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Post with link problem on facebook page

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by misele, Nov 27, 2018.

  1. #1
    I have a problem a few days ago. When I post a post with a link to my facebook page it remains directly on the page but is displayed on the facebook user's home page. So my fans can not see a post with a link to their home page only when they directly access my facebook page. On other pages, it works normally but one of my pages has a problem. The pictures are normally displayed as a problem with the posts with the link they remain directly on the page but not at the start. My reach has fallen because of that.
    misele, Nov 27, 2018 IP
  2. zainsultan

    zainsultan Well-Known Member

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    I think your images are not fetching on facebook. Try on your admin panel and fix this issue.
    zainsultan, Nov 30, 2018 IP