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Quality of image in Photoshop

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by sahirfarid, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. #1
    Hey all!

    I am facing a problem. After creating a logo in photoshop when I save it in .gif or .jpg format, its quality gets very low and the logo looks very odd. I need your suggestions in this regards, what should I do with it while saving?

    sahirfarid, Jan 11, 2012 IP
  2. Sam Gilmore

    Sam Gilmore Peon

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    There are certain programs which solve these problems. Unfortunately I can't put links om these forum. You may google something like "make small picture look good"...smth like this.

    If your logo doesn't work when it's tiny, reduce the fine detail (or make strokes a little thicker) until you get something that has the "look" of the original. You may have to go back and forth between the two until you have a combination that works, and it may be that your big, bad logo
    way too busy, no matter how spiffy it seemed when you first came up with it. Sometimes the delete key is your best friend.
    Sam Gilmore, Jan 13, 2012 IP