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Pros in Photoshop...look..

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by fuse-box, Jul 8, 2007.

  1. #1
    soo...i need someone...that can mix two pictures together....paste a picture on some one elses pics...like u know put a face on a photo and make it look realistic...
    i am trying to mess with a few of my friends :D...and i usally work with Fireworks soo...i can't really do it with that...i wane see their faces when they c it
    and i need someone with a good photoshop skills to do the job for me...sooo plz help a brother out...:cool:
    so... let me know how much will cost me...thanks...
    fuse-box, Jul 8, 2007 IP
  2. Kerosene

    Kerosene Alpha & Omega™ Staff

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    You mean like this? :D
    PM a url with the 2 pics and I'll see what I can do.

    Kerosene, Jul 8, 2007 IP
    fuse-box likes this.