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[QUESTION] For Web and Graphic Designers

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by LindseyInteractive, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. #1
    Hello All,
    I am a web and graphic design much like most of you here at DP. I have a question for you guys.

    Currently I have been using joomla for my site, which can be viewed below:


    Now, I work with this site alot away from work, so I don't use the whole HTML creation from scratch, I like the CMS that allow me to be online to edit the information and what not.

    Now the question I have, is I am in the midst of redoing my entire site, its going to be simplier, lean, and the menu is going to be across the top with drop-down menus instead of having each one sectioned out like it is now.

    I am wandering if I should go back with a Joomla Based sites or switch to a wordpress, as I design many templates and code many wordpress templates each day.

    I was wanting to get your opions and mostly would like for any other Designers to post any of your professional looking sites that you have for your design company that have been made in wordpress.

    I would like to get an idea of how others designs have implemented wordpress as a site creation and not just a blogging system.

    I hope to get some really good feedback and see some awesome looking sites.
    LindseyInteractive, Jun 25, 2008 IP
  2. Nigel Lew

    Nigel Lew Notable Member

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    In my own opinion its verging on unprofessional to cobble together your business site with joomla. Additionally, it should be in your root folder not at /joomla. You should also remove the joomla favicon as it just makes you look lazy.

    hope that helps,
    Nigel Lew, Jun 25, 2008 IP
  3. LindseyInteractive

    LindseyInteractive Well-Known Member

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    Oh I know this, this has only been up for just a little bit, and was just a test out to see how I can do thing with Joomla, I am under going a complete redesign, that is why I posted here to see others people sites that they have created in wordpress so I can compare if I want to go ahead and do the wordpress or stick with what I am doing.
    LindseyInteractive, Jun 25, 2008 IP
  4. Nigel Lew

    Nigel Lew Notable Member

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    For the sake of argument though, I get not everyone can hire a programmer to build and keep stuff updated. It will make your life alot easier if you have a cms. Joomla, unfortunately, does not seem to provide enough separation from design and function. Meaning, you literally have to crawl into the php to change the ways forms look and things of that nature.

    If you can get your head around drupal it's a much better solution. I find that stuff a bit vexing because it sort of has its own terminology or language.

    My local competition(killing me lol) uses a Drupal platform to do all their work. Some of it is quite slick like http://www.aspendailynews.com/ if you follow the footer link you will find their website. That's drupal as well I believe.

    Joomla nuthuggers chime in to haze me in 5...4...3...2... lol

    Nigel Lew, Jun 25, 2008 IP
  5. LindseyInteractive

    LindseyInteractive Well-Known Member

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    Thanks, I will look into drupal....Anyone else please if you can show me a list of some of your wordpress sites that you have done (designers) so I can see how professional you guys can use this CMS beside using it just for blogging
    LindseyInteractive, Jun 25, 2008 IP
  6. Nigel Lew

    Nigel Lew Notable Member

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    http://www.wpremix.com/home/ I think that may help you. There are some good looking sites on there. I have not messed with it much but love wordpress these days.

    Nigel Lew, Jun 25, 2008 IP