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Rant about Suppers Ready in Dublin

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by yfs1, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. #1
    I know we have a few Dublin posters (and quite a few in Ireland or at least visit Dublin for the UK) so allow me to rant a bit :D

    I had a horrible experience with a new takeaway concept called Suppers Ready in Dublin. Rathmines to be more exact. When I say new, they are actually many months old and have a corporate catering side that has been in operation for quite some time.

    The basic premise of Suppers Ready is to offer good food for takeaway rather than the normal indian, chinese, pizza fare. I loved the concept so we were excited to try it. We had recently received the menu so it was a perfect oppurtunity.

    It was, however, a disaster from the beggining. When we tried to order they stopped making just about everything on the menu (This is the only way to order) . After exhausting our initial choices, we asked the person who was taking our order, what the actual main courses were and he sighed and said to call back later because he was busy.

    Despite that initial bad service, we called back to get the choices (maybe we just got a grumpy person). The same person answered and after a bit more sighing started to give us the choices. We picked quickly, not looking to annoy the person. I also got a Caesar Salad (which I was asked, do you want Caesar Dressing??? More on that in a bit)

    When the food arrived, some of it was missing. I called back and the guy actually got annoyed with us and said "Do you really want it?". After we said yes, he informed us it would be another hour. When the food finally arrived, they had charged us for delivery a second time and refused to give us the food if we didn't pay it. Talk about guts!! That Caesar Salad which had a brilliant description ended up being plain lettuce with Caesar Dressing. No croutons, vine ripened olives, or sun dried tomatoes as the menu claimed (Although the bill said and charged for Caeser Salad)

    When we did finally start eating it was cold reheated mush (although the desserts were good - most likely prepackaged).

    And what did we pay to be treated this way - €40 for two (Remeber this is a takeaway, not a restaurant)

    I can tell you we will never order from Suppers Ready in Rathmines again and hopefully we are able to keep anyone else from making the same mistake with Suppers Ready.

    Their site is suppersready.ie in case you want to see how good the menu sounds compared to how bad it actually is.

    Summary: Beware of Suppers Ready

    :) That felt good to get of my chest :)
    yfs1, Feb 22, 2005 IP
  2. T0PS3O

    T0PS3O Feel Good PLC

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    Might give 'em a ring for a laugh and ask if they deliver to E4 postcodes here in London. Obviously, only after going through the entire menu and all ingredients of course.
    T0PS3O, Feb 22, 2005 IP
  3. yfs1

    yfs1 User Title Not Found

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    The sad part is it seems to be the trend of customer service everywhere. I run more than one business and bend over backwards to make my customers happy. I just don't see that anymore from your local joint to banks (don't get me started on banks).

    I just though that because Suppers Ready hinge their whole business on being different, that they would respond better (Their manager refused to credit the second delivery charge - Technically it WAS delivered twice...Huh?)
    yfs1, Feb 22, 2005 IP