they are redirected to an aff page
    Then on my autoresponder i send daily emails with clickbank offers etc
    And the conversion rate it almost 0 and i dont know why and i dont understand whats the problem
    Please give me some sugestions on what can be wrong ?
    Maybe mmo niche its way to saturated ?
    Or traffic from social media its not good for conversion
    Or wbat do you think i am doing wrong ?
    Thanks in advance
    Spartan14, Nov 7, 2022 IP
  2. seomanualsubmission

    seomanualsubmission Well-Known Member

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    According to me this is reason. I noticed also that if we are sharing or commenting on any post or questions then got like or show that this number of people saw this but conversion rate is nothing. I think Social media is helpful for branding, specially if you are providing any services. If you are selling any products then may be you will get some additional hits and few sale but for services social media is not helpful according to my experience.
    seomanualsubmission, Nov 7, 2022 IP
  3. Randall Magwood

    Randall Magwood Active Member

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    I think your traffic sources are good, and I don't believe that the MMO niche is the root of the problem. IF I had to guess, I would say the conversion rate is 0 because of your offer, and the way you are presenting it in your emails. Since you're getting a considerable amount of leads on a daily basis, have you tried testing a different offer to the list? What are the demographics of your niche?
    Randall Magwood, Nov 9, 2022 IP
  4. Color.clipping

    Color.clipping Peon

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    I think the essential thing to convert your offer is to focus on providing high value Offer
    That your group of target can't resist, it is so critical to building trust and sales
    After solving offer issue you can focus on generating more and

    more leads and connection. . . Will be helpful to your success.
    Color.clipping, Nov 26, 2022 IP