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Product Photo Cleanup in Photoshop ?

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by FariZimal, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. #1
    Dear Experts,
    I have scanned and cropped pictures from a beauty salon instruments catalogue for uploading products on website but the products pictures quality is not really good. There are lot of noise, dust, scratches on the photos. I have cropped all products from the catalogue and there are about hundreds of the photos. I have attached some of them photos in a zip file and uploaded on 4shared website because digitalpoint forum doesn't allowing me to upload big size of files.

    I need professionals experts to help me to make the products photo quality better. I want to get rid of noise, dust and scratches without losing actual colors of the products.


    Please experts help me asap.

    Thanks in Advance
    FariZimal, Jan 30, 2014 IP
  2. Rayhan Abu

    Rayhan Abu Greenhorn

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    I am not able to share my link here. Please find it forms my social profile. I assure you of my service quality.
    Rayhan Abu, Mar 10, 2014 IP
  3. shafeeq6pk

    shafeeq6pk Member

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    Pls send that photo in my Email ID
    i will do it :)
    shafeeq6pk, Mar 11, 2014 IP