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PSD-to-Web template process?

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by mac_crazy, Jun 17, 2007.

  1. #1
    Hi all...

    I've been a print designer for a long time, and been doing projects for web for a short while. I understand how to create banners (static and animated), and understand how they are utilized on a web page.

    What I'm not as clear on is how to create a full web page using Photoshop. I mean, I do know that basically you set up the document to the pixel dimensions you need, and layout the entire page as you'd like to see it. Then (and thank you to ansi for this info!) I guess you "slice" the page up into layers (for buttons, links, menus, etc). My main questions are:

    1) how does this get "coded" afterwards? I definitely can't do the coding myself, don't know how.

    2)Once I build a template this way in PS, can an experienced coder take it and create a functional webpage from it?

    3) Are there any drawbacks to doing it this way?

    4) Anything else I should know about this process? I have a lot of great ideas for webpages, and even have some potential business if I can clarify this.

    Thanks for your help in advance!

    mac_crazy, Jun 17, 2007 IP
    CountryBoy likes this.
  2. PluT0

    PluT0 Well-Known Member

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    i am also printing designer for long time too... :) but coding is my hobby...
    anyway you can read people long tutorial w ww[dot]zymic[dot]com/view_tutorial.php?id=120
    so many people also offer service psd 2 xhtml or so... any way whats your idea ?? may we can share our idea.
    PluT0, Jun 17, 2007 IP
  3. 8everything

    8everything Peon

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    Are you running photoshop CS ? You can look up tutorials on how you can convert PSD to XHTML.

    Anyways, for me: I do a lot of "chopping" when I need to code layouts into sites.. chopping out the essential graphic elements and then reproducing/stitching everything up by coding. IT's a very tedious process..
    8everything, Jun 17, 2007 IP
  4. ansi

    ansi Well-Known Member

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    hey bud, if you're just designing it, don't worry about the code or slicing of the layout. just draw it. the person coding it should go through and slice it the way he or she feels would be best for the situation. personally if someone handed me a bunch of images or a psd itself and asked me which one i would prefer to go from, i would choose the psd. the main reason being that programmers think differently from designers. there's no telling what is going through their head and what ideas they have on how it should be put back together. but if you are to code it as well, shut off al the text layers or stuff that will be it's own element on the website and look at it for about 10 minutes. slice it up in your head into a bunch of squares and then drag out some guides. after that, slice it up how you see fit for the job and open up your favorite text editor and start piecing it back together. personally i slice as i am coding. i code the part where the image will sit, then i cut the image and move on to the next. it really isn't too hard once you get used to it but like i said, i'f you're just the designer on this, let the developer slice it unless he asks you to directly.

    hope some of this helps you out bud.
    ansi, Jun 17, 2007 IP
    8everything and CountryBoy like this.
  5. mac_crazy

    mac_crazy Peon

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    Thanks for your input everyone!

    Trav, I know you explained most of this to me the other day, I'm just a little slow, and wanted to do some more research. Thanks again. :-D
    mac_crazy, Jun 17, 2007 IP
  6. ansi

    ansi Well-Known Member

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    haha no problem man :) you'll pick it up in no time at all. i have faith in ya.
    ansi, Jun 17, 2007 IP